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Bangladesh beats Asia-Pacific region in

export growth
Dec 2, 2016

Riding on the robust growth of garment exports, Bangladesh

outperformed the other Asia-Pacific countries in merchandise
shipments between 2010 and 2015, according to the latest report
by the UNESCAP. During the period, Bangladeshs exports grew 14
percent while the average export growth of the Asia-Pacific region
was 7.5 percent, according to the Asia-Pacific Trade and
Investment Report 2016. The report was unveiled on Wednesday
in Bangkok by the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Particularly in 2015, when
the region experienced export contraction of 9.7 percent,
Bangladeshs shipments grew 6.5 percent. Merchandise trade
accounted for 87.3 percent of Bangladeshs total trade in 2015.
Bangladeshs exports are heavily concentrated in the textile and
garment sector, which collectively accounted for 72.2 percent of
total exports. The countrys strong competitiveness in the labourintensive textile and garment industries can be explained by the

abundance of low-wage workers and the Generalised System of

Preferences facility given by large trading partners, especially the
European Union. Subsequently, like in previous years,
Bangladeshs exports to the EU in 2015 remained strong.
Countries in the EU accounted for more than 44.5 percent of the
total exports by Bangladesh, followed by the US at 17.6 percent
and Japan at 3.3 percent. Although Bangladeshs imports fell 6.6
percent in 2015, the rate was lower than the Asia-Pacific region,
where the average import decline was 15 percent. The largest
imports by Bangladesh are petroleum oils and fabrics. The import
contraction was largely driven by declining import bills due to
falling prices of oil and petrochemical products.
services sector, the APTIR said service exports grew modestly by
6.4 percent a year during 2010-2015, followed by a slowdown in
growth to 3.5 percent in 2015. In contrast, service imports grew
rapidly, especially in 2015, when imports increased 21.5 percent,
the survey said. Of the total imports, 76.8 percent were sourced
from the Asia Pacific region; China at 39.1 percent and India at
15.5 percent were the largest import sources. Inflows of foreign
direct investment have grown robustly in Bangladesh, averaging
19.6 percent per year during 2010-2015. In 2015, in particular,
inflows into Bangladesh soared 44.1 percent to reach a historic
peak of $2.2 billion. The banking, textiles and energy sectors
attracted the largest amounts of FDI. The US and the UK were the
largest foreign investors, collectively accounting for 27.2 percent
of the FDI inflows to Bangladesh. International trade costs for
Bang-ladesh remained considerably higher compared with the
most efficient major traders in Asia and the Pacific despite
showing a declining trend during 2009-2011. Bangladesh has five
preferential trade agreements in force, which is lower than the
Asia-Pacific average of 7.6 agreements. Since exports by
Bangladesh were mainly with advanced countries from which
Bangladesh received GSP, only 10.4 percent of the total exports
were with PTA partners. However, trade coverage by PTA partners
was much higher for imports, with a coverage ratio of 64.5

percent of total imports compared with 44 percent in the AsiaPacific region.

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