5e Fumble Chart - Melee

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Melee Fumble Chart

v1.0 by Sadistikal85
% Roll


01 - 05

Damage Weapon

Weapon damaged, see Item Damage Chart

06 - 10


Dexterity save DC 10 or fall Prone

11 - 15


Dexterity save DC 15 or fall Prone

16 - 20


21 - 25

Fall Flat

26 - 29

Graze Self

30 - 33

Hit Self

Hit Self for Normal Damage

34 - 37

Wound Self

Hit Self for Critical Damage

38 - 42

Drop Weapon

43 - 47


48 - 52

Throw Item

53 - 57


58 - 62


Your next attack has Disadvantage

63 - 66

Twist Ankle

Treat Normal Terrain as Difficult Terrain for [[1d4]] rounds

67 - 70

Hyperextend Knee

71 - 72

Strain Back

Heavily Encumbered for [[1d4]] rounds THEN Encumbered until Short Rest

73 - 76

Hit in Groin

Stunned until the end of your next turn

77 - 80

Dirt in Eyes

Blinded until cleaned

81 - 84

Wrist Sprain

Attacks and Skill checks with affected hand have Disadvantage for [[1d4]] rounds

85 - 87

Dislocated Shoulder

88 - 91

Graze Ally

92 - 95

Hit Ally

Hit random ally within attack range for Normal Damage

96 - 99

Wound Ally

Hit random ally within attack range for Critical Damage


Disatrous Result

Fall Prone
Fall Prone + Held item(s) scatter in random direction [[1d8+2]] feet
Hit Self for 1/2 Damage

Weapon falls to ground within 5 feet of you

Held item is disarmed, it flies [[1d8+2]] feet in a random direction
Item flies out of your hand [[2d8+4]] feet in a random direction
Attacks against you have Advantage until the end of your next turn

Restrained for [[1d4]] rounds

Arm becomes limp and unusable until treated, drop held item(s) + Treat attacks, saves and skills accordingly
Hit random ally within attack range for 1/2 Damage

Roll twice on this chart, if rolled again re-roll

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