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Week of December 5th, 2016

5th Grade website

We are working on area and planning for our culminating project surrounding area and ratios.
Continue to check in with your student and make sure that they are on-track with the work timeline
that you created together. Final projects are due December 19th. A copy of this packet can be found
on the 5th grade website, under the heading special projects.
We are back and going full-steam ahead! In the coming weeks, we will try to expedite our
reading in order to finish the book on time for winter break. Look for your students Don
Quixote final project packet to come home by the end of the week!
We have learned about many key figures, events, and concepts which helped to shaped the
Renaissance, now we are moving on to our study of The Reformation! Students will be
designing and completing Don Quixote trading cards this week!

We are working on our culminating cell unit projects. Continue to check in with your
student and make sure that they are on-track with the work timeline that you created
together. Final projects are due December 15th. A copy of this packet can be found on
the 5th grade website, under the heading special projects.

* Please see the homework calendar on the website for this weeks details.
* Students should be working for no longer than 40 minutes per subject, per night. If you or your student
reaches a frustration point OR you are unclear of what needs to be done for the work, please send us an email
so that we can help your student first thing the next morning.
* Homework is only excused with a parent note.

Week of December 5th, 2016

Welcome to December!

Math test 12/8

Ms. Bracketts class- Grammar quiz on 12/9
Science project due 12/15
Math project 12/19
Math test 12/20

5th graders have been HARD AT WORK and we are in need of some replacements for our supply of
large, pink erasers. Thank you to the Mottolas for their donation!

Mrs. Althoff (

Ms. Brackett (

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