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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicaes Lda.

Ingls 7 Ano Teste Diagnstico

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

Read the text very carefully.

The Gomez family live in Mexico City. On
Sundays they go to the Park. Read about their
On Sundays we get up early. We don't have
a big breakfast, only coffee and bread and
butter. Then we go to church. After church we all
go to Chapultepec Park. This is a big, beautiful
park in the centre of the city.
First we go boating on the lake. Then we sit
under the trees and have our picnic lunch. The
children fly their kites. I always sleep after lunch on
Sundays: in the afternoons the small children ride
their bicycles. Baby Bianca likes riding in a little
goat cart. You can see one in my photograph.
At about five o'clock we buy fruit or ice
cream and then we catch the bus home.
We have supper at home and then the children go to bed. We usually go to
bed early on Sundays.

1. Decide if the following statements are true (t) or false (f):

1- They get up late on Sundays. _____
2- They have a big breakfast.. _____
3- They have lunch on the lake. _____
4- The children sleep in the afternoon. _____

2. Answer the following questions on the text:

1- Where do the Gomez live?
2- When do they go to Chapultepec Park?
3- What do they have for breakfast?


4- Who rides their bicycles in the afternoon?

5- What do they do at five o`clock?
6- Do they go to bed late on Sundays?

3. Complete the dialogue between john and Mary:

1- John: ___________________________________________________________________?
Mary: I get up at 7 o`clock every day.
2- John: ___________________________________________________________________?
Mary: I go to school by car.
3- John: ___________________________________________________________________?
Mary: school starts at half past eight.
4- john: ____________________________________________________________________?
Mary after school I play computer games and do the homework.

4. Complete the spaces with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
I ____________ (be) a hard working boy. Everyday I ___________ (get up) at 7.30
and then I __________ (have) breakfast with my parents in the kitchen. My brother
___________ (be) a very lazy boy! He only _____________ (get up) at 8.00 and
_____________ (not have) breakfast with us! He only _____________ (drink) a glass of
milk and ____________ (eat) some cookies because he _______________ (not have)
time! The bus ______________ (leave) At 8.15!

5. Rewrite the sentences inserting the adverb in the right place.

1- Tom is very happy. (Always)
2- He gets up at 7 oclock. (Usually)

3- They go to school on foot. (Never)

4- I go to the cinema on Friday. (Often)

6. Write about your daily routine.

Describe what you do every day!

I get up at


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