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| DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 -— 2016 . TITLE DETERMINATION OF VOLUMETRIC EFFECIENCY OF AN AIR COMPRESSOR, Name__G°P| VARMA: | ExperimentNo, 4. —__ Date of Performance: 20" Jan ‘oll Roto, 133126 Date of Submission: 3° Feb'20lb cuass_ TECH 3/4. Me cA ‘A! 5 “5 ] Lo ecaot PIB fillers colina Report Accepted on \ , by == ~*. zhehs Grade ROLL No. ... a SHEET No. .. DETERMINATION OF VOLUMETRIC EFFILIENCY OF AN AIR COMPRESSOR AIM. To conduct a constant speed performance best $ OW Khe Compressoy ond to ‘determine the volumet(ic efrrctencg: SPECIFICATIONS: LP cultuder bore = (oom HP uplinder bore = 9 39%8em Cowwon choke = 850m Free al delivered = 0:34 win CENSTRU MENTS! (1) potavaeteY pat earner Q) Thermometer (0°c — (00%) and at 1377.28kq @ Ppremsure eet THEORY * Compressors are used to supply, com pressed aty at Wg pressure fot dviving wine, equipmenE aud ventilation systems for Superchaygtug , for Spiay painting ete “The quantley of aly delivered depends on the preseure und ex whack je ts Celivered- Since the yeciever i's a conctant volume Chamber; the inflow of compressed aly teveases pressuve on the delivery with A conseguent high prusure onthe delivery valve. This veststawce veduce the oo from Compressor The volume efricie ncy Swept volume Of the compressor per NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 SHEET No. minute , ts a weasuve of the oukput of Com press 07 « A Wigh volumetyie ebicienty Means a higher delivery ° Ts usually takes plaw ak a lowey pressure, PROCEDURE ; epeed () Run the cowaptescoy at constant vated P af 30 1pm (D Vary the plecture and note down + of Ha Yotowmeter at different values ® Tabulate the values: 2 Yeading’ FORMULAE: = 2 obot X O14 (> Speed of Hee Com pressev = nk = speedof ee Free aiv delivered at toom condition (*frain’) = Op Rotamatr yeacing yo 028 x A23+t) (he [mind Carts) ® (2) Swept volume = Q, = Bove avea of LP egiader (s wm) yY stoke of LP cylinder ome) x Ne th Volumebiie efficiency = Qe x loo (1) Qr (D Reciever pressure (bas) (absolute ) = Rectever pressure. Cbav guage) + Room ae : NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 Ipst = 0-0684 bow | | no Be Rewever pressure Rotametey Or Qr labschtc | Yeading | Cr fran Cn [nai i | G5 Coat) | (fe /min) ca S| aval) 1g 0-407 0 4207 | 2) 60 Slo 3 O37 04387 | (=| 70 59 = 0349 04207 | 4 80 6-48 " O39 O'4.07 5.| 40 47 lo 02906 0: 4207 [6.| (00 1186 4 0:2616 = 94209 + cPA : ie 4 ae alate | dl ee OBSERVATIONS! en (vo Speed of wotov = [10 1p™ “() Room temperature = 26°C ( heom pressure = F710 will’ bay OATAPLE CALCULATIONS! ogee dine No = [stoxote = 620: 21pm Qe = PHO erg x (e846) 5.544 m%/min ert) te Qr = wh xl VIS YRS y IO y¥ fa0- 2 = OF PET wi [rain Velumebte etboency = 0349 xloo = 82-957. 04207 GRAPHS DRAWN ! Volume fie efhuency Ch) vs Rectever pressuve (bar absolute ) RESULT: As the pressure tncteases voluwetiic efbiven decremes because at high pressure the volume. occupieg by the ay alvea dy present in the Gplinder IS move, so fhe actual discharge will be (ess » Hence Volumetnc efheleme dewitaxés - INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 SL DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 201¢ . TITLE DETERMINATION OF VIScasiTy oF OIL Name _GrOPl VARMA “M Experiment No. 2- Date of Performance 3 Feb! 2014 RollNo._| S324 Date of Submission : (6 Febs! 2016 cuss _BTEcH 3/4 MECH’ A’ . i i eee 10 Grade _ SHEET No. ... AIM: “To determine te viscosity in redwood seconds of the INSTRUMENTS: Redwoad viscometer, top Watch , tretometey, THEORY: This method finds viscosity ofan oil asthe Flow DETERMINATION OF VISCOSITY O- ol ives SOwuple of oi] at vatious fem peratures from Yoom temperatuie using Yedwood viscometer and to plot the vaviah'on of Kinematic and Aynowaie viscosity with temperature « wens wring flask, hydvometer: I'n Seconds Heiough viscometer but not in absolute units of viscosity “Ts matinly tofind viscosity of Newtoman products: Fluid viscosity determines the vesi’stance under fominar flow ofteved 0 sheay: Dynamic flu viscosity Langental flow offered to shear Dynamic fluid prs cosity! tangential force on unit avea af units NShua The vis cost] of lubricating oll sameasute of energy logt mm beatings due to sheay: Move viscosity move loss clue fo bearing faichion Teo low yiscos Hy will lead te metal to metal contact in KIN. bearings in lube oll demperature Since Increase a t ; ea ecxeases viscosty » use lube pil for use of ng ae "ay, WARAN 508 004 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: SHEET No. .. PROCEDURE: () Before switching on the electe Supply at yom temperature , note down the time taken is Seconds for Collecting Soct-of oil witk o stop watch ( Now Supply is given and os oi! gets heated up ak Yequlay tntervals ef tempevature soil (say “sc -Nok down the hme for collecting 50ce., of oil. : (3 Te another vessel take oil sample and heat tt to Some high -Lempeyatuye » As it qs Cooled down at Yegulay iwtervals (say Sc) ef tempevatuye, Note down the Speci fie qiaviy of ofl witha hydvemeter. CALW LATION! Ye At- Ble A= 26x10! ms * B= VXP [ B= [Tex lon | £— Hme tm seconds P > density of ofl (obtained dfcm tha quopls) BK > absolute vicosity (Ns/m~) VY = Kine mate viscosity (wi ls) GRAPHS To BE DRAWN | WO Wscosity tn yedwood seconds Vs Temperature @ Density of ofl vs Tem pevatuve @ Kite mate viscosity Ve Temperature A) Absolute viscosity Vs Tem peratave NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 00+ oo ae TABLE 4: Time fov Kiwemohe. Densi: Absolute collecting Ce) viscosity (Y) Ls co (sec) (mals ) (kg bw (Nsfat 80 1.865 %10°! 352 esq ed 6o2 pag kl | Baer page is * 544 baqyte 3445 ow x tort ca! [ope lo? 8405 01814 x ort oe 0:89 x (oT 8300 oma x font 4S 081% 107 83405 it TABLE 2 ls Temperature. ' Density () [a] PL) Cagiva a 34 { 352 = 90 Ble 3 BO | B23 16 } 979 { 4 me bo | B34 el 3c [82 J ROLL No. ...! SHEET No. 2 SAMPLE CALCULATION ! ol temperature = 39° Time -foy collect'ng (t) (seconds) = 66-2 Kivwematic viscosity = pb xlox 66-2 — bay to! Une tine oR = 46L Klos Density at 34°C (from qraph) = ah a's ke (m3 Absolule vis cas ity ( Ns fae) = [AGLY [ot x BEB Tend wot Ns fn RESULT: Fyom the qraphs plotted , we an conclude that as temperature, imereases 5 dens ty iKtnemat'c anal absolute viscosity will decease in liquids because. the imtermoleculay obistance increases avd mitrmoleulay forces decreases: But Incase of gases, due to increase i'n intenmolecutou collisions as fem perature yises, the vite.crk alto Incteares - a ge |ATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL, pesofie ineatakiae eee: cole. seo la avis > Tom yon's +7 te ot | ewe (> seine | siale| Yous > low 2 z 3 Z = = = = 3 g 3 2 = 2 # 6 g 2 z 3 & 2 Tex peratuve viscosHty Ys | | | DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 2016 . TITLE DISTILLATION TEST (AND ) DETERMINATION OF FLASH AND FIRE POINTS ane _Gepl VARA Experiment No. 3 a Date of Performance: (0 Feb/ae4 6 Gh Date of Submission: |a® Fo fp/a.016 cass Bia, Mech A’ / f on yp ON ROLL NO. wb RAI SHEET No... DISTILLATION TEST AIM. TO distill the (Ven sample of gasoline and te draw the distillabon characteristie gf oil: INSTRUMENTS + [oowd Eug ley's flask, cthermometeys (0- 200%) 5 enaenslns unre and a measuring Jer THEORY: Gasoline i's a mixture of lighe and heavy hydrocarbons having obi'tterent boiling points The lempcvature at whith a aver "lof the Sample evaporates ik a measure of volatal Of fe tek fuel. A step qradient of fle distillation chayacters Indicates that the oil ic hight yolatlle - PROCEDURE: (0 Take loomd of flu sample jnto the distillation Jlask and heat Ie (2% Collect the olistillate inte a measurthg yay and Yecord the temperatare of the vapour Cin the distillaton flask) for every oce of the distillate colle chin » @) Switch off the heating when te temperature of te vapours Sudclenty fouls down afte attaining @ marimum value, CALCULATIONS + Total volume collected = A= Iywd Condensatz collected residue = Re oe NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 ZA os erences =o Tenperorh ei ciieea ones conderuate]| Volume of hee ae (ec) collected Cv) afta. woreckin Cm) oe killa kon los 43 5 nee a to ou . 136 4b ao a3 Bak 84 eS Joo 43-6 5D ae bo a 3 40 | Te aee | ao rs | Bab | qo 8 | a4 93-6 ans gl ROLL No. pone Detllabbn foss= c = (00 -(A +8) = Fbmd Volume ¢ the distillate after cowech'ng for deshllohon loss ak amy Hempevature = volume of condensate of that tem purodure = GW 436 =F A Dishllaben loss Dt Is axbitartily assumed that the dist'Ilahen loss Yeprese he most volatl part af the fuel and therefore occurs at the beginning of evaporation: Hen the cbistlllation loce is added fo a the readings. RESULT: Perce total volume of condensation and tesidue is (ese tan IntRol yolume This is Ave fo the escape ¢ vapours arourd the Ap parades His 3-67 The -fuel we used consists of avttevent components Due tothee different components We ave gett oh Heant slopes. In the 44 hs. Thod is why velalalty changes flom polst to point im the Ortop as bemperoctuae. ie rreteased. Fem the qaaph we Conclude Hat volatility dw 4 as the cternp atin we in creatd , ROLL NO. 133.126 ane SHEET No... DETERMINATION OF FLASH “AND FIRE POINTS AIM! To determing flash aud fre points of qives sample of oil tug Abel's ay paratus by open aud closed ak t t oP | APPARATUS! Abel's Apparatus oe Splinters - THEORY: This metked determines the closed and open cup dttash oud Fite poms of petroleum product and mirtu ves to acet tain temperatures whether +h qore, oft Flammable Vapors below a curtain fempetatwe . FLASH POINT: Tt (s Hhe lowest feet active of oil at where application test flame (aves burnin g for @ smal moment: iT! Th \ j FARE Point Tt ts the [o west dom prrature of cil at whore ap photon af fest flame came bueening for a (ong time (otloast 5 seconds) - ) thermomeéan, Spivit amp, PRocep one: ~The oll exp Is filled upto Spe of'ed mork wil Ht sample to be tested and heated tn the baths The flash points shall be taken as tre temperature reading on thememeln When o flash first appends on any point the su fau of tHe ofl. The Hash that Suayounds +e flame should not be confused With te Fue [oak OBSERVATIONS } [Flask point [ ) Fe point | Open cp Cloud tap penny Cored ep | 43 | | 4 eee eee ee | Al ee | Aftet determining thy floss povnt the haodng Shot be furthur Continutd «The Lemp erature at whtchthe flame application Cuacr burning for a pourod f 5 Seconda o mote chal be xe cosolad afie por: RESULT! The flash pein In closed cup Ie 38°C The fire oint In open In cloced ye 3a%e The fite and flash points aC those i'n open Cup became chewed cup has more vapowy premure oud vapewr can bun easily at lew ee tin open tap method ts 41% and that wp metkoa is 4vC anc tat a Vemperatans (VS) Yolune n NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. PT Fa (EERE i ee of dishllate ('/+) ent, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 201¢ . TITLE HEAT PIPE PEMONSTRATOR Name GOP! VARMA - Experiment No. 2 Date of Performance: 2o* March dole fae Sel Datetsuomason: GE Apafl 2-014 cass BTEC 2h MECH \A? alle) _. Report Accepted on _ XK g 7 “ Y bye eee ~ — Grd eee descend eeceee cece eee ~Fe _ AIM: Compone the werking of heat pipe with these of stamless Steel and copper: EXPERIMENTAL setup: , The apparatus consists ot @pper pipe, statwless steel Pre and heat pipe of identical physical properties such os Avameter oud length Heat pipe is mode. Up of stainless steel PIPE> Th heat pipe, wive mesh of suitable size Ik Incerted as wiek + Ctreurnferental layers of this mesh have been used: Caloutated quanti ef-distilled water, as working ftw , ts intoduced fn heat pipe after cleaning, the pipe and mesh with hydvochloviic acid y acetone avd distilled water A statuless Steel pipe omcl copper pipe are taken fer Comparison - The leng oo ae KE pal nt sad a ate On Lvapevative Sechon: Thesus. fo.ce. bemperedures along the lengths of pipe Ne measured by Chiomnel- Alumel thermroco SPECIFICATIONS: (0 Diameter of pipes (, Copper, Stainless steel amd heat pipe) -32m @ beng tk of the pipes = 38cm @ Condenser tank = 3 Nes WARANGAL - 506 004 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROLL NO, nah AALZL SHEET No. = @) Condenses tank capacity = 01st © Voltmeter = 0-300V ey © Ammater = 0-30Amp ie @) Heater = 3Ne's ® theymo-meter = | Ne- @ Mu tichannel aigieal temperature indiater = 0-300°C: THEORY: Heat pipe allows the ttonsfer of huge amount of heat tatoug Small suxface aveas: Heat pipe is generally a civulay pipes haw e layer af wick watetial covering the inner Sutface > wit bellow Core im the cenkes A Condencable fluid is alte contained in the P'Pe, amd the Wapiid permeates the wick matural hy capillary actin. When heat "s supplied to one 2nd of tke pipe (the evaporates) , the higuid ’s vaporized im the wick andthe Vapour yno ves +o the cential core due-to the yesuthna precuie difterenes At thcother end of thee pipe » heat vs removed Cte condenses) amd the vapour condences back Into tt Wick, Liquid 1s veplenshed tn the evaporator seckon by capilany acon The evaporation and cond insaton processes ave vesponsible for neoxly tsotmermal working of hat PIPE: Heat pipes have been used fo cooling of elecktoate systems heat such as Hayvsistors, laptep computers , coll phones, because tn such stems heat qonevah'on mus be dissipated from a small area toa large avers and the performance af eleckone Bevices ts shongly temperodusne dependent : INGAL - 606 004 TATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARAI yy, we ze | 45 {29 ae oe ! 49 | Ma [eendini 0] 24 | af Meg | 53> gots 66 |B oq 2 ia ES a 34 aS) ae pe] Op ROLL No. ..ADRN: PRocepure: (FAL equal arnount of water tn abree condenser tomks so thal the pipes one sulomerged completely vm Wee water: OP Stet the switch omd adjust input 20W +o the Hhetee heaters as with the help of dimmerstat @) Take they wocouple yeadngs on tke pipes ard condenser Fank waters temperature by thermometer: Repeat Steps for every lo minuces 4 steod y, skoce 1's achieved @ © Tin dimmerstot te zero output ond Ahen switch off the main Supply: CONCLUSION! () From graph we can thar fer Same Ustance along onal disection of pipes the fal of femperoture of heat pipe ts less thon dhak of staralen steel ond copper pipes: So, the overall thoamat veelstante ofteved by heat pipe is lees than tbat of olker pipes ond henw better heat Woansfer takes Place-for heat pipe BS compared jo othere - - @ Heat Hansfer in heat pipe bc through e2vo.poratio oud tondewrahion oud reat Homan oeth'uert Ca) ts vere wal during bell ing awl condensation “es Uh ng In Wig her heat hamsfon yah’ This is the teaser 3 heot pipe. is used fox collg purpose \ FANGAL - 506 004 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WAR 138126 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. WARANGAL, DEPa| RTMENT oF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Nati nal Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 2016 . TITLE EMISSIVITY APPARATUS Name GIOPLVARMAM Experiment No. Date of Performance: po Apsil 2016 Foto, 1 3312-6 Date of Submission: 2-q%* April 'rolb cuss BtEcH 3/4 Mech A’ REMARKS Report Accepted on _ a a (ye sees Grade ___ EMISSIVITY APPARATUS AIM: To determine the emissi'y ing of a ieee surface ak Specified temperature. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: The experimental sekup comsists af-twe cliculay copper plates identral th size and ts provided witk heabng coils stocked between them. The plates ove mounted on bracket and axe Kept in av enclosure so ag te prowtle undistutbed natural convechon surroundings: The heat tn put to the heater is vawed by ceperate obwmerstat avd te meas wr ect bi PE-1O0 sensor: Another Pi-loo Sensoy & Kept tn the enclosure +o yood Fhe ambient tomperatuve dusting Mp evimemt Plate 1 is blackened by three layers of lawp Mack te fess he tdealtrel black sutface where as the plate 2 Vs the tect Plate whose a (s-$o be deteywined- The hectey puts tothe +wo plates fs Aiacipated Now the plates by conduction conyech'on awd soadiiohon: the eipeviimentat aelup ts destoned ™ such a way that unde steady state conditions the bee Aissipabion by conduction av comvech'on & came fox beth dhecoses. Whenthe surface femperatures ay A’terence M heater "pak read in yodtadon choracterichs SPECIFICATIONS: @ same the “gs rs becouse of tke dt}e Ss due to thelr different eméesivH Test plate diamekey = lbommm Black plate diameter =l6o mm Dimmerstat for betk plates = 6-24, 0-220V : NGAL - 506 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP TECHNOLOGY, WARAI ‘SHEET No. Volkmetey = 0 - Se0V Ammetey = 920A Heater fot test plate ant black plate uichiome step wound On 2 wi'ca sheet and sandwiched between hwo mica sheets of 440 W- THEORY: Black Ledy & an ‘deal body and no such laociy exists 0 Natures A daktedy ts am teal emittey and it emits He mount af aolvat'on at an ihe wiv tmun possible Mf ic ako waveleugtk at any given temperature Such a bo found te olocoik til the yadiahion Imcidenk upon iE any wanel, tk awd temperature * The yadiant flux cattled from the surface 's called ewrscive power CE) The ay of a surface ofa yen temperature is defmed 0s the yatio of the emiesive power of| the surface at given temperature te the emrcei ve. power of +he block body pt-the come temperature + Eranatcivity le) = _£. eB Foi the black plate Wy e convection blodus + conduchion losses + radiation (oases Wa < Wet + Neth + Wak Sirwilasly for the test place We = Wevt + Wedt + Wat as both the plodes ane of carme dimensions , came. nateral convechon awk conhuchon take plate . Wey = Weve emt Wed = Wedt 606 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL Forme [temp of | Temp of | real (mio block sutfot| qraythe temp | | om | om (3) | lo 38-1 31:8 a1.8 | Pe | + 0 | ag ASS 383 | 67 | Aq AVL 39-9 a oe SPT 48 40 5B - + FAS 55. aL | t | 50 [ 55:8 54:5 Ae poe oo 51 542 Ag | | | | | 10 34-9 bo\ aa | Heer | Awmekey Yeading = oss A Vellage teading = Sav fower = jausw CALCULATIONS: aS Temper atuye of black Suface (Tm) SO = B30.-4K Temperature of Te Surface oo tu = 333-1kK Temperature of enclocure SMifarecny — = BI66K Heat In put =Vir FOX bong - fois wt Heat Input ef Lacy surfa@ = SF Ct 1h Reat Mput of Pay etface =F#e CTat- tt) € = Tht — tht "Tah teh = @aoryt Big gt (Bast = (315.6) Ny of the Tay boty = oes The temperature Ff Hack body ix lees in Stead state compared to the Hom pesoture f Fy body (ole, heat Pn put 's Same for both) because the ee body hos mere eonissivity (akteh ts 4) = or BSaig RESULT: EF mamissivi CONCLUSION! DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 201 -201 . TITLE COMPosite WALL APPARATUS Name _GeP\ Vac oy Experiment No. Date of Performance: 24° Fe lolaolt RollNo._\23\2-g Date of Submission: 4" May's olb Cass BEOt Sh Meat Ay ye a ee oe by. A Grade. MA ALL APPARATUS Composite Wall APPABAT im. TO determine the equivalent thesmal yesistonie 2 the composite wal XPERIMENTAL SETUP: : re ' fost The experimental sekup consists of - slabs gteel, baxelite oud pressed ) of identical diametess and unifetm Frickwess * A mica. heater Vs provided to supply heak input ocvess these Composite viaills - Total heakey ascembl Compiesses 0 healer befween 40 Aluminium plates Tdea ‘eal ckuchere of composite walls ate provided om both the sides of He hearty: Svaalll howd piss Vs provided te press que wall on cack otker and to ensuve that ne aly go yemains bebien the two plates: The heater input com be varied with the help of dimmer ctate amd 3 reeasurea by voltmeln and aywmeler: Tharmocovplus arfe— provided at proper posihons in Cononpos be walls fo measure desiged Inside femperatues of compacts oot SPECIFICATIONS ——~ ~~ Btameter of slab = osm Thickness of Slab =o) 012™ a. heater = 400W Dimmerstat = 0-230V Volkmetey = 0 -300V Ammekey <= 0-304 Mult chawnel agital temperate. nol bse NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. WARANGAL - 508 004 ROLL NOx wl BAL Renn applicah‘ons of practical uti lity Lo medinm composed of two of dettevent thermal cond uchvity emanged Considey enor ples [ke walls of ee phich al ways behweem Innes? ethe mbe of ube material reat Hansfer THEORY: Mony engineering javelves heat fomsfer throvg! ov wore wmatexials we series OF parallel « hot cases, hot water tomks Yepigtratey 7 have fome Kind of insulatng materials outer walle A bot Aluid fiat flows instal covered with O layer of thermal conduchvity owd insulation ove Aifetent «The problem of Antoug composite sbum can be solved by appliach'on of thermal vesistane Concept: Reece oere (D Check the pressuve applied te> the plates manually @ Keep the cmmerstat on the zeve positron befoye Switching oN tke power supply @ eee the Switch amd adjust fre dimmerstat for on Inpue Of [ose Wl by Mnexeasing voH e gradually (4) . G) Start tke twitch andtake the Hrevmo couple veadh! fiom Ty ke Te T (CS Retreak tre above step VEY Lominutes ll steaok ctate y's achveved (6) turn dimmertttat te Zao andl saitch off Power suppl *Y OBSERVATIONS ! (1) Vothneter yeodk'ug = 68-1 = 67 volts O Ammebet yeoduing as on a Sd Thermocouple lecabion 2 | 26 | 2 2b as ob 32) Te Cin mimubes) lO | 20 | 30 54 | 64 | Be | 54 | 64. 714 } 24 | 35 Al 3o' | 326) 4l 24 28 30 24 28 «30 2b 21 20 26 217 30 | to | 5° 86 40 ge 84 45 44 4s ue 23 31 Br 35° 23> 3 32 ae Has’ a are o a 1 Reguivalent = So id \otSa43 25-8209 . u ceaqy joor ea peoelam 7 a es geq n> Rapa = Din" Te] Kg = feermall conduchvity of waildsteel = 48 Wlmk ky = herwal condachvity of bakelite = 07 Wak Kpw = jretwal copdncHvihy 4 pressuiced 2 0 mk | : | = [109 atl Reguivalent _ ool 4,44 (fheerito!) Saolee oe of 07 = _ - | 0Taet g. pevamtage enon = Reg = Fegtt¥? ,100 a Rea t) . 2 HOPS 84 asec |W a, vi ” Cv |o-os Sly ae - 84-47 ade lw. oe Ry = Te-Td qe ay reir Ho eae TOs e/ Reg= Rit Rat Ry =589 % Iw = OOle as - 306 8° Ricikeorrbaty = SSE [a] = 3536 4103 % fy Pelco ~ Sere [A] = oon ef 8 Ctreovi Katy ete i °. oS eal = O-84866 C/y ae . CONCLUSION : Expermental thermal ves\'stance hor an @ror of 43hIs. y When Compared to treorih'cal they mal yesistome This ewo Maule due bo W Nok considering tke Contact yesistane behosen a Httevent materials @ Assumin 4D heat flow @® trod shat way not have been folly achieved CO Keak lesces to the seovoundeugs HRroug hs tea. Voxeva\ g we a, Slab. Ke dust vodiahion and convection ane foe Sra ee al . Lecatior eae ——» CF levmth 2 atm we - DEP, | "ARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 2016 . TITLE HEAT TRANSFER FROM A aa PIN- FIN, APPARATUS oe Name_ GOP] VARM PsP Experiment No. A ty) Date ot Perormance: 6" Ap Sle atsapuil "ore Date of Submission: |3) Apy 6 RollNo__[BSI26 cass _BTEct 3/4 Mec 'A” (REWaRKS) “Coles aut Report Accepted on. ROLL NO. IB BIAH nnn HEAT TRANSFER FROM A _PInt-FiN! APPARATUS ' : —_—— AIM. Te plot temperachate distibubon along the lengtk ot plefin in forced, + eneoea oak 46 determine The fin - et EXPERIMENTAL Setup: A brass fin of civeular cyese-seckion ts fitted alon a teckangulay Auct The cuter and of the Luck fe Connected te the suckon side of the blowey omd tre alt flows past the pr-fin perpendi alas te Uke Guts + One end of the pin projects (oy) outside the anck amd i's heated tie heorker Temporocure ot 5 points olong the leugth of the-fin ts wreasuved Ly Clyomel- Plumer shel wo couple conve ded] olong the length af the fin The att flovarate ts weasuyed by anovifics weber pitked ow the i side of the Lower] SPECIFICATIONS: y —- we a) Duck size = Uso % LOC KILO Cw Loma cappion) ® ae fee fim = Isom prameter = laTtwm CS Daweter of etic ala wm &) cocthalent” of Sn co a . amocouples ot efin = (5) Novo ae b cpieat 4 eunpetatute) OF TECHNOLOGY: WARANGAL - 506 004 iTuTE By NATIONAL INST | 88 2 \>3 |e ja ee | Iehe SHEET NO. vnesDoreen ROLL No. : ce C6 ConttiPugal blower o-sttp single phar we > Mule’chownel Temperate Satileadert @ Vothuetet (0-300 Volts ) @ Arwmedey (0-20 Amps’) CO Heat —Ntcltome. \eoker THEopy + Extended surfaces (ot) fins ave wed to Inereore the Keak Homster Yate fiom a cutee te of lud » Nee fn ‘ceases the eeckve area of tee fin susteface Hreve. Neteasing fe heat famater by conduction Of deberuntnahion Of heot-Hovs Knowledge The pelolen, ough a fen Yegpates the Of the Fempetatue acebieane, Hlovak it. Th's com be obtoiued t ord g the -fin as a webol bic Plate commected ob Hs) bohe. toa heated wall and Honsfertivg Maat Wa find Oy convection aind the hare Flo¥8 +Herouey, whe fn b conduchiom Thus Hoe Levey Oishi bichon tno fin walt depend on He propedhtesof bot the fin Ratwah and mounds Prd PROCEDURE: ‘t a Keep the dimmeystat al zero posthion bedete swsttehtag on tke power e ‘ @ Stork the awitoh Oudk ode Bae BAiuwmetstat te a. Voltage of jov © stout tke blower ond adjust the, Difren oe oflevelity Wouomer er, h= 2 om ef Wate with tre het % valve. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL ~ ggg 004 an, ee O Take Yer wo Couple Yeodvgs T te Ts- on the-fin and 17 fot ambient clemperorbute + j Repeat Bre Obove Steps for meas lo minutes unt Seedy sta te achieved. Poll CALWLATIONS | Average fo hempotodute (Md = Tt heh Tete = ae = Ib 38% eam Film hag> ~The reat = Prepethies fav ak Tat = TRANS, (fiomdata bool = 1:00 464 Kalo = 201% 10°F wef yo, = 003404 Ww], Fe to0 seh Value pfe—serfovie “laf K rests lek Aw of the Aaliveng pipe cay= Tm Ae Ais fow tate Qa Gye aya, fhe Sa. =e 6S [ol xton > xtea zat, Des] x laKlo> EIdOo 1 = rere Cestvie™) Saye FY> = F Sapte ms A ef et os @ (a) =F rootys 153 Io ye NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 ROLLNO mid ABLICL.... tea of of ‘ : deiea. of O88 Schon of dur( Ay = eyed ae electra aublent aly temperature (Ty ) 2Ve & V= &4qn9X03 = 622/19 veleoy 4 180 XR lo“ OW of Top > Vist = Vv [= 4 =| TT lef, $273 Vio £0 82q (mt ee es 44 a7 Via b= Oo 363 wl Be = anya _ = 293-2 20-98 vio 2 ussells Nussel somber ile oe ovis (eet > 4 = otis (222 :2457)° ae | ' = 1647 0eG Rak | Goch a x Tousfer coefterent hm nlue hag en 4 127/jov0 = (8.26985 hy Dt ef cHose-sechron Afin ; Ay = Flood. (24677 K10F ns ® Perimeler oh Pesf etd = 003th Fin postouacter pm = WPL WD HOVOIT 2L% 01035 Kay Word x1 2icaa ict (K =H. Ga = 4209955 we NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 Fa Hheceey Fw sith adtabole +p ‘i “ges [BRAC a: - = at ge aca = 3-295] Bu RIK convective tip , py = Vf tenh cm ob oa mt | “nk se ey [> be dost = eles CONCLUSION \ The fim efLbieten Corsi at! convective Hy Is TMrleday. wlth (2 eyeater Aram the fm dboen topideiing adtabate Hp which fs 146°, a Tis y's become ‘nm convective Hp (WE axe alloniy | ; heat couvection oo Hu vim-section al NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF y ECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 2016 . TITLE NATURAL CONVECTION OF HEAT TRANSFER FROM A VERTICAL CYLINDER Name GPL VARMA: MM Experiment No. ¢ Date of Perormance: Iff* Maw ch ’>olb RotNe,_13512-6 Date of Submission: SO March bot6 css BTECH Sh MECHA’ ReportAcceptedon SS a lo by Grade _ Qe ROLL No. BSN: NatuRal CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER FROM A VERTICAL CYLINDER AMM To determine the natal convective heat Hansfer Coc itent -for a veshial ty\indes a\pating hat 40 Qubient ots: EXPERIMENTAL SETUP! The SApevimental cehup consists of a verbal brass calindtnicol tule fitted fn a loge ve ey on closure + Tu enclosure ss open at top and bottem oud ensures undishuibed nodwial convechve condition: The front side ofthe enclosure & prowded witha perpen chet fi & visuol diploy An elechic heakng element 1s provided side the cylinder fo heat Ie uniforml amd heat fs Aresip ot ed from the laterol evaface of fhe gine by natural convection do omblent ax: the temperature of the cylinder susface Ws measured Ly seven thermocouples ploced of Tepulos Intesvols on +he lateral surface One more thermocouple Yecotde the onbrent temperoture tn the enclorure flu heat Input caw be vaviad with the bolp of Atymerstat owl us weas wred by velkmeber ound ouwmeler io NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TEGHNOLOGY WARANGAL ~ 555 goy ROLL NO wut BLP Ponnn SPECIFICATIONS: Ty Encloude size 25am 2600 ¥ leone long appiorimodely 2 Leva of ylides dube = slow Dawmeley = 28mm 3+ Heater — Nichrome heater 4s Mulkehounel temperature indicator — (0-200 ) S* Volmetey O-30ov b+ Awmeter 0-0 Amp THEORY: Convechon ts wmode of heat Homsfer behseen O swifece. oud aflu'd moving on ik the energy ttansfer iin Convection ts pevmenantly dueto bulk metion atthe flack parheles prLdonah te wolecular conduction within the fluid jel also Condibutec fo come extent « Tf this motim fs due to the density variocdions ascctatell Witte the femparchye grocllents within tbe flmok the mode of beot tromsfer Is, sould fo be netwrat Conve chow G0 Cleats) ay V's loal heat fluxs Ac He conveckve beat Hrousfer cocficient js a compl'eated fancchin ofthe nahure of Ha flan flor , tastwnop lactis” properhles of Ha flrid ond configurahien af the system + Due fs Hee vaviahon of. tee flow condi't'on from potirt -fo point ) the value of oth NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 004 gz ee L_ Whe Thermocouples place ment! Loom 1oomms jeonen, Sfumy Alum, ©BSERVE TG, Ng 7 Ve Haneton veodig =13V Awmeley veoding ¢ ° on The in wtnutes oe = | 60 | ze | #0 ee | =| le8 i118 fia) 135° J39 | 139 | | Ty xe IS 9 Igo 44 Jaa asi psy 4s | be ber 4) "4 tar 137 las jay lax Ts as 62 9a ha [a7 194 hes 154 154 % leg "> Inq I3q jay lar ay as aos a log hq 124 130 I4y 14) Tg -Te oo 29 Dida ia 350 BF! gy sx | a | N2 po, fps IF jaa leg | | { | along the suvfare also very Gad. aid Hee why dee: adjective “ focal * 'S applied fo them: “The total wans{er Yate may be obtarnect by the focal heat Howef er flu CWA “The eabive surface Therefore the aver of mean Meek Hosta cottbcient for tle enh're setae wy be bitten ag Y= Tang S Cee ey es PROCEDURE: Oy Stent. Sultcl, aust adfust Ala bmmersbat fot on Capue Of 80-90V Cman © Take Heermecoup le al foe aul fen © Repeat obove ete. every “lomin bl of t Is elton ce d a Feadsing an hr on le Bevface Pa BD tim dumetstat to wo output oud then switel, off the wmou'n supply « CALCULATIONS, i (OTs = T4T 47s +1 44 4 T, a 4b-428%e = aqagk es OP GeVaT esos ® 7. ‘sf Veen = -Vrod = 36-5 -T5the 8-194 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 506 op a ROLL No... 332-6 OO UWoa = dad = Sxoxvex(rt- pty > ookl y 568x108 xo 1 oe 419-434 — 3084) (€= ~ ols Aveo suiface = 0:06 um>) = 006 © 4 oat av (experi mental) - &% " ‘Com Seow 98 904 SCH Teo) pel ( 146-428-35 = 4-95 — fork. & SeNdl = 1S Bxp7y5 rr = 0 06) mr lye %= © — Oo Local beat auster coeftuent= Uonv on S(1,-T#) = 28-94 or 061( 124-35 > = 456 Wher k @ bpe re of erwacte = ts = AOpein'es ary ethacted gt at 44 +35 » 4, Wack Ty = Toate ine. § ee 290 HC K = 0103! Whak ae Fol Pro at Wares 0689854 22 a eto fro ’ | (Kimalie) at Boe viscosity Pe L2(Ta-Ta)_ quan be, won een 1p a a (oer ™ Gy = goed! av, WARANGAL “£06008 MM SgTITUTE OF TECHNOLO = goss tial x0 689357 Tf of S kay sto > eS ke Jo%% Ra, Bay b QD Therefor sine Ra, ts in bebreen loband fo! = 0'0IB xloy (s-saryict)® Tay = ser Wark hay Cempivical) Wav empinicad) (13) Local bent frousfew coethiients | 0-061(134-35) 0-061 (144-35) 6°06 | (152-35) a =o Ra, a K 2 = Tay (en eiimen tat ) a ay) yloo = 35.217 = 4% Wlwrk = ra lak = fos |nrk 1-506 004 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGA\ .f™ 2892 SCq-TaD ” ovter (amar) © Al Whurk hse = Conv, = By Se) saiinay mlork Leos ee ee SCT Ta) oveel(1as-ar) ak | te \, = = eet Aue Mhirk Ly Teo 0 P61¢ paras) = CONCLUSION | There t's a decrease a 35-2 ‘Te im tre comvechive. uot Homsfev coe fh'alent fowad mpertven tally Compawed te the emplticat Wok Homabes cotthient - This exyor t's due to He: a ro) om unaphion that Wat few © ont foran () steody state's mot aumatehy Nad (BH evswmphon Hat +hattoo is 4-d Gloster of bank fo the Soto eee © acavo Ce the tempera Wtedutennent be tte Remo Mpls 7 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANGAL - 606 0¢ DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004. 2015 - 2016 . TITLE FORCED CONVECTION PAY PPARAT US Name_GioP| VARMAM Experiment No. 4- Date of Performance loli RollNo 13326 Date of Submission : 4 | ote Class _ Bech 3h MecH A’ 7 Report Accepted on : D, Zs she oN ROLL No. 23124 SHEET No. . FORCED CoNVECTION APPARATUS AIM: “To find the forced convection heat Ldansfer Coefheient MM internal pipe flow: EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: The apparatus consists of hevizontal pipe which ts heated by a wehYome Land heater - sin tRetmecouples ane piowd ed fot measuye ment of pipe Swifawe femperotuve while two thermocouples are used for wm gasutemant of enty awd ent femperotnre oF ai¢ that vs fle wing 4etough pipe + Aw ovifemete together with a water tubemanometer Is provided for measuvement of mass flow Yate of aly Tapa ko the heater 1s ce witk ord po Climwmerstat ond meacured by gen vokemetey and ammeter A temp erature tudicatoy i's provided fo measure femperatreres of pipe wall in test secton . SPECIFICATIONS ! 4+ Diamekey of test section pipe , Dj = 36 mu 2+ Lenatk of test cechion , L= 45am 3+ Dlaweter of oxifice = l4om A+ Blowat - osHp Single phase wit motor 5+ Votkwetet + 0— 300V g Ammeter 2 0-30A 4: Temperature jadicator : 0-3e0%c {AL - 506 004 NATIONAL INSTITUTE, OF TECHNOLOGY, WARANG = , ROLL No. ABBI2b 8+ Theymocouples 1 Chyomel- Allumel 4 Heater: Nichvome wire heatey wounded on pipe: THEORY: In forced convection, tke fluid mohon which Causes the heat convechon is motivated “f external agency such oS pump ov blower - The motion of fluid tn Such cases will be faster that in free convechon aud thevefore, verults in inteased yate OF heat tansfer Hoot Wansfer by forced convech'on ig one Of the most Important heat roncfer modes encountered in mani Chapineering applicatvons. The apparatus design ad to find out the value heat transfer co-efhicient undey Aifevent ay flow conditions » Heat ts Hansfered from heated test sechion of pipe to ait Flowing trough tt» When flurd at a temper ature ts constant witha solid Surfae ak dittevent temperature. Then heat-flun from suv Face to Hurd te proportional +o temperature Ate vence between surface omd fluid -Reakt hansfer Composite Cormplen apteove ter depend’ Properes of -flurd , its Velouity 7 sha fluid is changing Proce ond co on, confbicrent i's upon the pe ef colt pwhethey \\\ So OBSERVATIONS. Vo treter Yeadta, ao. Arwmnerrer on 1 Volts 74 Ampere "G° Bem of Water Pere TTimeCminy ———— | Location lo w | 30 [as = ae T= : Moanometer yoads Pio $2 | 0 a4 ad..|. tee, |, tl ! Bt Qe |e | ag hse | 139 | ta | wa | + CO} (oo | | 138 we (ab | 152 | \s3 | Lo Ce) | to7 | ae | 149 | 5 ta case | (ese Telit (ie lillie | a \ \ ze ey) 89 fle | oe ed a | ae | we | 4 | | inlet ai MES) AL a8 ae as as as las | oe {oo 53 56 | Sq bo | oa S$ 3 SHEET No. .. PROCEDURE : lees () The blo wey 's stayted and ait flow vate Is adjusted with help of valve oud the manometer vending noled. y : © Adjust the dinmmerstat ‘for loov supply and note door He ammeter Yeading - (Temperature af 1) 40 1% ave noted (CO Repeat te aloove Step For every lominutes till steady state is achieved ond tabulote the veodings CALCULATIONS: Arad’ suifade Fp Ca) = T ATaYTG TL TENT, wuts 6 6 = 14sec Bulk = ulk mean, temp (Tae) = Ty +Te = atte z At They Vace = VxT =61n1 = 1W | Va = FHCp C1p-TH) (m= Gain ¥ Sa ®) Given 7 dye Shum, dye [om L= 45cm -3 a, = WA" 2 1017188 ¥10 me 4 ete Gee dc tl coe ma TATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, wang WARANGAL - 595 004 ~~ bran oa sunperatune Ve Lewatts 4 |srale | | MMs orp Woe ol yor ys Mw SHEET No. .. ava book) at 48'c = VU gj qt y¥ Oe" Sagat ees |— Var pues viernes aes0ee 1 sate ral a = 3.9933 K107 Pm? Om 2 Bor ® £a¥ “p* e-T) = ; Werte = 14781 W votre? x04 ry rotate ( 44115) 2 Voc [Cr a ALCS -Thay = 13-5718 Whark wi 23:25056 hase We [C14 Coeur) = whark hack Velocity of alt = ie Gy ealadt els ay Batt Cem oka look) ok ABC = Pa Chom data teal) ak hse = 0648? KC Rom data eo) at ase @ esasio7 nts fox Ro = Sav ay = a Paw pose vier = _ mea be N1 8B w= penal key oe seen ee wheat SPagaen Ae Cay cenetanend ay ae CONCLUSION: c ae ee oa S aarewnined ee ee Ta achat Va oes ook 0S (ue awe is 2h

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