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Scarlett Letter Review

Ms. Hasan
10th grade AP
50 minutes

Analyze Learners:

The class consists of 25 students which includes 10 boys, and 15 girls. This class is fully
diverse with Students from Different backgrounds. The students age range around 16 to 17
years old. 50% of the class is more visual while the other is more kinesthetic. Students are
more involved with Kinesthetic activities. There is one student who is partially blind, and one
student who is an esl student.

Texas State Standards:

(26) Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in
teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
Students are expected to participate productively in teams, building on the ideas
of others, contributing relevant information, developing a plan for consensusbuilding, and setting ground rules for decision-making.

Lesson Objectives:
Students will be able to answer questions about any subject that is related to the novel
Scarlett letter in a jeopardy game. Students will not only review settings and characters
but requires students to think critically about the novel, respond to important quotations
and address themes presented in the novel.

Materials and Equipment:

Scarlett letter Novel

Jeopardy game:

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods:



Students will be put into small groups in Order To play the jeopardy game. They will
use team work, and previous knowledge of the book to participate in this review
Cooperative Learning: Students put their knowledge together as a team, and use their
ability in order to answer jeopardy questions.
Jeopardy game: The teacher will open the jeopardy game, and divide students into
two different groups. Students will take turns and answer questions that are shown on
the projector.

Require earner Participation:

Each student will have the oppurnity to answer questions within their group. At the end of the
class they will be required to write a paragraph of what they have learned, and what subject
they need the most help in.

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Learners: (ELL, IEP, GT)

Difficulty with seeing: Allow extra time to complete tasks

Difficulty with working with others: Allow the student to determine those with whom
they would most prefer to work; allow this partnership with the condition of appropriate

Evaluate and Revise:

1. Student Performance:
Students are evaluated by their participation, and their exit ticket which is their
paragraph about how they felt toward it.
2. Media Effectiveness:
Students will be involved more with the use of an interactive website. Instead of
looking at the normal textbook the use of technology in this case will be more effective.
3. Instructor Performance:
The Teacher is evaluated by the way they handle the classroom, and the use of
technology in the classroom. They will grade the paragraph that the students write at
the end of the class, and go over what problems the students have in the beginning of
the next class.

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