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Council of Student Organizations

De La Salle University Manila

Rm. 402 Bro. Connon Hall, De La Salle University
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila

CIVFLUM Quiz 2 Reviewer

Prepared by: Richerene Caparos
1. An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5m long, 2m wide and 2.5 m high is filled with
water to a depth of 2m. (a) What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank
without spilling any water and (b) determine the accelerating force on the liquid mass? (c) if the
acceleration is increased to 6 m/s2, how much water is spilled out?
Solution :

The figure shows the water level under maximum a when no water is spilled out.
tan = 0.5/2.5 = 0.2
tan = a/g = 0.2
a = 0.2 (9.81)
a = 1.962 m/s2
Accelerating Force, F = Ma
Mass, M =
Mass, M = 1000[5 x 2 x2]
Mass, M = 20,000 kg
Accelerating Force, F = 20,000 x 1.962
Accelerating Force, F = 39,240 N
F = Frear wall Ffront wall
F = 9.81 ( [
( )[
F = 39.24 kN
when a = 6 m/s2
tan = a/g = 6/9.81
= 31.45o
x = 2.5 cot 31.45o
x = 4.0875 < 5m
Vleft = (4.0875)(2.5)(2)
Vleft = 10.22 m3

Voriginal = (2)(2)(5)
Voriginal = 20 m3
Vspilled = Voriginal Vleft
Vspilled = 20 10.22
Vspilled = 9.78 m3
2. An open cylindrical vessel 1.2 m in diameter and 2.1 m high is 2/3 full of water. Compute the
amount of water in liters that will be spilled out if the vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a
constant angular speed of 90 rpm.


h= 1.63 m
h/2 = 0.815 > 0.7 m (some liquid spilled)
Vspilled = Vair(final) Vair(initial)
Vspilled = (0.6)2(1.63) (0.6)2(0.7)
Vspilled = 0.13 m3 x 1000 lit/m3
Vspilled = 130 liters
3. An open vertical cylindrical vessel, 2m n diameter and 4 m high is filled with water to the top. If
rotated on its own vertical axis in order to discharge a quantity of water to uncover a circular area at
the bottom of the vessel 1 m in diameter: (a) Determine the angular speed in rpm, and (b) how much
water is left in the cylinder after rotation?

solve for h (by squared property)

h - 4 = 0.25h
0.75h = 5
h = 5.33 m
5.33 =

Vleft = Vcylinder - Vfrustum of paraboloid
Vleft =
Vleft = 4.716 m3

Besavilla, V. (1981). Solution to Problems in Hydraulics. Cebu City: VB Publisher
Gillesania, D. (2003). Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics. Ceby City: Gillesania Printing Press

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