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Karl Haushofer

the Japanese army and to advise it as an artillery instructor. He travelled with his wife via India and South East
Asia and arrived in February 1909. He was received by
the Japanese emperor and became acquainted with many
important people in politics and the armed forces. In
autumn 1909, he travelled with his wife for a month to
Korea and Manchuria on the occasion of a railway construction. In June 1910, they returned to Germany via
Russia and arrived one month later.
Shortly afterwards, he began to suer from several severe
diseases and was given a leave from the army for three
years. From 1911 to 1913, Haushofer would work on
his doctorate of philosophy from Munich University for
a thesis on Japan titled Dai Nihon, Betrachtungen ber
Gro-Japans Wehrkraft, Weltstellung und Zukunft (Reections on Greater Japans Military Strength, World Position, and Future). By World War I, he had attained
the rank of General, and commanded a brigade on the
western front. He became disillusioned after Germanys
loss and severe sanctioning; he retired with the rank of
major general in 1919. At this time, he forged a friendship with the young Rudolf Hess, who would become his
scientic assistant.

General Karl Haushofer and Rudolf Hess, c.1920

Karl Ernst Haushofer (27 August 1869 10

March 1946) was a German general, geographer
and geopolitician. Through his student Rudolf Hess,
Haushofers ideas inuenced the development of Adolf
Hitler's expansionist strategies, although Haushofer
denied direct inuence on the Nazi regime. Under the
Nuremberg Laws, Haushofers wife and children were
categorized as Mischlinge. His son, Albrecht, was issued Haushofer entered academia with the aim of restoring
a German Blood Certicate through the help of Hess.
and regenerating Germany. Haushofer believed the Germans lack of geographical knowledge and geopolitical
awareness to be a major cause of Germanys defeat in
World War I, as Germany had found itself with a disad1 Life and career
vantageous alignment of allies and enemies. The elds of
political and geographical science thus became his areas
Haushofer belonged to a family of artists and scholars.
of specialty. In 1919, Haushofer became Privatdozent
He was born in Munich to Max Haushofer, a professor
for political geography at Munich University and in 1933
of economics, and Frau Adele Haushofer (ne Fraas).
On his graduation from the Munich Gymnasium (high
school), Haushofer contemplated an academic career. Louis Pauwels, in his book Monsieur Gurdjie, describes
However, service with the Bavarian Army proved so in- Haushofer as a former student of George Gurdjie. Othteresting that he stayed to work, with great success, as an ers, including Pauwels, said that Haushofer created a Vril
instructor in military academies and on the general sta. society and that he was a secret member of the Thule Society.[1] Stefan Zweig speaks warmly of him [2] but says
In 1887, Haushofer entered the 1st Field Artillery regihistory will have to judge how far he knowingly conment Prinzregent Luitpold and completed Kriegsschule,
tributed to Nazi doctrine, as more documentation beArtillerieschule and War Academy (Kingdom of Bavaria).
comes available. Zweig credits him with the concept of
In 1896, he married Martha Mayer-Doss (18771946)
Lebensraum, used in a psychological sense of a nations
whose father was Jewish. They had two sons, Albrecht
relative energies.
Haushofer and Heinz Haushofer (19061988).
After the establishment of the Nazi regime, Haushofer reHaushofer continued his career as a professional solmained friendly with Hess, who protected Haushofer and
dier, serving in the army of Imperial Germany and rishis wife from the racial laws of the Nazis, which deemed
ing through the Sta Corp by 1899. In 1903, he began
her a half-Jew. During the prewar years, Haushofer was
teaching at the Bavarian War Academy.
instrumental in linking Japan to the Axis powers, acting
In November 1908, the army sent him to Tokyo to study


in accordance with the theories of his book Geopolitics of Institute of Geopolitics in Munich, from which he prothe Pacic Ocean.
ceeded to publicize geopolitical ideas. By 1924, as
After the July 20 Plot to assassinate Hitler, Haushofers the leader of the German geopolitik school of thought,
son l, Albrecht (19031945), went into hiding but was Haushofer would establish the Zeitschrift fr Geopoliarrested on 7 December 1944 and put into the Moabit tik monthly devoted to geopolitik. His ideas would
prison in Berlin. During the night of 2223 April 1945, reach a wider audience with the publication of Volk
in 1926, popularizing his
he and other selected prisoners, such as Klaus Bonhoeer. ohne Raum by Hans Grimm
exercised inuence
were walked out of the prison by an SS-squad and were
both through his academic teachings, urging his students
shot. Beginning on 24 September 1945, Karl Haushofer
was informally interrogated by Father Edmund A. Walsh to think in terms of continents and emphasizing motion in international politics, and through his political
on behalf of the Allied forces to determine whether he
While Hitlers speeches would attract the
should stand trial at Nuremberg for war crimes; Walsh activities.
masses, Haushofers works served to bring the remaining
determined that he had not committed any.
intellectuals into the fold.[11]
On the night of 1011 March 1946, he and his wife committed suicide in a secluded hollow on their Hartschim- Geopolitik was essentially a consolidation and codicamelhof estate at Phl/Ammersee. Both drank arsenic and tion of older ideas, given a scientic gloss:
his wife then hanged herself while Haushofer was obvi Lebensraum was a revised colonial imperialism;
ously too weak to do so.[3][4]
Autarky a new expression of tari protectionism;


Main article: Geopolitik

Haushofer developed Geopolitik from widely varied
sources, including the writings of Oswald Spengler,
Alexander Humboldt, Karl Ritter, Friedrich Ratzel,
Rudolf Kjelln, and Halford J. Mackinder.[5]
Geopolitik contributed to Nazi foreign policy chiey in
the strategy and justications for lebensraum. The theories contributed ve ideas to German foreign policy in the
interwar period:
organic state
land power/sea power dichotomy.

Strategic control of key geographic territories exhibiting the same thought behind earlier designs on
the Suez and Panama Canals; a view of controlling
the land in the same way as those choke points control the sea
Pan-regions (Panideen) based upon the British
Empire, and the American Monroe Doctrine,
Pan-American Union and hemispheric defense,[12]
whereby the world is divided into spheres of inuence.
Frontiers His view of barriers between peoples not
being political (iborders) or natural placements of
races or ethnicities but as being uid and determined
by the will or needs of ethnic/racial groups.
The key reorientation in each dyad is that the focus is on
land-based empire rather than naval imperialism.
Ostensibly based upon the geopolitical theory of
American naval expert Alfred Thayer Mahan, and British
geographer Halford J. Mackinder, German geopolitik
adds older German ideas. Enunciated most forcefully by
Friedrich Ratzel and his Swedish student Rudolf Kjelln, they include an organic or anthropomorphized conception of the state, and the need for self-suciency
through the top-down organization of society.[8] The root
of uniquely German geopolitik rests in the writings of
Karl Ritter who rst developed the organic conception of
the state that would later be elaborated upon by Ratzel and
accepted by Hausfhofer. He justied lebensraum, even at
the cost of other nations existence because conquest was
a biological necessity for a states growth.[13]

Geostrategy as a political science is both descriptive and

analytical like political geography but adds a normative
element in its strategic prescriptions for national policy.[6]
While some of Haushofers ideas stem from earlier American and British geostrategy, German geopolitik adopted
an essentialist outlook toward the national interest, oversimplifying issues and representing itself as a panacea.[7]
As a new and essentialist ideology, geopolitik found itself
in a position to prey upon the post-World War I insecurity
of the populace.[8]
Ratzels writings coincided with the growth of German inHaushofers position in the University of Munich served dustrialism after the Franco-Prussian war and the subseas a platform for the spread of his geopolitical ideas, quent search for markets that brought it into competition
magazine articles, and books. In 1922, he founded the with Britain. His writings served as welcome justication

for imperial expansion.[14] Inuenced by Mahan, Ratzel
wrote of aspirations for German naval reach, agreeing
that sea power was self-sustaining, as the prot from trade
would pay for the merchant marine, unlike land power.[15]
Haushofer was exposed to Ratzel, who was friends with
Haushofers father, a teacher of economic geography,[16]
and would integrate Ratzels ideas on the division between
sea and land powers into his theories, saying that only a
country with both could overcome this conict.[17]
Haushofers geopolitik expands upon that of Ratzel and
Kjelln. While the latter two conceive of geopolitik as
the state as an organism in space put to the service of
a leader, Haushofers Munich school specically studies
geography as it relates to war and designs for empire.[18]
The behavioral rules of previous geopoliticians were thus
turned into dynamic normative doctrines for action on
lebensraum and world power.[19]

eventually expand their conception of lebensraum and autarky well past the borders of 1914 and a place in the
sun to a New European Order, then to a New AfroEuropean Order, and eventually to a Eurasian Order.[28]
That concept became known as a pan-region, taken from
the American Monroe Doctrine, and the idea of national
and continental self-suciency.[29] Thay was a forwardlooking refashioning of the drive for colonies, something
that geopoliticians did not see as an economic necessity but more as a matter of prestige, putting pressure
on older colonial powers. The fundamental motivating
force would be not economic but cultural and spiritual.[30]
Haushofer was, what is called today, a proponent of
"Eurasianism", advocating a policy of GermanRussian
hegemony and alliance to oset an Anglo-American
power structures potentially dominating inuence in Europe.

Haushofer dened geopolitik in 1935 as the duty to safeguard the right to the soil, to the land in the widest sense,
not only the land within the frontiers of the Reich, but the
right to the more extensive Volk and cultural lands.[20]
Culture itself was seen as the most conducive element
to dynamic special expansion. It provided a guide as to
the best areas for expansion, and could make expansion
safe, whereas projected military or commercial power
could not.[21] Haushofer even held that urbanization was
a symptom of a nations decline, evidencing a decreasing soil mastery, birthrate and eectiveness of centralized rule.[22]

Beyond being an economic concept, pan-regions were a

strategic concept as well. Haushofer acknowledges the
strategic concept of the Heartland Theory put forward
by the British geopolitician Halford Mackinder.[31] If
Germany could control Eastern Europe and subsequently
Russian territory, it could control a strategic area to which
hostile seapower could be denied.[32] Allying with Italy
and Japan would further augment German strategic control of Eurasia, with those states becoming the naval arms
protecting Germanys insular position.[33]

To Haushofer, the existence of a state depended on living space, the pursuit of which must serve as the basis for all policies. Germany had a high population
density, but the old colonial powers had a much lower
density, a virtual mandate for German expansion into
resource-rich areas.[23] Space was seen as military protection against initial assaults from hostile neighbors with
long-range weaponry. A buer zone of territories or insignicant states on ones borders would serve to protect
Germany.[24] Closely linked to that need was Haushofers
assertion that the existence of small states was evidence
of political regression and disorder in the international
system. The small states surrounding Germany ought
to be brought into the vital German order.[25] These
states were seen as being too small to maintain practical
autonomy even if they maintained large colonial possessions and would be better served by protection and organization within Germany. In Europe, he saw Belgium, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece
and the mutilated alliance of Austro-Hungary as supporting his assertion.[26]

3 Contacts with Nazi leadership

Haushofers version of autarky was based on the quasiMalthusian idea that the earth would become saturated with people and no longer able to provide food
for all. There would essentially be no increases in
Haushofer and the Munich school of geopolitik would

Evidence points to a disconnect between the advocates

of geopolitik and Hitler, although their practical tactical
goals were nearly indistinguishable.[11]
Rudolf Hess, Hitlers secretary who would assist in
the writing of Mein Kampf, was a close student of
Haushofers. While Hess and Hitler were imprisoned
after the Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Haushofer
spent six hours visiting the two, bringing along a copy of
Friedrich Ratzels Political Geography and Clausewitz's
On War.[34] After World War II, Haushofer would deny
that he had taught Hitler, and claimed that the National
Socialist Party perverted Hesss study of geopolitik.
Hitlers biographers disagree somewhat on the extent
of Haushofers inuence on Hitler: Ian Kershaw writes
that "[his] inuence was probably greater than the Munich professor was later prepared to acknowledge,[35]
while Joachim C. Fest says that Hitlers version of
[Haushofers] ideas was distinctly his own.[36] Haushofer
himself viewed Hitler as a half-educated man who never
correctly understood the geopolitik principles explained
by Hess, and saw Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop as the principal distorter of geopolitik in Hitlers
Although Haushofer accompanied Hess on numerous
propaganda missions, and participated in consultations

between Nazis and Japanese leaders, he claimed that
Hitler and the Nazis only seized upon half-developed
ideas and catchwords.[38] Furthermore, the Nazi party
and government lacked any ocial organ that was receptive to geopolitik, leading to selective adoption and poor
interpretation of Haushofers theories. Ultimately, Hess
and Konstantin von Neurath, Nazi Minister of Foreign
Aairs, were the only ocials Haushofer would admit
had a proper understanding of geopolitik.[39]

oned for two-and-a-half months.[45]

The idea of contact between Haushofer and the Nazi

establishment has been stressed by several authors.[46]
These authors have expanded Haushofers contact with
Hitler to a close collaboration while Hitler was writing
Mein Kampf and made him one of the 'future Chancellors
many mentors. Haushofer may have been a short-term
student of Gurdjie, that he had studied Zen Buddhism,
and that he had been initiated at the hands of Tibetan
Father Edmund A. Walsh, professor of geopolitics lamas, although these notions are debated.
and dean at Georgetown University, who interviewed The inuence of Haushofer on Nazi ideology is dramaHaushofer after the allied victory in preparation for the tized in the 1943 short documentary lm, Plan for DeNuremberg trials, disagreed with Haushofers assess- struction, which was nominated for an Academy Award.
ment that geopolitik was terribly distorted by Hitler and
the Nazis.[7] He cites Hitlers speeches declaring that
small states have no right to exist, and the Nazi use of
Haushofers maps, language and arguments. Even if dis- 4 Works
torted somewhat, Walsh felt that was enough to implicate
English Translation and Analysis of Major GenHaushofers geopolitik.[40]
eral Karl Ernst Haushofers Geopolitics of the Pacic
Haushofer also denied assisting Hitler in writing Mein
Ocean: Studies on the Relationship between GeograKampf, saying that he only knew of it once it was in print,
phy and History ISBN 0-7734-7122-7
and never read it. Walsh found that even if Haushofer
did not directly assist Hitler, discernible new elements ap Das Japanische Reich in seiner geographischen Enpeared in Mein Kampf, as compared to previous speeches
twicklung (L.W. Seidel & sohn, 1921 Wien)
made by Hitler. Geopolitical ideas of lebensraum, space
Geopolitik des Pazischen Ozeans. (1925)
for depth of defense, appeals for natural frontiers, balancing land and seapower, and geographic analysis of
Bausteine zur Geopolitik. (1928)
military strategy entered Hitlers thought between his im[7]
prisonment and publishing of Mein Kampf. Chapter
Weltpolitik von heute. (Zeitgeschichte-Verlag WilXIV, on German policy in Eastern Europe, in particular
helm Undermann, 1934)[47]
displays the inuence of the materials Haushofer brought
Hitler and Hess while they were imprisoned.[42]
Napoleon I., Lbeck : Coleman, 1935
Haushofer was never a member of the Nazi Party, and did
Kitchener, Lbeck : Coleman, 1935
voice disagreements with the party, leading to his brief
imprisonment. Haushofer came under suspicion because
Foch, Lbeck : Coleman, 1935
of his contacts with left wing socialist gures within the
Weltmeere und Weltmchte, Berlin : Zeitgeschichte
Nazi movement (led by Gregor Strasser) and his advoVerlag, 1937
cacy of essentially a GermanRussian alliance. This Nazi
left wing had some connections to the Communist Party
Deutsche Kulturpolitik im indopazischen Raum,
of Germany and some of its leaders, especially those
Hamburg : Homann u. Campe, 1939
who were inuenced by the National Bolshevist philosophy of a GermanRussian revolutionary alliance, as ad Grenzen in ihrer geographischen und politischen Bevocated by Ernst Niekisch, Julius Evola, Ernst Jnger,
deutung, Heidelberg ; Berlin ; Magdeburg : VowHielscher and other gures of the conservative revoluinckel, 1939
tion. He did profess loyalty to the Fhrer and make antiSemitic remarks on occasion. However, his emphasis
Wehr-Geopolitik :
Grundlagen e.
was always on space over race, believing in environmenWehrkunde, Berlin : Junker u.
tal rather than racial determinism.[43] He refused to as1941
sociate himself with anti-Semitism as a policy, especially
Japan baut sein Reich, Berlin : Zeitgeschichtebecause his wife was half-Jewish.[44] Haushofer admits
Verlag Wilhelm Undermann, 1941
that after 1933 much of what he wrote was distorted under duress: his wife had to be protected by Hesss inu Das Werden des deutschen Volkes : Von d. Vielfalt
ence (who managed to have her awarded 'honorary Gerd. Stmme zur Einheit d. Nation, Berlin : Propylenman' status); his son was implicated in the July 20 plot
Verl., 1941
to assassinate Hitler and was executed by the Gestapo; he
himself was imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp
Der Kontinentalblock : Mitteleuropa, Eurasien,
for eight months; and his son and grandson were imprisJapan, Berlin : Eher, 1941

Das Reich : Grodeutsches Werder im Abendland,
Berlin : Habel, 1943
Geopolitische Grundlagen, Verleger Berlin ; Wien :
Industrieverl. Spaeth & Linde, 1939.
De la gopolitique, Paris: Fayard, 1986.

[21] Dorpalen, p.80

[22] Dorpalen, p.78
[23] Dorpalen, pp.3839
[24] Dorpalen, pp.9495
[25] Dorpalen, pp.20506

[26] Dorpalen, pp.207, 209

See also

[27] Dorpalen, p.231


[28] Mattern, p.17

Intermediate Region

[29] Mattern, p.39

Alfred Pringsheim

[30] Dorpalen, pp.235-6

[31] Dorpalen, p.218


[32] Mackinder, p.78

[33] Walsh (1949), p.9


[34] Walsh (1949), pp.1415

[1] Pauwels, Louis and Bergier, Jacques. The Morning of the
Magicians. Avon Books, 1973

[35] Kershaw, Ian Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris New York: Norton, 1998. pp.248-249. ISBN 0-393-04671-0

[2] Zweig, Stefan.

Viking, 1943

[36] Fest, Joachim C. and Winston, Richard and Winston,

Clara (trans.) Hitler. New York: Vantage, 1975. (orig.
published in German in 1973), p.217. ISBN 0-39472023-7

The World of Yesterday New York:

[3] Germany: Haushofers Heritage. Time. March 25,

1946. Retrieved 2012-09-09.
[4] Walsh, Edmund A. The Mystery of Haushofer Life
(September 16, 1946) pp. 107120

[37] Walsh (1949), p.15

[5] Saul Bernard Cohen (2003). Geopolitics of the World

System. Rowman and Littleeld Publishers Inc. pp. 21
23. ISBN 0-8476-9907-2.

[39] Walsh (1949), pp.3536

[6] Mattern, pp.4041

[41] Walsh (1949), p. 36

[7] Walsh (1949), p.41

[42] Walsh (1949), p.42

[8] Mattern, p.32

[43] Mattern, p.20

[9] Dorpalen, pp.1617

[44] Walsh (1949), pp.40, 35

[38] Walsh (1949), p.8

[40] Walsh (1949), pp.41, 17

[10] Walsh (1949), pp.45

[45] Walsh (1949), p.16

[11] Beukema, Col. Herman. Introduction to Dorpalen,


[46] for example:

[12] Mattern, p.37

Berzin, Alexander. The Nazi Connection with

Shambhala and Tibet (May 2003)

[13] Walsh (1949), p.39

FitzGerald, Michael.
(Robert Hale, 1990)

Storm Troopers of Satan

[14] Mattern, p.60

Adolf Hitler: A Portrait

[15] Dorpalen, pp.6667

FitzGerald, Michael.
(Spellmount, 2006)

[16] Dorpalen, p.52

Sklar, Dusty. The Nazis and the Occult (Dorset

Press, 1977)

[17] Dorpalen, pp.6869

[18] Dorpalen, pp.2324
[19] Dorpalen, p.54
[20] Walsh (1949), p.48

Webb, James. The Occult Establishment (Richard

Drew, 1981)
[47] Weltpolitik von heute


Dorpalen, Andreas.The World of General
Haushofer: Geopolitics in Action (New York:
Farrar & Rinehart, 1942) ISBN 0-8046-0112-7
Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf. Karl Haushofer: Leben und
Werk. 2 vols. (= Schriften des Bundesarchivs 24)
Harald Boldt Verlag, Boppard 1979.
Mattern, Johannes, Geopolitik: Doctrine of National Self-Suciency and Empire, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore: 1942
Ravenscroft, Trevor. The Spear of Destiny Weiser
Books, London: 1983
Walsh, Edmund A. Total Power: A Footnote to History. Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City,
New York: 1949

Further reading
Coogan, Kevin, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker
Yockey and the postwar fascist international (Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1998) ISBN 1-57027-039-2
Heske, Henning, Karl Haushofer: his role in German politics and in Nazi politics, Political Geography 6 (1987), pp. 135144.
Murphy, David Thomas, The Heroic Earth: Geopolitical Thought in Weimar Germany, 19181933
(Kent, Oh.: Kent State University Press, 1997)
Rees, Philip (ed.), Biographical Dictionary of the
Extreme Right Since 1890, 1991, ISBN 0-13089301-3
Spang, Christian W., Karl Haushofer Re-examined
Geopolitics as a Factor within Japanese-German
Rapprochement in the Inter-War Years?" C. W.
Spang, R.-H. Wippich (eds.), Japanese-German Relations, 18951945. War, Diplomacy and Public
Opinion. (Routledge, London/New York: 2006) pp.
Spang, Christian W., Karl Haushofer und Japan.
Die Rezeption seiner geopolitischen Theorien in der
deutschen und japanischen Politik, Munich: Iudicium, 2013. ISBN 978-3-86205-040-6.
Tuathail, Gearoid; et al. (1998). The Geopolitics Reader. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-41516271-8.

External links
Deutsches Historisches Museum: Biography of Karl
Haushofer (German)


Encyclopdia Britannica entry

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition entry on
Karl Haushofer
Whos Who in Nazi Germany, by Wiedereld and
Nicolsa, Haushofer entry at the Wayback Machine
(archived May 12, 2005)
Geopolitics, the United States, the Eurasian Continental Bloc, and China by Bertil Haggman
The Last Days of World War II Last Secrets of the
Axis An online documentary by History Channel about Karl Haushofer and his role on Eurasia alliance
Japan und die Japaner - eine Landes und Volkskunde
(1933) at The Internet Archive

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License: Public domain Contributors: Bundesarchiv Koblenz und Berlin Original artist: Friedrich V. Hauser (d. 1921)


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