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Class room Procedures

Classroom proceures..
Entering the classroom:
Come into the classroom without talking. Look on the bookcase next to the door for
any handouts you may need for the class. If there is a handout, grab it. Say Buenos
das orhola to Sra. Sellars. Go to the back of the class and get one student text
book. Go to your assigned seat and sit down. DO NOT TALK. Look on the board and
read your bellwork assignment. Start your bellwork. Please do not go to the
teachers desk to ask questions during this time. You will be allowed to ask questions
AFTER the roll has been checked and bell work time has ended
Tardy to class:
You are classified as tardy if you do not have two whole feet on the blue floor of the
classroom. If you are tardy, look on the bookcase for any handouts. Grab one if
there is one.DO NOT TALK. Go directly to the tardy log which is located on the table
behind the bookcase. Sign your name on the tardy log. Be sure to state why you
were tardy in the comments section of the tardy log. Go to the bookcase in the back
of the classroom and pick up one student text book. Go to your desk. Sit and begin
the assignment that the class is currently completing.
Going to the restroom:
Going to the restroom before class starts is always the best option. Do not come to
class first and ask for permission to go to the restroom before class starts. Go to the
rest room while on your way to class. If you choose to come to the class first and
ask to use the restroom, you be instructed to take a seat and wait for 15 minutes
after class has started. You will be required to say Puedo ir al ba? inorder to ask
to go to the restroom. You will them be required to present your two bathroom
passes: the one from Mrs Sellars (with the skull or smilely face stamp on it) and the
one from the school. Unless noted inwriting by a physician, you will only be
permitted to use the restroom during class twice per semester. You will revceive 2
bathroom passes the first semester and then 2 more passes the 2 nd semester from
Mrs. Sellars. At the end of the year, if you do not use your bathroom passess
All drinks, including water, and food is prohibited in the classroom to students. Place
all food items and liquids in your backpack before entering the classroom.
Sharpen pencils:

There are 2 pencil sharpeners in the classroom: one underneath the tardy log and
one next to the teachers desk. Sharpen your pencil during bellwork time. If you
need to sharpen your pencil after bellwork time, you must follow these steps:
Raise your hand
Wait to be called on
Once called on, say Puedo usar el sacapuntas, por favor?
Wait for the reply from your teacher.
Paper heading:
You head your paper by writing your name, date, and classperiod in the top right
hand corner. Make sure the date and class period follow the
During bellwork, place your COMPLETED homework assignment, face- up, on the top
right hand corner of your desk. If your homework in incomplete, please leave it
tucked away in your back pack or folder. All homework that is to uploaded to your
website should be done so BEFORE entering the classroom.
All bookbags must be placed underneath your desk during class time. Having any
bag, purse, etc. is a fire hazard when left in the isles. All these items must be tucked
under your desk at well.
Asking questions:
Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Be sure that youre not asking a question
during bellwork time. You will be able to ask your question when I come around to
check your bellwork. Please refrain from asking private questions during instruction
time. A private question is defined as any question relate to the current classroom
lesson/topic or does not relate to any other student in the class. Please ask your
private question after class, before school, after school., or during bellwork time
only when your teacher comes to your desk to speak with you directly. Please do not
go to your teachers desk during bellwork time unless instructed to do so. You may
also email your private question by filling out the contact box on
If you are absent, you must view the website to check for any
missed assignments. Even if you are absent, any uploaded assignments that are do
will still be required by their due dates. Your teacher will check the website for those
assignments even if you are not physically in class. Do NOT ask your teacher What
did I miss? Your teacher will give you any handouts that you need during bellwork

No appointment needed. Tutoring is held in room 403 every Monday from 3:30 until
4:00 pm. If no students arrive to tutoring by 3:45, your teacher will leave for the
Written projects must be in color unless otherwise specified. They must not be
written/drawn/printed on lined paper. All writing must be done in ink, paint, markers,
crayons, or COLOR pencils.
Go to the library:
Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Say Puedo ir a la biblioteca? If your
teacher says S, you will gather your belongings, place your text book back on the
shelf, and go to your teachers desk to receive the pass for the library.

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