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What causes a headache? etc.

The medical doctors at TrueNorth Health are experi-

When you get a headache, several areas can hurt, including enced in helping individuals safely withdraw from the
a network of nerves that extends over the scalp; certain medications that are often a major part of the ongoing prob-
nerves in the face, mouth, and throat; the muscles of the lem with chronic headache.
head; and blood vessels found along the surface and at the Additional evaluations with other members of our team
base of the brain that contain delicate nerve fibers. Lacking may also be scheduled, including a neurological examina-
pain-sensitive nerve fibers, the brain itself does not hurt. tion with our functional neurologist, Tim Grund, D.C.,
Evaluation and TreatmentA Team Approach When nociceptors (the ends of the pain-sensitive nerves)
are stimulated by stress, muscular tension, dilated blood
D.A.C.N.B. In addition to a detailed neurological assess-
ment, Dr. Grund also pays particular attention to the mus-
vessels, and other headache triggers, they send a message culoskeletal issues that are often overlooked in conven-
tional assessments yet often contribute significantly to
by Alan Goldhamer, D.C. to the brain via chemicals that transmit pain-related infor-
mation, including endorphins natural painkilling pro- chronic headaches including imbalances in brain balance
teins. Research suggests that some people may be more and function, disturbance in the proper joint function in
susceptible to severe headaches, or other chronic pain, the cervical spine, etc. Dr. Grund utilizes numerous tech-
The occasional headache because they have lower levels of endorphins than people niques to restore normal brain balance and function includ-
who are generally pain-free. ing the Interactive Metronome, a computer-assisted brain/
is a common problem expe- Doctors classify headaches by their cause. Primary body training system.
rienced by many people in headaches have no underlying illness, whereas secondary Other members of our team who may be involved in-
headaches are caused by other illnesses, trauma, or brain clude Erwin Linzner, D.C., who utilizes numerous phys-
the United States. According disorders. iotherapy techniques including the Graston Technique,
Primary headaches account for more than 90 percent of which is a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy
to the National Institute of designed to release adhesions in soft tissue that result from
headaches, and their causes include: tension (muscular con-
Neurological Disorders and traction), vascular (migraine), and cluster headaches not neck injuries including car accidents, etc., which can con-
caused by other underlying medical conditions. tribute to chronic headache. We also offer functional move-
Stroke (NINDS), as many as Common headache triggers include certain foods, stress, ment assessments with Alec Isabeau, D.C., who looks at
45 million Americans have weather changes, and sometimes medication. The use of the bodys overall integration and offers specific exercise
and the withdrawal from drugs utilized to control high interventions designed to restore optimum function. We
chronic severe headaches blood pressure, treat ulcers, control seizures, relieve pain, may also recommend the use of various forms of body
and birth control pills have been known to cause headaches. work including massage.
that result in more than 8 The dietary approach recommended includes avoiding
Our Approach to Treatment
million visits to doctors At the TrueNorth Health Center we take a team approach
the common triggers for headaches including alcohol, ani-
mal foods including dairy products, added oil, salt and
every year. to the assessment and treatment of patients who have sugar and, if indicated, soy, wheat and corn products.
problems with chronic headaches. We have found this team approach integrating appro-
For 26 years, the doctors at The first step in our evaluation process involves a com- priate medical management, chiropractic intervention, soft-
the TrueNorth Health Center prehensive review of medical history, current symptoms tissue therapies, exercise, sleep and medically supervised
and medication use, etc., followed by a phone consultation fasting followed by a health promoting vegan diet to be
have successfully treated with me. I assess your situation to determine if you are a successful in helping individuals overcome chronic
good candidate for the TrueNorth Health program.
headaches with a combina- Perhaps the most powerful tool in overcoming severe
headache. To find out if our approach is right for you, visit
our website and complete our
tion of medicine, physio- headaches is the use of medically supervised water-only admissions forms.
fasting. Fasting helps the body and brain to recalibrate itself
therapy, diet and lifestyle and in the process eliminate many of the contributing caus-
es of chronic headache. As the director of our fasting pro-
modification, and water-
gram, I have supervised the fasts of over 7,000 individuals
only fasting. Our approach during the past 26 years. Fasting periods range from 5 to
Alan Goldhamer, D.C., is the direc-
40 days and the total duration of care ranges from one week tor of TrueNorth Health Center in
accounts for the many trig- to two months. California. He is a member of the
gers and causes of headaches Once at our center, one of our medical doctors will Board of Directors and a Life Mem-
ber of the National Health Associa-
review your medical history, perform a physical examina-
when treating a patient. tion, order or review laboratory tests and imaging studies, tion. Dr. Goldhamer is the author of
the Health Promoting Cookbook and co-
and evaluate any use of medications, herbs, supplements author of The Pleasure Trap.


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