Final Marketing QnA

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Tows Analysis
2. VRIO Analysis
5. Need --- want Demands
6. Needs- Basic RequiremnetTypes of NeedsStated, Unstated, Real,
Delighted, Secret
7. Need Needs becomes wants when directed towards specific need
8. Demand Backed by ability to pay
9. Marketeres dont create needThey influence wants
10.Value QSPQuality, servbive, priceCustomer value triad
11.Cosnumer Power reverse auctioning
12.Holisitic Marketing Integrated Marketing, Internal Markeintg, Performacnce
Marketing, RShip Marketing
13.Social Responsibility marketing,
14.Marketing Mix4P+ 4Modern PProcess + People+ Performace+ Program
15.SWOT---OpporMOA->Marketing opportunity Analysis
16.POrtner strategyPrice LeadershipDifernecntioationFocus segment.,
17.MRIMarkt penetration IndexSPShare pene inde.Market Potential
MOarkt Forcecast
18.Marketing Decesion Support SysMDSS
19. ARPUAvg revenue per user..
19. Observational resera ch/ Ethonogrpahic research.focus group research
20.Visualization/ Brand Personofication.Laddering

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