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Course fee: 480 Includes course materials and cultural visits.

Accommodation & Subsistence: 800

Five days in a single room at Hotel Sesimbra Spa & Pool including all meals
and a social & cultural evening.
Total payment: 1280

You must register your organisation on the European Commission Authentication
Service (ECAS) and you need a PIC code before applying for Erasmus+ funding.
Find a step-by-step guide to register your organisation on ECAS and PIC:

Signing up to:
Gert Larsen
International Coordinator
Albertslund, Denmark
+45 20129048

Creating Opportunities and Understanding
foR Avoiding and preventinG Exclusion
PIC number: 947682629

Our course is regarded as an In-service Training Course under the new Erasmus+
Teachers, school leaders, youth workers and voluntary staff from primary and secondary,
upper secondary and vocational education, as well as sports clubs in the programme
countries can take part and must apply before
1st February 2017
Course PIC number: 947682629
Contact your National Agency (NA) for more information

In-Service Training Course

2/10 - 6/10 - 2017

Sesimbra, Lisbon, Portugal

The COURAGE project is a 3 years strategic partnerships for

a youth programme of research and development undertaken
by partnership of five institutions integrating educational,
youth, sports and other leisure activities in Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, Lithuania and Norway. It addresses exclusion of
young people from social, educational, cultural and economic
opportunities associated with a full citizenship a serious
issue across Europe.

COURAGE objectives

Course activities

Our ultimate goal is to improve life

chances across the whole European area of the projects ultimate
beneficiaries young people at
risk from:
social disengagement; educational
exclusion and under-attainment;
becoming long-term NEETs (Not in
Education, Training or Employment); experiencing lasting disadvantage in labour markets; being
unable to exercise their full rights
as EU citizens. The immediate target groups for our findings and products are youth and community workers, school
leaders and teachers, trainers, and coaches, working with young people in varying degrees of co-operation with related agencies and with varying and often inadequate resources for training and support. Our ultimate beneficiaries are the many hundreds and
thousands of young people whose life-chances will benefit during and after the life-time of
the project from our target groups enhanced knowledge and competence.

The course is prepared with a variety of

activities, including participant active
Ice-breaking activities
Plenary sessions
Questions and answers with board
members and invited guests/speakers:
Meet Arsenal in Community and Benfica
Foundation Participants presentations
Caf innovation activity
School/institution visits
COURAGE marketplace an opportunity for delegates to present and share
own experiences and details of home
institutions and culture.
The training event will offer cultural events based on Portugal culture.

Training course objectives


To inform about the findings and experiences from the COURAGE

To exchange experience in how to prevent Early School Leaving
and encourage to after-compulsory-education
To explore, develop and evaluate the best practice from a number of European teachers, trainers, principals and policy makers
Encourage and motivate the course participants to include the
European and international dimension in their future projects and
action plans for their local activities
Demonstrating and sharing the best practice between COURAGE
partners and the course participants.

Conference venue
The first COURAGE training course will take place at the Sesimbra Hotel and Spa. A
stunning 4-star property located in the charming village of Sesimbra, surrounded by the
Arrabida Nature Reserve and just 30 km from Lisbon.
There are 100 guestrooms beautifully appointed featuring terraces overlooking the Atlantic.
Course and conference facilities are also available at the Sesimbra hotel and Spa with
state of the art meeting rooms, completely equipped.

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