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Author defines CBT as economically, environmentally, socially, and
culturally responsible visitation to local/indigenous communities to
enjoy and appreciate their cultural and natural heritage, whose
tourism resources, products, and services are developed and
managed with their active participation, and whose benefits from
tourism, tangible or otherwise, are collectively enjoyed by the
In Thailand visitors typically travel for experiencing their traditional
way of life and culture. The degree of this experience is dependent
on the visitors level of participation at the community destinations.
Several community destinations offer tourism in the form of CBT,
community-based ecotourism, and related tourism such as
homestay and agro tourism.
The author visited ten place in Thailand to distinguish the different
forms of tourism offered at those destinations. Ban Mae Kampong
and Ban Mae Lai were found best example for CBT. In Ban mai lai
people have partnership with a business have retained traditional
lifestyle, informal consent , community involvement , community
empowerment, Complements to community lifestyles, Additional or
alternative income, Collectively benefits community, Conservation
of culture and natural heritage, Presence of mitigation measures,
Avoids commoditizing culture.
Business enterprise establish a partnership with the local community
without the risking community ownership. Private sector agencies
collaborate with the participating community, by providing the
funds, clients, marketing, tourist accommodation or other expertise;
and depending on the agreement made, the private sector
agency may or may not have a stake in the tourism enterprise.
However, the agreement usually involves providing support to
community development and to active partnership with the
community when planning the tourism development.

Conclusion from study:

Visitors should be aware of the possible impacts of their
visitations on the community.
Visitors should have the opportunity to partake in the
communitys daily and cultural activities, and activities set in
their natural environment (eg trekking and outdoor
Community should actively involve lending more flexibility to
the rather restrictive managed and owned by the
Their monetary income should go to the community
development fund that benefits both participating and nonparticipating households.
Relevant agencies, institutions, organizations, and businesses,
should consider making available accurate information on
community destinations, to assist interested parties in locating
the desired products and services.

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