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RunToRaleigh/ Veteran Suicide Prevention: Journal/ Process

Week1-2(Jun.18 2016- Jul. 2 2016 )

Total Mileage: 140 miles
Daily Total: 10 miles per Day
Average Time: 2 hours per run
Total Hours per week: 14 hours
The First two weeks of preparation were fairly painful, and at times I had the urge to quit; Yet I
continued to push through each day.
Week3-4(Jul. 3 2016- Jul. 17 2016 )
Total Mileage: 140 miles
Daily Total: 10 miles per Day
Average Time: 2 hours per run
Total Hours per week: 14 hours
Weeks 3-4 were still fairly painful yet my motivation continued to grow and I soon find myself
loving to run more and more. Treating it as a way to relieve stress and to get my thoughts
straight. I began to start to learn about veteran suicide and the statistics behind it.I first began by
contacting StopSoilderSuicide, and asking them permission to run under their name in a road
race from Asheville-Raleigh NC.
I receive permission and My running Mate Austin Campbell comes up with the Name of the
Road Race: RunToRaleigh,

Week5-6(Jul. 18 2016- Aug. 1 2016 )

Total Mileage: 140 miles
Daily Total: 10 miles per Day
Average Time: 2 hours per run
Total Hours per week: 14 hours
During weeks 5 and 6, I contacted WLOS; Austin and I proceed to participate on television to
continue to raise Awareness for Veteran Suicide. Featuring in Person of the Week.
Week7-8(Aug. 2 2016-Aug. 9 2016)
Total Mileage: 140 miles
Daily Total: 10 miles per day
Average Time: 2 hours per run
Total Hours per week: 14 hours
During weeks 7 and 8, I continue to run and try to get money need for the event. Austin creates a
facebook page and I set up donation pages.

Week9-10(Aug. 10 2016-Aug. 17 2016)

Total Mileage: 140 miles
Daily Total: 10 miles per day
Average Time: 2 hours per run
Total Hours per week: 14 hours
During weeks 9 and 10, I continue to run, and train.
Weeks 9 and 10 would be the final week I was truly able to run. During the coming months
School would start and I would completely run out of time to run on the weekends or during the
week. On September 24th 2016 I would began my run to raleigh solo, due to the fact that Austin
dropped out. The run on September 24th started out with me making great time, completing 15
miles in a little under 3 hours. But when I came upon old fort mountain, I truly figured out how
brutal of a run this was going to be. Running the next 15 miles would change the entire outcome
of the run. The mountain was brutally steep and I soon ran out of water halfway up the mountain.
At the bottom of the Mountain I managed to walk into a fire dept. Where in term I collapsed
upon a chair and was taken to McDowell County Hospital. Where after receiving X-rays of my
lower legs I was told I would no longer be able to continue my run to raleigh. In Fact I would no
longer be able to run for almost an entire month. Due to the fact that I had caused major injury to
my Achilles tendons. I was truly fairly disappointed that I wasnt able to complete my run. All
extreme runners told me afterwards that if I had skipped Old Fort mountain I would have made it
which really upset me. As of now there are plans to continue the run where I left off, but times
change. Over all the Run did raise a little Awareness but not as much as I had hoped for.
September 24th total mileage: 30 miles
Total Time: 12 hours ( counting Hospital time)
Total Hours spent on Project/Product: 70 hours
Total Mileage: 730 miles
Total Days: 3-4 Months

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