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Present Perfect Continuous

a. Please excuse my dirty clothes. I (work) in the garden.
b. Please excuse my dirty hands. I (repair) the car.
c. Alice needs a holiday. She (work) too hard.
d. Your lips are all blue. What on earth (you - eat)?
e. Mind you dont slip on the stairs. I (wash) them.
f. He (work) all day long; thats why hes gone to bed early.
g. Who (use) my pen? It doesnt write properly.
h. Im now shaking your hand so hardly because (look forward) to meeting
i. We all have a smile on our faces because we (listen) to Pauls jokes.

Past Continuous

a. I (do) my homework at 5 oclock yesterday.

b. My brother (sleep) when I came home last night.
c. Ann (write) a letter at 5 ocock yesterday.
d. The sun (shine) when I got up this morning.
e. It (rain) at breakfast time.
f. I (walk) to town at 8 oclock
g. My father (work) in the factory at this time yesterday.
h. I (watch) TV at dinner time.

Past Perfect Simple

a. I knew I (meet) her.

b. When we arrived at the station the train already (leave).
c. She (do) her homework by 6 oclock yesterday.
d. He (live) in this house since 1990 when I moved in.
e. When Dan rang up, Mary (finish) her project.
f. When Tom came home Mother (cook) the dinner.
g. When the teacher collected the papers, I (write) all the essay.

Past Perfect Continuous

1. When I got home my friend (wait) for about half an hour.

2. He (wait) in the rain for an hour when she arrived.
3. At that time we (work) on the project for six months.
4. I (watch) horror films and my mind was full of terrifying images.
5. When they found the child they (look) for him for two hours.
6. When I arrived in Pitesti I (travel) for three hours

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