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Water Absorption of Core Materials ASTM

Scope: The test method is applied for structural core materials such as honeycomb
or foam and covers the determination of water absorption when immersed or in
high relative humidity environments. ASTM C272 outlines three methods: Method A
for 24 hour immersion; Test Method B for Elevated Temperature Humidity; and
Test Method C for Maximum Percent Weight Gain.
Test Procedure: At least five 3.0 inch x 3.0 inch test specimens are machined from
customer supplied product. The specimens are then dried, removed from the
drying oven, and allowed to cool in a desiccator. The specimens are then weighed
on an analytical balance to the nearest 0.1mg. The specimens are then immersed in
deionized water or placed in the appropriate conditioning environment. The
specimens are removed from the conditioning environment after 24 hours, 48
hours, or after thirty days, depending on the conditioning required.
Specimen size: Three inch by three inch by 0.5 inch thickness.
The increase in mass is calculated as follows:
Increase in Weight, % = (W D) / D * 100
W = wet weight
D = dry weight

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