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(EN)-(FI) FAST Glossary Center | uta.

Special-Field Glossaries in the FAST Website
Brief English-Finnish Footwear Glossary (Kujala, 2007)
Death and Funeral Glossary
English-Finnish Glossary of United States Political Terms (Aitonurmi, 2001)
English-Finnish Glossary of United States Justice Terms (Katajisto, 2001)
A Translators English-Finnish Gridiron [American Football] Glossary (Pasanen, 2003)
Glossary of Cheerleading Terminology
Glossary of Drug-Related Street Language
Glossary of U.S. Educational Terminology
Common Data Set of U.S. Higher Education Terminology
Glossary of Sexual and Scatological Euphemisms (also British terms)
Mobspeak Glossary
United States Political Glossary
United States Campaign Finance Glossary
United States Government Abbreviations and Acronyms
European Union and European Community Glossaries
Glossary of the European Union and European Communities
Brief Glossary of European Union Abbreviations
Translation Glossary/Dictionary and Special Reference Collections

Memidex Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus

The Glossarist (searchable directory of glossaries and topical dictionaries)
Majstro Multilingual Translation Dictionary
Microsoft Language Portal (multiple language resources for translators and localizers)
Links to Remote Glossaries and Interactive References
Acronym & Abbreviation Finder
Andropause (Male Age-Related Sexual/Muscular Decline) Glossary
Astronomy and Astronomical Terminology Glossary
Astrosource Personalized Astrology Glossary
Atmospheric Radiation Glossary
The AutoAnything Automotive Parts Glossary
Backup Data Encryption, Tape Encryption & Cryptography Glossary
British-American Automotive Terms
Glossary of Botanical Terms
Carpentry and Joinery Glossary A-Z
Cord Blood Banking Glossary
Diamond Certificate Glossary
DVD (Digital Video/Versatile Disc) Glossary
The Financial Dictionary
Finance, Money and Investment Glossary
Glossary of Furniture-Related Terms
Glossary of Gullah (an AAVE dialect) Words from The Black Border
InSightec High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Glossary

Histology World Glossary of Histological Terminology

NIH U.S. Household Products Database Glossary
Glossary of Web Directory Terminology
Commvault Data Backup Glossary
[Distretix] Glossary of Technical Security Terminology
Glossary of Secure Web and Web Security Solutions Terminology
Glossary of STDs, Sexual Organs, Sex Toys and Related Terminology
Glossaries of Male and Female Masturbation Synonyms
Male Sexual Dysfunction & Male Infertility Glossary (see also this version)
Glossary of Sexual Dysfunction in Women and [Female] Painful Sex Glossary
[Female] Hormone Therapy Glossary, Arousal Disorders Glossary, Low Desire Glossary and Orgasm Glossary
Glosssary of Woodworking Shaper Bits and Shaper Cutters
[House-] Movers Glossary
Kolziol Law Intellectual Property Glossary
Literary Glossary (National Endowment for the Humanities)
Mortgage and Personal Finance Glossary, and Colin Robinsons Mortgage Dictionary
VA Mortage Center Glossary; FHA Mortgage Center Glossary; and Total Mortgage Services Mortgage Glossary
Surety Bonds Bonds Glossary and North American Savings Bank Glossary Marketing Automation Glossary
Musical Terms Glossary (British vs. American)
Poker Glossary
Glossary of Political Economy Terms
Railway Glosaries, including US-UK Railway Terminology

Glossary of Rhetorical Terms

Glossary for the Modern Soap Maker
Radiation Protection Glossary
Router Bits Glossary
Glossary of Solar Radiation Resource Terms
PowerofKnowledge Glossaries: (Green, Mortgage, Real Estate, etc.)
Teen Lingo Glossary
ToolsToday.coms Saw Blade Glossary
Sales, Deals and Coupons Glossary Loan Terms Glossary
Small Business Tax Management Glossary
Twists, Slugs and Roscoes: A Glossary of Hard-Boiled (Detective Fiction) Slang
Milterms Searchable Glossary of U.S. Military Terms
Western Slang and Phrases: A Writers Guide to the Old (American) West
YOLA Web Design Terms Glossary
Links to Remote Dictionaries
Biographical Dictionary
Birdwatchers Dictionary
Bookbinding and Book Conservation Dictionary
Cawdreys Table Alphabetical Dictionary
A Dictionary of Slang (UK)
OneLook Multi-Field Dictionaries
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Dictionary

Duhaimes Law Dictionary

LOGOS Multilingual Dictionary & Translation Portal
EC Multilingual Glossary of Medical Terminology
Merriam-Websterss Collegiate Dictionary
Oxford English Dictionary
A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
The Skeptics Dictionary
The Yale Dictionary of Quotations
Links to Remote On-Line Encyclopedias
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Funk & Wagnalls On-Line Multimedia Encyclopedia
The Catholic Encyclopedia
glbtq: Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Culture
Shiite Islam Encyclopedia
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