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B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fourth Semester End Examination (SEE), July 2013

Transmission Lines and Waveguides

(Model Question Paper 1)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1 Answer FIVE FULL questions.
2 Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 3 and 4
3 Question No. 1, 2 and 5 are COMPULSORY
4 Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1a.Explain frequency and delay distortions and hence derive the condition for distortionless line and
obtain the expression for characteristic impedance for the distortionless line in terms of primary
constants.(12 Marks)
b. The values of primary constants of an open-wire line per loop kilometer are R=10, L= 3.5 mH,
C=0.008 F and G=0.7 mho. For signal frequency of 1000 Hz, calculate the characteristic
impedance Zo, phase constant , attenuation constant , phase shift constant , wavelength
and phase velocity vp.
(08 Marks)
a. Why is skin-effect observed only at radio frequencies ? Derive the equations for parameters of
open wire line at radio frequencies.
(10 Marks)
b. An open-wire copper line has an inductance of 1.565 mH/Km and d.c resistance (for both
conductors) of 1.23 /Km. If conductivity of copper is given as 5.75 x 10 7 mho/m and r = 1,
determine (a) capacitance C per Km length of the line (b) radius a of the wire (c) distance d of
separation between the two lines.
(10 Marks)

3. a. Derive the equations for the length and location of the single stub matching device in terms of
reflection coefficient of the transmission line.
(10 Marks)
b. A lossless line having Ro = 300 is terminated by a load resistance of 78 . The frequency of
operation is 40 MHz. What type of single stub will be required to provide an impedance match
when placed nearest to the load? Find its length and location using Smiths chart. (10 Marks)
4 a. Explain the use of exponential line for impedance transformation. (10 Marks)
b. A lossless line in air having a characteristic impedance of 300 is terminated by an unknown
impedance. The first voltage minimum is located at 15 cm from the load and the next voltage
minimum is 30 cm from the load. The standing wave is 3.3. Calculate the frequency and the
terminating impedance.
(10 Marks)

5.a. Starting from Maxwells equations, obtain the TE field equations propagating between Parallel
Planes. Explain the possibilities depending on the value of m(12 Marks)
b. A parallel plane guide is transmitting an average power of 1000 KW per meter of width. The
plane separation is 4 cm and the frequency is 10,000 MHz with TEM transmission. Compute the
maximum values of electric and magnetic intensity in the air space between planes. (08 Marks)
6 a. A rectangular waveguide has inner dimensions of 6cm by 4cm. When the waveguide is
terminated in an unknown load impedance, the distance measured between a node and next
antinode is found to be is found to be 4.55 cm for the dominant mode. Find the frequency
of the transmitted microwave signal.
(08 Marks)
b. Starting from Maxwells equations obtain the various field components of electric and magnetic
fields inside a rectangular waveguide.
(12 Marks)
7 a.Derive the expression for resonant frequency for rectangular resonator. (10 Marks)
b. For an air filled rectangular resonant cavity made up of copper and working with TE 101 mode, find
(i) resonant frequency and (ii) Quality factor Q (10 Marks)



B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fourth Semester End Examination (SEE), July 2013

Transmission Lines and Waveguides

(Model Question Paper 2)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1. Answer FIVE FULL questions.
2.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 3 and 4
2. Question No. 1, 2 and 5 are COMPULSORY
3. Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1.a. With an equivalent circuit of a transmission line derive the wave equations in terms of V and I.
(10 Marks)
b. Define the following : (i) Zo characteristics impedance of a transmission line. (ii) S VSWR
(iii) phase velocity
(05 Marks)
c. A transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 300 is terminated in a purely load. It is
found by measurement that the minimum value of voltage upon it 5 volt, and the maximum is
7.5 volt. What is the value of the load resistance? (05 Marks)
2 a.Give the theory of a quarterwave transmformer. What are it load its application?
(06 Marks)
b.Explain how voltage step-up is possible over a tapped quarter wave line ?(07 Marks)
c.A quarter wave transformer is directly connected to a 150 ohm load. It is desired to match this
load to a transmission whose Zo = 75 ohms. What must be the characteristics impedance of the
matching transformers?
(07 Marks)
3 a.Using Smith chart find the VSWR on a 150 onm line when this line is terminated in a (225 j 75)
ohm impedance. Find the nearest point to the load at which a quarter wave transformer may be
connected to match this load to the line. Calculate the Zo of line from which the quarter wave
transformer must made.
(10 Marks)
c. Using smith charts calculate the length of a piece of 50 ohm open circuited line if its input
admittance is to be 80x103 S.
(10 Marks)
4 a. What is a Stub? Why are short-circuited stubs preferred to open circuited one?(07 Marks)
b.Explain the double stub impedance matching technique of a transmission line. (06 Marks)
c. Using Smith chart, calculate the position and length of a stub required to match a 100 ohm line to a
50 ohm line.
(07 Marks)

5 a. Explain how electromagnetic wave propagation takes place between two plane of a parallel plate
(06 Marks)

b. Derive expression for field components of TM-wave propagation in a parallel plate wave guide
propagating in the +Z direction.
(07 Marks)
c. A wave is propagated in a parallel plate waveguide. The frequency is 6 GHz and the separation is
3 cm. Calculate (i) cut off wave lengths for the dominant mode (ii) g for the dominant mode and
Vg and Vc.
(07 Marks)
6 a.Justify how the TEM-wave cannot exist inside a rectangular wave guide?(06 Marks)
b.With usual notation derive expressions for TE-wave in a rectangular wave guide. (07 Marks)
c.Calculate the guide wave length, the group velocity and the phase velocity of 2.5GHz signal
propagated in a 10 cm breadth rectangular wave guide for the dominant mode
(07 Marks)
7 a.What is a Waveguide resonator ? With usual notations derive an expression for frequency of
resonance when the TM-mode exists.
(10 Marks)
b.For an air filled rectangular cavity resonator with dimensions a=3cm, b=6 cm, c =9cm, determine the
resonant frequencies for the following modes : TE 011 , TE110 , TE101, TM111 , TM120 . (10 Marks)



B. E. Degree (Autonomous) Fourth Semester End Examination (SEE), July 2013

Transmission Lines and Waveguides

(Model Question Paper 3)

Time: 3 Hours ]

[ Maximum Marks: 100

Instructions to students:
1. Answer FIVE FULL questions.
2.Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 3 and 4
4. Question No. 1, 2 and 5 are COMPULSORY
5. Answer ANY ONE from Question No. 6 and 7

1 a. A line of finite length, terminated in a load equivalent to its characteristic impedance, appears to
the sending end generator as an infinite line. Establish the statement from the fundamentals.
(07 Marks)
b.Derive the expression for attenuation, phase constant and velocity of propagation for an ordinary
telephone cable.
(07 Marks)
c. Explain phase distortion and frequency distortion.
(06 Marks)

2 .aWhy is skin-effect observed only at radio frequencies ? Derive the equations for parameters of
Co-axial cable at radio frequencies.
(10 Marks)
b. Show that input impedances of open circuit and short circuit lossless lines are purely reactive.
Also deduce that maximum and minimum input impedances of a lossless line are SRo and Ro/S
(10 Marks)

3.a. What is Stub? Why are short circuited stubs preferred to open-circuited ones?(10 Marks)
b. A transmission line has the following parameters : Load impedance Z L = 200 j200 and
characteristic impedance Zo = 300 . Determine the characteristic impedance of quarter wave
stub used for matching the two impedances. (10 Marks)
4 a.A line with negligible losses is terminated by an impedance ZR = 115 + j75 with a
characteristic impedance of 55 . Using Smith chart find the sending end impedance
if the length of the line is 1.183.
(12 Marks)
a. Derive the expression for Q of a line as a circuit element in terms of and . (08 Marks)

5 a. Derive the expression for field components for transmission of TM waves between

parallel planes.
(10 Marks)
b. A pair of perfectly conducting planes are separated 8 cm in air. For a frequency of 500 M cycles
with TM1 mode excited, find the following :
(i) Cut off frequency fc (ii) Characteristic impedance
(iii) Attenuation for f=9.95 fc (iv) Phase constant and
(v) wavelength measured along the guiding walls
(10 Marks)
6. a.With relevant equations draw the field patterns for TM and TE modes. (08 Marks)
b. A rectangular waveguide working at 5GHz has internal dimensions 7.214 cm x 3.404 cm.
Calculate (i) (ii)g (iii) vg (iv)vp (v)ZTE for TE10 and TE11 modes.
(12 Marks)

7.a. Starting from Maxwells equations find the field equations for Rectangular waveguides.(10 Marks)
b. For an air filled rectangular cavity resonator, with dimensions a=3cm, b=6 cm and d=9 cm determine
the resonant frequencies for the following modes : TE011, TE110,TE101,TM111 and TM120 . (10 Marks)

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