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Twin Flame & Soul Mate Connections Is it Love?

Weve been getting a LOT of questions over the last several months about love. So many
of us are experiencing really intense connections with people complete with past life
memories and huge emotional triggers that spark deep feelings and yearnings. It seems
like a lot of us are running into their twin flames or soul mates, and wondering why the
relationships arent quite working out. Whats the point of these connections if were not
meant to have the relationship? Whats going on? Well, Edens been repeating themselves
to a lot of people about this issue, and this week they really got the point this week on
that, and its a message that should ring true for many of us on Planet Earth, especially
the lightworkers who are really shifting things along. So here we go!
Android-Jones-UnionFirst of all, most of these connections are not twin flames (twin
flames share one soul, they are another piece of your soul living a parallel life) but they
are true and deep connections. Generally, whats going on is you have loved each other so
deeply in other lifetimes and on other planes that it seems inconceivable that you could
be brought together again without that same destiny. However, Eden sees that it is so.
Most of you (not all, Im sure) are connecting right now in this lifetime to spark a vast reawakening of your heart chakra so that it can return to its divine original blueprint. You
are one of many souls who are engaging in this awakening so that you can help humanity
return to what it was meant to be. With your heart chakra fully opening, telepathic
abilities and other psychic sensitivities will re-emerge, as they are meant to. Each human
who experiences this remembering sends a shock, a pulse, of love throughout the matrix
of mass consciousness. Each pulse inspires other hearts to open, to remember, and to
reintegrate. Humanity was meant to exist in a state of open, unconditional love. Over
eons, subjected to conflicts with other races and dimensions, the heart (along with the rest
of humanitys DNA) became corrupted and distorted, so that the heart chakra folded in
upon itself, unable to experience full and open love as it was meant to.
Humanity can only return itself to its former glory and pure DNA patterning after its
hearts have been resurrected. So if you are experiencing this, consider yourself among the
first wave. You have connected with another, remembered the ability to receive and give
pure love, and now you are awake. Your heart yearns to continue this connection. And it
will. But it is time for something new. You have not come among the first wave simply so
that you can repeat old patterns and relationships. You are beyond that. If you are with
this person now romantically, you will simply repeat old behaviors. It is time for
something new. Someday, yes, of course you will be together again, but not now, not
when you are still in an emerging pattern of growth. Follow the flow of your heart. Revel
in your new psychic awareness and reception. Be open to all experience.
Be well! You are Blessed.

The Year of Love A Channeled Reading for 2015 from Eden

EdenDecember 24, 2014Uncategorized
2015 will be the year of awakening and reckoning, remembered for many years by many
on your planet. There will be some major, large shifts in how humans live from day to
day, how they behave to one another.
By the end of 2015 there will be much more love and much less fear throughout the
world. People will have changed without even realizing it. Many will not even notice the
shift, because it will seem as if always there was this love in their hearts. Many people
who are not of love and light will check out. Not all dying, but many seeming to
quietly disappear from the lives those who are of love. As those of love shift up to the
new Earth vibration, so those not of love will be shifted out of their daily lives, out of
their world. And there will be some minor tragedies, some more terrorism and shootings
and at least one very bad volcanic eruption. The United States will have some small
revolutions and business on a day to day level will shift ever so slightly, as people at all
levels of society begin to manifest the ideal of pay if forward with exponential results.
Technology will continue to change very, very quickly, so much so that there is no point
even trying to keep up with it, simply flow with it and follow the leads of the young.
Those in need of sustenance and shelter will find what they need more easily. Those in
need of money will receive abundance more easily. Everything will begin to flow in ways
they have not for the last 15 years. Darker minds will try to keep the people in fear by
spreading stories of hate and separation, but the stories will fade over time, and become
meaningless in a world that is ruled by love. Those who stay stuck in the dark will not be
able to fool the world for long, and many will lose their positions of power over it.
Those who are sick and in pain will need to choose whether they stay with the fear, with
the dis-ease, or if they move forward into the new loving energies. The new energies of
love on the planet, arriving in full force by the spring of 2015, will be able to wash away
all pain and chronic illness with ease for all those with open hearts. Doctors will
eventually need to embrace a new paradigm of medicine, one of love and upliftment,
support and clearing, or else they will be left without work. This will slowly become
obvious to them over the next decade.
We promise you, this year will bring great changes. We promise you, there is much
planning for joy and evolution. The stage has been set and everything is already in
motion, so try as anyone might, this evolution into love cannot be stopped. Embrace love,
embrace yourself, and follow your heart to joy!
You are blessed.
We are all ONE, and we are all LOVE.
The view up ahead, especially for those of you in the Eastern USA

EdenJanuary 27, 2015Uncategorized2015, acceptance, east coast, elemental, ideology,

leaders, leadership, love, prediction, shift, storm, washington
imagesThe end of 2014 was important for wrapping up loose ends, we saw a huge shift in
energy towards the end of the year so that people could truly end some old cycles and get
cleansed, energetically and emotionally, for the coming year. This is continuing now,
especially here in the east coast with a series of storms that are bringing in new energies
first love, then acceptance, next ideology and finally leadership. This quartet of elemental
storm energy is going to really shift a lot of important minds on the east coast of the US,
that will in turn join in the work to shift things globally and even universally. A lot of new
projects and contracts will be popping up for many people. Life is going to gain speed
and traction, and higher vibrations are going to truly become the norm over the next five
years, rather than the exception.

Who are you? You are all Part of the Infinite ONE.
EdenOctober 29, 2014Uncategorized
Hi, If any of the loving beings that you are in contact with, know who I am, I would be
very grateful to know. What I do know is, I am no mere mortal!
Love, J.
Greetings, Dearest J.,
We hear you, and know what you are saying. You of course know that you are no mere
mortal, indeed no one on earth is. You are all part of the infinite One, the All-that-IS and
your soul is but a spark of the One. We are all one. But you know that, and that is not all
you are asking. What you want to know is why do you feel different, why do you feel
sometimes that you dont belong, and that there is more waiting for you. You wonder this
especially at night, when the stars are shining and the noises outside are more quiet. And
you wonder it, too, when you are with large groups of people, you wonder who are all
these beings, and why are you here with them?
You have not been on Earth many times. There are some souls who have incarnated on
Earth since its own beginning. There are many who have incarnated hundreds and
thousands of times. And always, there are fresh souls who are new to the planet, coming
to see what all the fuss is about. Why incarnate somewhere where the beings are so
limited, so mass-ive, so physical and bound so by time? Why come somewhere where life
is so busy and frail? So the souls come. It has always been so, and always will be. You
are one of these newer souls. It is your third time on Earth, and you still feel strange here.
Your first life you chose something small with a brief lifespan, so you could just observe.
Last time you were a human, and again you are so. But the majority of your lives have

been in two other worlds, in other times and spaces. More recently, you incarnated where
the beings live mouch, much longer than here, where the thoughts have time become
much deeper and delve into spiritual study, where even the forms themselves are larger
and stronger, faster and taller. Movies like Avatar resonate strongly with you for this
reason, because you know how to be more in tune with your world and other creatures, to
be stronger and fearless, yet more at peace and quiet, than you have ever been here on
earth. You yearn sometimes for this other world. But you are here now. Know that you
chose to be here so that you could experience the vast range of emotions that humans
experience, and bring those sensations into your soul so that you could expand and
flourish. When this life is done, you will go with other souls to begin life on a new
experiential planet where the excitement and strong emotional connectivity of earth will
blend with the strength and spirituality of your former lives. All will be well. You are
blessed. You are strong. You are light and you ARE loved.
Blessings, Eden

Feeling Disconnected

images (1)Dear Eden,

Why am I so disconnected from my life? I always have feeling I should be somewhere
else or doing something else. I am disconnected from my family, friends and my
husband. I always feel like Im on the outside looking in.
Thank you, S.
Dearest S.,
You feel disconnected from your life because you are disconnected from Source. When
you were quite young, you experienced some sadness and a shock that created a small rift
within your etheric body. A minor, but important, piece of your soul, the part that loved
life and was excited to be here, split apart from your body to return to your higher self,
the greater aspect of your soul that remains with Source while you incarnate on Earth.
This small piece felt upset and betrayed, and did not successfully re-integrate with your
higher self fully, either it created a space where it could hide and remain safe on its
own. This is referred to by many energy healers on your planet as soul loss, and you
would benefit from a shamanic soul retrieval. You may also use meditative techniques on
your own to retrieve the piece and welcome it back if you do the work on your own
make sure it feels welcome and needed in the days and weeks after you reintegrate it. If
you have random thoughts or impulses, know that those are from your soul piece, and try
to honor them. Indeed, this piece is necessary for you to truly follow your life path and
receive good guidance from your greater self and from Source. You are meant to be doing

other things, your feelings are correct. You receive these feelings because your greater
self is trying to guide you to do what will bring your joy and fulfillment, but without that
piece you cant quite figure what that is. You do not need to abandon where you are or
who you are with, but you are correct that you have not been fulfilling your souls desires
on Earth in this life, simply because you have not been able to entirely connect with your
higher self in an efficient manner.
Many Blessings

Although not all dream lovers are soul mates or as I prefer to call them Divine
Complements, a large number are, pointing to a mysterious soul-to-soul connection that
lingers beyond the duration of an ordinary commitment. Divine Complements collaborate
and interact in the psychic realms even when a relationship in real life is deemed
impossible. The collaboration at the otherworldly dimensions is realized in dreams as the
consciousness of one collides with the consciousness of their twin to share intimate
details about their lives, such as thoughts, pursuits and desires for reconciliation. From
these dreams one becomes cognoscente that there is a spiritual purpose to the relationship
that goes beyond conscious attitudes, personal ideals, promises to others, desires and
personal needs. The purpose is a divine one.
Divine Complements or twin souls are mysteriously linked through a heart bond. A
signature exists within an invisible heart matrix, an aspect of the oversoul linking twin
souls together through a code of light and harmony. Therefore, twin souls are forever
bound at a dimension of spirit in much the same way that we are connected to God. This
bond is of a divine nature and higher order than emotional bonds or psychic connections
and represents a sacred and spiritual covenant- a promise that is spirit driven. Called the
Stellar Promise, this commitment has origins are before the fall, when both were birth out
of a creative miracle of God's intention of comparable partnership.
This signature at the heart has lasted for eons and drives twin souls together to fulfill their
life purpose together lifetime after lifetime. If and when they meet again the spiritual
chemistry between them is hopefully enough to ignite their hearts to recognize the deep
bond as greater than any romantic ideal. When all goes as planned twin souls become
intimate and commit to a lasting partnership or friendship.
Too many times however the soul and spirit driven connection is not enough to outweigh
the problems associated with conflicting personalities. Twin souls part without having
had the opportunity to reconcile the past, such as making up for their mistakes in past
lives. The well laid out promises they made for this incarnation in their soul contract, may
fall to irreconcilable differences or a poverty of love. Falling from grace, they drift apart
only to reunite once in a while in the dreamscape to share in the joy of their continued

communion at the heart.

Longing and Pining Dreams
The emotional connection we feel for our Divine Complement is a bond of human love.
This love can be preserved, respected and prized or it can be trampled on, buried,
abandoned, and even destroyed by our carelessness. Our human condition is appreciated
for its ability to bond deeply with another human being. The emotional bond with our
Divine Complement is doubled in strength because of an even stronger soul and spirit
connection, one that is impossible to dissolve completely because soul mates share a
room in each other's hearts forever.
Prolonged emotional attachment, however, can cause one to pine for their twin for years.
Some may never be able to let go completely. It seems that they are set adrift on an
endless sea of restless waves until the heart gives way to acceptance and forgiveness. At
some point, they should arrive at some level of understanding that even a twin soul
relationship can end abruptly and without closure. Those who hang on too long tend to
recreate the pain of their loss by revisiting the memories of the relationship over and over
again. They may daydream about the good times and ponder unanswerable questions
about what went wrong. Full of guilt, anger, and grief, they drown their creativity making
it hard to fulfill the more independent goals they have for their life including maybe
finding someone else. Nothing in their life seems to have the same magic and they have
little passion for what does. Even more heart wrenching is the evaporation of the dreams
and hopes for the future, growing old together and fulfilling their children's future side by
side. Life may go on, finances recover, but the subconscious clings. Some will dream of
reunion even when their soul mate has buried the friendship and danced on its grave.
They just can't accept its over. In this case, a dream where they are reunited again may
merely be the result of an unconscious desire to reconcile the loss. It is pure wish
fulfillment. It is as if the dream arrives with a magical elixir to mend the broken heart. A
"reconciling dream" attempts to reconcile the losses even when there is no point to a real
reconciliation. It seems to temporarily satisfy a deep subconscious need for continued
The Soul Mourns
For others, the bond and yearning may not be as conscious a choice. The soul itself
appears to have a lot at stake in keeping old promises alive. Soul contracts that were laid
to fulfill the promises for the incarnation that could not be completed because there was
not sufficient time, may necessitate the soul stay connected in the ethers. The karma
weighs heavy on the soul and a solution is sought, one that will fulfill the Stellar Promise
as well as the promises for the life. In such a case, a dreamer may find their "twin"
showing up in their dreams expressing love and devotion, especially at times when they
may need a helping hand. The 'dream reunion' will fill each with a strong sense of
wellbeing and even joy.
I ran into a woman recently who when I told her I was a dream expert disclosed that she
was plagued by dreams about her ex-husband. Although she insisted she seldom thinks
about him during the day, at night he's the leading man in most of her dreams. The
dreams' scenarios though always different, pointed to a continuing desire to reconcile

feelings of guilt and responsibility about the distance now between them. Intuitively, I
could see that they were Divine Complements who still had a great deal of karma to clear
up for a past life as well as a great deal of continued love housed in their hearts for each
other. In her case, her soul was committed to advance his soul through a soulful
communion of nighttime communications. She was nurturing him in the only way she
could-- at a distance.
Psychic bonds between intimate partners can present challenges after two have separated.
When psychic connections persist they are experienced as anywhere from being tuned in
from time to time to sharing an overcrowded psychic space and feeling overrun with
unwanted emotions. It is not unusual for soul mates to sense when the other is in danger,
has suffered a loss or is in the midst of a personal crisis. They may even to well up
suddenly with unexplainable emotions never suspecting they are picking up on their soul
mates mood through psychic channels. A dream may even spell out the details of their
soul mate's crisis offering an open window view of their personal dilemmas. These
psychic experiences constitute a strong psychic bond that is undeniable and that can be
difficult shake. For those remaining loyal and steadfast to their soul contracts, their
willingness to see their Divine Compliment through tough times may add to their own
suffering. They will unconsciously run to the rescue taking on the karma of their soul
mate, not realizing how overburdened by their soul mate's problems they are. They may
wake up feeling exhausted and unable to figure out a reason for their restless sleep.
The Death of a Spiritual Spouse
A soul mate who has left the earthly plane may revisit their spiritual spouse for quite
some time, making their way into their dreams at night for a chance to communicate.
These dreams are remarkable otherworldly communications and often touch the heart of
the dreamer like nothing else can, soothing some of the sense of loss and instilling faith
in an afterlife. However, not all such dreams are actual visitations. A young women who
was anxious to uncover why her old high school and college sweetheart was the character
in so many dreams, shared her dream with me. Admittedly, her soul mate's tragic death
had left a vacuum in her heart, but she felt it was time to let him go especially because
she was now happily married to someone else. The dream that stood out was one in
which she was in a house with her sweetheart, who was very much alive. She was
revisiting the relationship. In the dream, his family was accusing her of not treating him
with the love and respect he deserved and she was defending against their allegations.
She mentioned that in truth his family had always embraced her as one of the family,
therefore it was hard to imagine that they were actually harboring any anger or casting
any real blame on her. The dream was revealing unconscious shame and feelings of guilt
surrounding the end of their relationship. She was blaming herself for her shortcomings,
despite the fact that she couldn't consciously admit any wrongdoing. The shear fact that
he died suddenly and at such a young age was enough cast a level of shame on her. Her
unconscious just couldn't let go of the fact that she would never be able to see him again
and make up for any times when she fell short of her commitment to love.
Second Chance Dreams
Some dreams may hold a secret promise of fulfillment and signal it's time to reunite for a

second chance. "Second chance dreams" come as signs that the door is open for a future
reunion and that perhaps a phone call can smooth the way for a new beginning. I ran into
a man recently who said that he reconnected with his Divine Complement, someone he
dated in college, after he had a dream that told him that he would marry her. He told me
that shortly after the dream he heard from her cousin that she had divorced recently and
he couldn't resist ringing her up and asking her out. The dream illuminated their destiny
and coaxed him enough to make a move to make his dream come true. It did.
Discerning whether a dream offers any hope for a second chance or whether it is pure
wish fulfillment is difficult. If the dream reoccurs it may be worthwhile to consider that it
may be paving the way for a second chance.
Throughout all of our lives, whether we were aware of it or not, we have in fact always
been "connected" to our Twin Flames. Even before we ever reunited with our twins, we
have always shared our Divine Compliments emotions. Being connected, we have shared
them with our Twins in happiness and sadness, in sickness and in good health, and from
the physical plain to the astral plain. But, when Twins come together in the flesh, even if
they are unable to make a life together for a myriad of possible reasons, nothing can keep
them apart - not walls, not chains, not oceans, and not even if they live on separate
continents. Twin Flames - when they come together, are able to defy all laws that apply to
this physical realm - a dualistic plain that is collapsing now, into oneness.
Whether or not you have found your Twin here on earth, in the flesh, or on the astral
plain, you are aware of the psychic connection that you both share it is automatic!
However, if you are looking for your twin, seeking advice on these divine relationships,
or trying to hone your newfound abilities after the recent discovery of your Twin Soul,
then maybe you will find something in the body of this article to help you better connect.
Just think of it as a Twin Soul offering help to another Twin Soul. Which is what we are
supposed to be doing, right? So, how do Twin Flames connect? Simply put - they connect
across all space and time through LOVE. That is it! There is no incense burning, no
wizard behind the curtains, and no smoke & mirrors. Love is the key to connecting with
your Twin Soul. Without love, nothing is possible. However, when the Twins keep their
hearts open and full with the love of their divine counterpart's essence and energy, they
are connected! When Twin Flames become filled with love, they can experience
everything that their other half is experiencing across all time, space and distance. You
may see, touch, taste, smell, feel, and be with one another if you so desire. The key to
connecting and staying connected to your Twin, is Love. As somebody who has practiced
remote viewing and shamanic journeying for "seeing" never have I been able to connect
to the spirit world with the ease with which I do now, by way of the love I have for my
divine feminine. All of my life, I have searched and failed to realize what the one missing
piece to the puzzle was - and that was, Love. Only the Twin Flame can show you this.
Let us say that you have found your Twin, and that you want to "see," him or her. You
know you are connected and you are certain that you are in love, but you cannot be
together because you are separated by distance. So here is what you can do - close your
eyes, and begin to think of all those things that you love about your Twin especially their
Essence. Envision yourself as being right there with your Twin and feel your heart fill
with love. When your heart is all "big inside" or full, this is when your connection is at

its strongest and will help to amplify your experience. Therefore, when you feel your
heart fill with love, with eyes closed, envision that you are literally right there with your
Twin and you may be surprised at the clarity with which you will be able to perceive
him/her. This is not imagination, although the approach is similar. Speaking from
experience, you will literally be able to SEE your Divine Compliment - in real time!
Moreover, it does not always require a meditative mode or state of being. Some of you
will be able to see your Twin Soul wherever and whenever you want. You may see them
driving in their cars, at the computer, in bed, or at work and it will not matter, even if
you live in Australia and he lives in the Europe.
Seeing your Twin Flame across space and time, may take some practice and getting
used to. After all, we are not actually seeing with our eyes anymore, we perceive them
across time and space through the vibe of love similar to the way shamans would
journey in the days of old. If you and your twin are able to communicate, via the phone or
internet, share your experiences with each other and verify them for accuracy. This will
help you fine-tune your abilities and help you to understand the difference between real
and imaginary. However, I would be willing to bet, you will both be very surprised at
how accurate this vibe of love, really is. The vibe of love connecting Twin Flames is a
star gate, a wormhole, and a time machine, all in one. In addition, when Twin Flames
come together in divine love, they receive access to the Kingdom of God..
Connecting with your Twin Flame, in the act of love or sex, whether you are with or
without him/her, is the most beautiful display of creation one can ever experience.
Making love with your Twin is unlike any other love you will ever have made. It is
dreamlike, it is electric, it is Heaven, and I could go on and on and never find the
appropriate words in any language on this planet to accurately describe its true meaning
or essence. It is simply impossible because the experience itself goes beyond words and
imagination. Nevertheless, it is the human dream - the pinnacle of all life experiences the divine union of masculine and feminine energy. Sex with your Twin Flame is rarely
about self-pleasure, because each of you will be so intent upon giving or serving the
other, that it will not matter. The joy is really in the giving! In fact, your love for one
another will be so great that you may feel as though you could just give all day long and
be just as satisfied even if you never received a bean from the other. Lovemaking with
your divine counterpart can and does last for hours. If it were not for the daily necessities
of having to eat and drink just to stay alive, the two of you could go on and on until you
collapse in exhaustion. Yet, even then, you may find yourself wanting to display your
affection in ever changing new ways of love.
Now, let us say that you have found your twin but cannot be with each other because
you live on opposite ends of the earth. Being connected - you may find that you are able
to make love to your twin, through the dream state, in meditation, over the phone, and by
simply closing your eyes and envisioning yourself doing so. It is quite that simple.
Remember, this is not self-pleasure; there are no hands required or no need for the Twin
to be there physically. The only thing you need to have to make love to your Twin when
you're separated by distance, are hearts full of love, which in turn creates an open
connection between the two of you, whereby you will be able to send and receive LOVE! Through this vibe of love, you will literally be able to make love to your twin
without ever laying a hand on him/her and in turn and you may receive all the pleasures

that you would if you were there, physically but only better much better! The secret to
success in making love while you are, separated, will depend only on how much "Love"
you hold with your Twin.
Let us say that you have decided to meditate on your Twin Soul and you are both
aware that you will be meditating on each other at exactly the same time. Once again,
close your eyes and let your heart be filled with the essence of your Divine Compliment.
Next, envision yourself (without expectation) as standing or sitting directly in front of
him/her. The key to successfully contacting your twin is in, the envisioning of him/her.
Through the vibe of love, that you have for each other you may visit each other wherever
and whenever you want!
Once you have made contact with your Twin and have a visual the rest is up to you.
For me, personally, I prefer to go right up to my Twin at first contact and kiss her. How
could I not? I find her irresistible. In addition, do not be surprised to see your Twin "split"
from the physical form if they have not done so by the time you reach him/her - this is
normal but may take some time to digest if you have not experienced it before. After all,
it is very profound! With the realization of the power that you have, some of you may be
able to try it all on and find that it fits like a glove, while for others it may take some time
to accept especially while you balance out any karma from the past. In the beginning, it
may seem overwhelming at first as if what you are experiencing is like something out of
a Hollywood film. Words of advice Welcome your Twin Soul and the newfound abilities
that go with this relationship because you will never find another like it.
Other things you may notice while being with your Twin in the spirit world is that
you may choose to perceive each other, as he/she would appear in the physical, or you
may perceive your Twin as pure energy. The perceiving of your Twin in the physical is
enough, alone, for the beginner to be wowed, but when you see and feel the pure energy
of your twin soul, this is can create an overwhelming sense of ecstasy that can sometimes
be so powerful as to break you from your meditation or snap you back to the physical.
When this happens, take a break! There will be other times, because your love, which
equals the ability to touch each other across time and space, is going nowhere, for you
are, awakened. Simply being together, you collapse all time, space and distance. You are
the human dream!
As an end note: Paula (my Twin Soul) and I believe, as we are now beginning to
experience, that as more and more Twin Souls reunite and come online, so to speak, a
collective consciousness will emerge. This collective consciousness will not only link
yourself to your twin, but will link you to all other Twin Souls that are out there. As more
and more Twin Souls come online, the speed and connection we have to work with, will
improve. We are literally creating our own web of communication made possible by
LOVE. We could all, very well, be linked together through this collective consciousness,
which is now accessible.
How Twin Flames Connect
by Brendan & Paula
Throughout all of our lives, whether we were aware of it or not, we have in fact
always been "connected" to our Twin Flames. Even before we ever reunited with our
twins, we have always shared our Divine Compliments emotions. Being connected, we

have shared them with our Twins in happiness and sadness, in sickness and in good
health, and from the physical plain to the astral plain. But, when Twins come together in
the flesh, even if they are unable to make a life together for a myriad of possible reasons,
nothing can keep them apart - not walls, not chains, not oceans, and not even if they live
on separate continents. Twin Flames - when they come together, are able to defy all laws
that apply to this physical realm - a dualistic plain that is collapsing now, into oneness.
Whether or not you have found your Twin here on earth, in the flesh, or on the astral
plain, you are aware of the psychic connection that you both share it is automatic!
However, if you are looking for your twin, seeking advice on these divine relationships,
or trying to hone your newfound abilities after the recent discovery of your Twin Soul,
then maybe you will find something in the body of this article to help you better
connect. Just think of it as a Twin Soul offering help to another Twin Soul. Which is what
we are supposed to be doing, right? So, how do Twin Flames connect? Simply put - they
connect across all space and time through LOVE. That is it! There is no incense burning,
no wizard behind the curtains, and no smoke & mirrors. Love is the key to connecting
with your Twin Soul. Without love, nothing is possible. However, when the Twins keep
their hearts open and full with the love of their divine counterpart's essence and energy,
they are connected! When Twin Flames become filled with love, they can experience
everything that their other half is experiencing across all time, space and distance. You
may see, touch, taste, smell, feel, and be with one another if you so desire. The key to
connecting and staying connected to your Twin, is Love. As somebody who has practiced
remote viewing and shamanic journeying for "seeing" never have I been able to connect
to the spirit world with the ease with which I do now, by way of the love I have for my
divine feminine. All of my life, I have searched and failed to realize what the one missing
piece to the puzzle was - and that was, Love. Only the Twin Flame can show you this.
Let us say that you have found your Twin, and that you want to "see," him or her. You
know you are connected and you are certain that you are in love, but you cannot be
together because you are separated by distance. So here is what you can do - close your
eyes, and begin to think of all those things that you love about your Twin especially
their Essence. Envision yourself as being right there with your Twin and feel your heart
fill with love. When your heart is all "big inside" or this is when your connection is at its
strongest and will help to amplify your experience. Therefore, when you feel your heart
fill with love, with eyes closed, envision that you are literally right there with your Twin
and you may be surprised at the clarity with which you will be able to perceive him/her.
This is not imagination, although the approach is similar. Speaking from experience, you
will literally be able to SEE your Divine Compliment - in real time! Moreover, it does not
always require a meditative mode or state of being. Some of you will be able to see your
Twin Soul wherever and whenever you want. You may see them driving in their cars, at
the computer, in bed, or at work and it will not matter, even if you live in Australia and
he lives in the Europe.
Seeing your Twin Flame across space and time, may take some practice and getting
used to. After all, we are not actually seeing with our eyes anymore, we perceive them
across time and space through the vibe of love similar to the way shamans would journey
in the days of old. If you and your twin are able to communicate, via the phone or
internet, share your experiences with each other and verify them for accuracy. This will
help you fine-tune your abilities and help you to understand the difference between real

and imaginary. However, I would be willing to bet, you will both be very surprised at
how accurate this vibe of love, really is. The vibe of love connecting Twin Flames is a
star gate, a wormhole, and a time machine, all in one. In addition, when Twin Flames
come together in divine love, they receive access to the Kingdom of God..
Connecting with your Twin Flame, in the act of love or sex, whether you are with or
without him/her, is the most beautiful display of creation one can ever experience.
Making love with your Twin is unlike any other love you will ever have made. It is
dreamlike, it is electric, it is Heaven, and I could go on and on and never find the
appropriate words in any language on this planet to accurately describe its true meaning
or essence. It is simply impossible because the experience itself goes beyond words and
imagination. Nevertheless, it is the human dream - the pinnacle of all life experiences the divine union of masculine and feminine energy. Sex with your Twin Flame is rarely
about self-pleasure, because each of you will be so intent upon giving or serving the
other, that it will not matter. The joy is really in the giving! In fact, your love for one
another will be so great that you may feel as though you could just give all day long and
be just as satisfied even if you never received a bean from the other. Lovemaking with
your divine counterpart can and does last for hours. If it were not for the daily necessities
of having to eat and drink just to stay alive, the two of you could go on and on until you
collapse in exhaustion. Yet, even then, you may find yourself wanting to display your
affection in ever changing new ways of love.
Now, let us say that you have found your twin but cannot be with each other because
you live on opposite ends of the earth. Being connected - you may find that you are able
to make love to your twin, through the dream state, in meditation, over the phone, and by
simply closing your eyes and envisioning yourself doing so. It is quite that simple.
Remember, this is not self-pleasure; there are no hands required or no need for the Twin
to be there physically. The only thing you need to have to make love to your Twin when
you're separated by distance, are hearts full of love, which in turn creates an open
connection between the two of you, whereby you will be able to send and receive LOVE! Through this vibe of love, you will literally be able to make love to your twin
without ever laying a hand on him/her and in turn and you may receive all the pleasures
that you would if you were there, physically but only better much better! The secret to
success in making love while you are, separated, will depend only on how much "Love"
you hold with your Twin.
Let us say that you have decided to meditate on your Twin Soul and you are both
aware that you will be meditating on each other at exactly the same time. Once again,
close your eyes and let your heart be filled with the essence of your Divine Compliment.
Next, envision yourself (without expectation) as standing or sitting directly in front of
him/her. The key to successfully contacting your twin is in, the envisioning of him/her.
Through the vibe of love, that you have for each other you may visit each other wherever
and whenever you want!
Once you have made contact with your Twin and have a visual the rest is up to you.
For me, personally, I prefer to go right up to my Twin at first contact and kiss her. How
could I not? I find her irresistible. In addition, do not be surprised to see your Twin "split"
from the physical form if they have not done so by the time you reach him/her - this is

normal but may take some time to digest if you have not experienced it before. After all,
it is very profound! With the realization of the power that you have, some of you may be
able to try it all on and find that it fits like a glove, while for others it may take some time
to accept especially while you balance out any karma from the past. In the beginning, it
may seem overwhelming at first as if what you are experiencing is like something out of
a Hollywood film. Words of advice Welcome your Twin Soul and the newfound abilities
that go with this relationship because you will never find another like it.
Other things you may notice while being with your Twin in the spirit world is that
you may choose to perceive each other, as he/she would appear in the physical, or you
may perceive your Twin as pure energy. The perceiving of your Twin in the physical is
enough, alone, for the beginner to be wowed, but when you see and feel the pure energy
of your twin soul, this is can create an overwhelming sense of ecstasy that can sometimes
be so powerful as to break you from your meditation or snap you back to the physical.
When this happens, take a break! There will be other times, because your love, which
equals the ability to touch each other across time and space, is going nowhere, for you
are, awakened. Simply being together, you collapse all time, space and distance. You are
the human dream!
As an end note: Paula (my Twin Soul) and I believe, as we are now beginning to
experience, that as more and more Twin Souls reunite and come online, so to speak, a
collective consciousness will emerge. This collective consciousness will not only link
yourself to your twin, but will link you to all other Twin Souls that are out there. As more
and more Twin Souls come online, the speed and connection we have to work with, will
improve. We are literally creating our own web of communication made possible by
LOVE. We could all, very well, be linked together through this collective consciousness,
which is now accessible.
Twin Flames and Soul Mates
By Brendan and Paula
If you have found this page, (unless I invited you) just know that it was no
accident. You are searching for something - someone - a missing piece to your soul, lost
long ago, that will complete and/or complement you. For as long as we are seeking,
whatever or whoever we find along our path is by no coincidence. There will be signs on
the way. Our soul's journey is a personal one and our "choices" we make, will determine
who or what we find while travelling on this road. More than likely, however, you are
looking for answers to something because you have had an amazing experience you
cannot explain in any conventional way. If that is indeed the case, you have found 1 of
many places on the internet that will help shed some light on the topic of Twin Flames
and Soul Mates.
While traveling on this road, either with your Twin Flame/Soul Mate or searching for
your divine love, you will find many who will guide you, some will tell you exactly how
to get there and yet, it is still up to you to determine if that ONE is your Divine
Complement. Regardless of the advice that anybody gives you - even our own advice,
here - there are only 2 ways for you to know for sure, if that One is your Twin Flame or
Soul Mate.
#1 - You will know it in your heart.
#2 - You will need to ask your Angel(s) or Higher Self if you are still unsure. They will

set the record straight for you. But before you do, just know that they never lie and will
not bend one way or another.
The following information regarding Twin Flames and Soul Mates that you are about
to read is based solely on the path that Paula and I have travelled; our experiences with
our higher selves in Heaven and by connecting with others who are travelling the same
What is a Soul Mate?
A Soul Mate is somebody that you will share a deep connection with while incarnating
on this planet. What is the spirit level or soul level in heaven, you are part of the
very same soul family. While we are all Soul Mates to varying energetic degrees, some of
us will connect more strongly than we do with others. The reason for this is because there
are many soul families and those in the same soul family, typically numbering in the
millions and created by a single pair of divine complements, will have a stronger
connection with those of the immediate family, than those of extended soul families. Yet,
all soul families are connected and I will explain more about this below.
What is a Twin Flame or Divine Complement?
Each of us, will only have 1 Twin Flame or Divine Complement and the connection you
share will be like no other. When you find one another, it will change everything you ever
believed. Sometimes the both of you will incarnate together, sometimes separately.
Whatever the case, as Twin Flames, you are divine masculine and divine feminine
properties and together you are a balance of each. Yet, it is also your mission while you
are incarnate, to balance both the divine masculine and feminine properties of your soul
at an individual level. Do this, and your chances of finding Twin increase greatly!
How Do I know if He/She is A Soul Mate or Twin Flame?
To understand the difference between a Twin Flame and Soul Mate can be very difficult
indeed. This is not because we have 1 divine complement to find on a planet full of Soul
Mates, either. Moreover it is harder to tell because we have roughly 6.7 billion Soul
Mates and out of those, we are to know in our hearts that this is the ONE! can be
very hard indeed, to tell the difference. Yet, while travelling on your path, you might have
noticed that some Soul Mates seem to have a stronger connection with you than others almost like a Twin Flame. The reason for this is because there are many soul families thousands - and whether or not you are part of the same soul family, will determine how
strong your energetic connection will be. This connection will feel like a magnetic pull
and the two of you will be drawn to one another. Whatever the case, if you are Twin
Flames, know that the two of you are part of a soul family; mother and father to many
more souls (soul mates) and have been created at the soul level by Divine Complement's
that even though they are your true mother and father, they too, can be considered as Soul
A Soul Mate is essentially, anyone on the planet at this present time. However, some
will be closer to you than others and this is because there are soul families. If your soul

was created in the same soul family, your energetic connection will be much stronger to
those people than it will with anybody who is not part of the same soul family.
A Twin Flame is your divine other half. Both of you were created at the same time, in
heaven, usually by Divine Complements. But this is not the rule and I'll explain further
below. Twin Flames are created as Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, sent to
incarnate over and over again for the souls purpose of learning and experiencing. All the
while, they are growing as souls; their mission is to balance the divine masculine and
feminine between themselves and on an individual level.
To find out the meanings behind what we're talking about, we invite you to click the link
below and read further..
Lovers, Friends and Divine Complements...
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." - Rumi As I
stated in a previous blog, I have done a bit of research about the spiritual aspects on
relationships in the last ten years. On November 1, I was doing an appearance on a
Blogtalkradio show. We have been doing a series of shows on relationships and
connecting with ones Divine Compliment. As I did 25 to 30 readings in the hour and half
show, I realize that an article with more details about the Divine Compliment union is
needed. The shifting of energies, along with the astrological alignments is bringing these
two individuals of one soul together again. We are finding their Divine Other Half;
anyone who is looking for the Divine Compliment as I say it. Other ways are the Other
Half; Twin Flame; some will say soul mate, though this is not my take on it. The
understanding I have about Soul Mate is any one you have a spiritual agreement to meet
and have a lesson to learn or you teaching them to release karma. You work through your
soul mates to get to your Divine Compliment, which are in essence the best aspects of
your soul mates. So your Divine Compliment is a soul mate and both must understand
that they have spoken the intention when they truly want to meet and be with our Divine
Compliment; they are, or work towards being their equal and vibrationally at the same
space as the other half. Intentions spoken about being with one Divine Compliment starts
the process for the two to find each other. Most have in some form spoken their
intentions, wishes to be with their Divine Compliment. With this powerful intention, the
process begins to clear the mind, body and soul to be the equal of the Divine
Compliment. The highest vibrations is the aim of the union, so if one is in denial, fear or
chaos, they will begin to take responsibility for their shadow side, facing their fears and
breaking down the walls to open the heart to the union and higher vibration. How do you
know if they are your Divine Compliment? With your Divine Compliment, you can be
yourself, comfortable and easy. Accepting and allowing each to be an independent within
the union. Respect and support of each others is automatic. They inspire you, put a smile
on your face just be the simple things they do. They know what you need, when you need
it and may surprise you at times with knowing you so well. The Divine Compliment may
look like you in some ways, perhaps eyes, shape of your head, and have similar
experience, education, attitude, sense of humor and beliefs. A deep, strong friendship is
the foundation of your relationship. You will have similar goals and outlooks. You will
want to do the same things. He/She will be her/him; Harmonic Unity; One soul with two
bodies. Meeting the Divine Compliment. Now you can meet your Divine Compliment in

person or online and there is a different feeling and connection. You may meet out of the
blue or be drawn in some strange way or feel guided to a place; to talk with them and/or
meet them. If you are in another relationship, it will fall apart, so you are free to be with
your true intended, your Divine Compliment. At times, you will be alone for a bit,
clearing the past situations before meeting \ldblquote the one.\rdblquote Patience may be
needed as you must be free and clear to unit with little emotional baggage. There may be
a situation that you meet living in some distance away. You may develop the friendship,
before you are able to meet. You both may sense that the timing isn\rquote t quite right
and agree to wait, so each can make sure that they are in the right vibration, space and
emotional clearing to be together. Emotional cleared is meant by the fact you are
respecting your mind, soul and body as a sacred temple, keeping it pure from
entanglements of other\rquote s issues, through casual interlude or past relationships, plus
at your physically fit. Many will suddenly start to exercise or change the way they eat;
their time clock will alter to be at the same clock at their Divine Compliments; they will
sense when this person is near or around. You may act as they are at the same, for
example, doing the same action without knowing: Writing an email at the same time or
eating a meal, going to bed even if you are on different time zones. You may be meeting
them in dreams and begin the process of realigning to each others\rquote energy patterns.
Now there are some that you will meet them spiritually, connecting or bonding at a deep
level before meeting, continuing the process for the actual meeting. This happens with
one or both have a little more work. This can be a difficult situation if the two merge their
energies together. The mirroring of each other will even out as the process continues.
Though one or both will be able to feel what the other is doing or feeling. Everything can
be felt, especially any extreme simulation from anger to arousal. This does depend on the
strength of the intuitive and the level of sensitivity. Generally this will happen more so if
the person is clearer, making them a pure stream of energy, with one. Telepathic
communication may occur as well. Another aspect that must be understood is to be
successful in the ascension process with your divine compliment; you must work to be in
harmony with each other; meaning no games, open honest communication and total
respect of each other. Dimensionally you are connecting on many levels and it could be
that you can have this connection only on a higher level of self, due to the nature of your
current id. You can be simply having a deep friendship on this level, though this situation
is not likely with the current universal trends in bringing love to the highest vibration on
this planet. If the meeting of this connection becomes intentionally delayed due to a
choice to remain in the same spiritual alignment (staying in fear or ego for example); or if
one avoids the responsibilities of the union out of ego or fear; or if one using connection
to manipulate the other in some form changes will happen within the situation; This, in
turn, may end the possibility of the relationship and reunion of the Divine Compliment;
due to the disrespect of the connection and the nature of the union is equality at the
highest vibration of respect and honesty. In this case, the non-abusive mate will have the
opportunity with another at the same vibration, if they so choose. So if you are being
pulled to complete things or changes some things in your life, this may be the reason.
Your wish for your Divine Compliment is around or near you\'85 maybe even with you.
Take the steps to be within the mastery of love and all your dreams will be fulfilled in
ways you never imagined.
The Soulmate Holy Grail

For most the quest for a soulmate is as attractive and elusive as the quest for the Holy
Grail. Everyone wants one, but few know what it is.
Just about everyone seeks a soulmate, a divine complement whose love will lift them to
spiritual heights and whose companionship will fill each day with joy and meaning. For
many, the image of their soulmate is as magnificent a priceless gold and jeweled chalice,
a perfect archetype in a beautiful body, intoxicatingly radiant or regal and handsome. But
for those eager to find someone more authentic, their quest is for that "one in a million"
who completes and spiritually fulfills them, someone worth the wait and definitely worth
searching for.
As the vessel of spiritual illumination the Holy Grail points to a mystery locked within
us all a little secret housed in our hearts. Rather than an object imbued with spiritual
power because of it's association with Jesus Christ, the Grail actually represents the
container of the heart through which one becomes conscious of the infinite light, unity,
love and creative potentials within. That source connection in the heart holds yet another
mystery the connection to your twin flame. You and your twin flame are linked eternally
in an intimate bond at the heart of your spirits, your oversouls. Your intertwined
intelligences are angelic and synchronized to create a bonded love with creative
potentials that are beyond imagination and anything you can experience here on earth.
You twin flame unites with you to fulfill an important spiritual purpose. They awaken
you to the spiritual power of love and push you to psychologically mature. As a
complement, they embody unique masculine or feminine qualities that psychologically
complete you. Through the relationship mirror you can eventually bring your more
hidden qualities and talents into consciousness and integrate them, calling them your
When the door to your destiny opens, it is that heart-to-heart connection that will draw
the two of you together for a chance at love and to fulfill the promises your souls made
for this incarnation. When you meet your soulmate a divine spark is lit in the chalice of
your heart and filled with the light of your communion. The recognition is instantaneous
for some, but for others it takes a bit of time to recognize the divine connection.\par+
At the age of 29, Thomas thought he was ready for that special relationship, one with his
twin flame and divine complement. He knew she was out there somewhere in the world
and the pangs of yearning drove him to use the magical power of the Grail to find her. In
contemplation, he fashioned a ring by twisting silver jewelry wire into a braided band
with two hearts linked together in the design. It was a promise ring designed to invoke
the powers of the cosmos. At some level, he just knew the timing was right for his twin
flame too and that the ritual would create a serendipitous opportunity for a soulmate
reunion. Within a week, there she was, introduced to him by a close friend and within a
few weeks he presented her with his promise ring. They were perfectly matched
complements with unique talents, but differing styles of relating. He was a deep thinker
and articulate. She was emotional, yet more practical than he. Both were holistic healers.
He was a massage therapist wanting to pursue studies in transpersonal psychology and
she had begun studying nutritional healing. Their idea for the future was to combine their
knowledge and talents in the healing arts and practice side-by-side at a healing center.

The Grail had worked its magic to bring the two together, but only through faithful
commitment to each other could they weather the storms that life would surely
For Sir Galahad in La Queste del Saint Graal, the quest for the Holy Grail was marked by
dreams, revelations and guidance from those placed on his path. His destiny had been set,
his virtue tested and his prize awaited him because he was worthy to receive it. For those
venturing on the path to find their soulmate, the path may hold tests and revelations as
well. One must be ready, having psychologically and emotionally matured enough to
prove their love and be ready to commit for the long haul. For some, a prior relationship
is the proving ground. With one or more serious relationships under your belt, you learn
what makes a relationship work and what doesn't. It is not unusual for a prior relationship
to mimic some of the same dynamics that you will have to revisit with your divine
complement. Also, a previous partner may hold some of the very same qualities and
personality characteristics. Because of them, you can better appreciate those qualities in
your soulmate and you will be more prepared to deal with their idiosyncrasies.
Dreams on the quest for the "soulmate grail" are common. Some individuals may
have had dreams years, months or just days before they ever meet their twin flame. The
dreams often reveal key clues to a soulmate's identity, pointing to some geographical
location where they live or to some other hidden identifier that could unite the two.
A young man recently wrote me describing a series of reoccurring dreams about a
mystery woman to whom he seemed intimately connected. He was shown the country
and town in which she lived and he acknowledged that he had visited the town at least
once in his travels through Europe. In many of the dreams, the woman was ill and he was
trying to help her find the right medication to treat her illness. It was apparent that giving
love, support, and healing was the primary theme. In the Grail romances, the Grail's
restorative and healing power is evident with the healing of King Arthur's near fatal
wound. For this young man, his desire and power to heal his soulmate could also prove to
produce a miracle. At unseen dimensions twin flames often commune using the power of
the Grail (their hearts) to lend energy and healing power to each other. The love between
them proves to be the perfect magical elixir to ease each other's pain and heal each other's
If you are someone questing for you divine complement, you are likely tested most by the
wait. But in divine time and by divine design your soulmate will arrive holding the
mystery of the Grail out to you. Through their heart you will find your own and awaken
to greater spiritual understanding of the mysterious spiritual connection you both share.
A Divine Complement
Is someone who shows you the exact mirror of where you are living? This person could
be anyone at any given time the higher self sends to mirror your exact image.
Often times it reflects our negative vibrations, while other times you are blessed with
seeing the beauty that is you. A complement could come in and out of one\rquote s life, or
stay around for a while completing many lessons for both parties involved.
This would be a very good reason why marriages on earth shift all the time. People
change with age and move on.
Many times this does not happen together, and so two partners end up going their

separate ways and rightly so in this kind of environment. Remember relationships on

earth are in preparation for moving you to a higher level of being.
A Soul Mate
Is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation? Your cycle of life will
take many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will enter to teach you in a strong way
about yourself.
Many would like to think they are married with a soul mate, but truly not as many as
would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most
likely alter your life.
This could be positive or negative depending on where you stand in self. Also a soul mate
in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one
travels in several lifetimes together.
Your soul family is quite large and for purposes of learning at times you may work or set
up a connection with a soul mate from another soul family. So in that instance they would
be your soul mate.
Also a soul mate could be the exact gender or opposite depending on what you came to
experience. Often times a romantic relationship is not in the life plan, because everything
at this level is about clearing up with self.
We have spent some lives in dear soul mate relationships, while others are meant for the
souls study and advancement.
A Divine Expression
In short is one that comes in and makes a large impression on one\rquote s life. If one is
not moving in the exact direction intended a divine expression would move in to bring
out the deepest inner angst and leave you pondering the facts of life.
This is good, as the intention of a divine expression is exactly that. It will feel not quite
pleasant in a lot of instances, but to open a blind eye spirit will take on many forms to
At this time many beings are experiencing a divine expression simply to move them
forward. They are actually a gift from your guidance and one to take heed so the truth can
face you head on.
So many try to make something work that is not in the cards for their enlightenment and
this is where trust comes in.
If you feel strong about a being at this time, you will want to consider that your twin ray
is hanging around and this is actually what you are feeling.
A Twin Mate
Is part of a group of beings you are connected to for earth, solar and galactic work? A
twin mate is someone not usually linked to romantic liaisons, as these souls are a
connection of a like-minded unit of servers.
All are connected to at least 144 twin mates. In the paradigm of creation the numerical
value of 144 makes for the perfection of manifestation, as it works on a higher frequency
of energy. In the galactic core all twin mates were set up together.
Some are here on earth and some are in the galaxy doing other work. When we say we
are one and the same it is because units of congregated light do not separate themselves
from one another.

We are indeed together for many reasons throughout our experiences. This connection
will continue until we complete this cycle of creation into the birth of the new
Here we will advance and the units move and work with different wavelengths of light.
So together in the birthing we re-evaluate and shift energetically our streams of light
depending on where everyone resides in consciousness.
Some of your twin mates are not waking up as yet, but we hope all do, as time will soon
run out for the opportunity at hand.
As you connect hearts with many beings several will stand out and the recognition of a
twin mate will show itself.
A Twin Soul
Is a very like vibrational frequency? Each individual has twelve twin souls. They are part
of the twin mate grouping, however these twelve are extremely close to your earthwork.
Some of you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will
feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have.
This is likened to the twelve ascended masters you will link up to on your climb to the
Christ Light.
A very few of you are twin souls to the twelve masters that are on your line-up awaiting
your arrival. This is for instructing purposes as you are a teacher of magnitude and your
energy is linked to this consciousness of light.
There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings.
The ratio of male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences
one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light.
A Twin Flame
Is a being you have worked extremely closely with from the galaxy on down into a third
dimensional life form?
This was set up long ago and you have kept the same twin flames for eons. There are
seven twin flames you are connected to.
Besides the twin ray this will be your closest bond to an entity. Whichever level of light
one is at, you will have the ability to reconnect with the mighty seven. It will assist to
further your own enlightenment.
These are integrated before reaching the level of the twin ray. Needless to say that many
twin flame relationships are of great remembrance and love to all. They are also both
genders. For instance this channel has three female, and four male twin flames.
Three twin flames are on earth; four are in the upper dimensions. There is a special bond
between twin flames and you will forever be connected at the heart, as one does not ever
forget the special love a twin flame will share.
It moves beyond human sexuality and into the purity of devotion for working together
through these cycles. You have been through much and after the twin ray split the first
relationship one enters into is with a twin flame.
At the level we split there was not yet time to learn jealousy, we just created and
experienced in the love of our source.
We knew there would come a time when reunion would once again join our beloved ones
heart forever.

I can honestly tell you there are sad memories from this parting of two hearts which all
will clear before moving into the divine embrace of a twin ray.
The Twin Ray
Is the ultimate? There is no need to look further for source as this is experienced with one
The joy at this time as we have prepared long for this event is overwhelming even for the
many ascended masters awaiting this reunion.
You are the same Godspark that came from the loving embrace of mother/father God. It is
quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one other half of ourselves.
There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the
wait. For those who refuse to accept you only prolong your advancement as many
ascensions are tied into the reunification with the twin ray.
After working to reconnect and taking the time every day and night to complete the
energy work necessary, your twin ray is then known as the Consort.
Both of your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of
you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title as together you have both
conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.
Each person will have a unique situation and therefore all twin ray couplings will occur
differently, as there is closure necessary from many experiences learned by both parties.
In addition to ascending the twin ray merge will take a daily conscious effort.
So many of you feel that deep inner knowing, but have not been able to express this as
the earth consciousness has not allowed for divine relationships in a long time. There
have been some instances when you have traveled together on earth. Some twin rays of
earth partners are on a galactic star, or perhaps your twin ray is a universal being. The last
scenario is the rarest. Also some of you will electromagnetically connect with the perfect
mate here already on earth.
This would be a soul mate, twin flame, or twin soul. Some twin rays in the upper
dimensions are not ready to reconnect.
This comes only by the approval of one\rquote s higher self. So many different situations,
yet each one is perfect for the individual. Whichever level you intend to reconnect with,
there will be shifts in your life and spirit will not give you what you cannot handle. For
instance, if one is happily married on earth you can commit to a twin ray at an energetic
level while working here. This for the time being is perfect.
No twin ray will interrupt a harmonious environment. This being only wants the highest
and best.
From: The Book Of Knowledge

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