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Front Center

Im center stage, and my entire class is watching me, they can see the fear in my eyes,
they can hear my heartbeat as it is rapidly increasing, Im at the brink of losing it, of just giving
up and walking out but there's something preventing me from doing so, maybe its my pride or
maybe Im just that nervous to the point of not being able to move. That was the old me the me
that was too nervous to even socialize with people, but now I am an open book telling people
about myself and even giving speeches. Ever since the beginning of my Junior year in High
School I learned that I had a knack for giving speeches as well as presenting products to an
audience. I was told by my speech teacher that I had a natural gift at giving speeches and that I
should look into a career in it, so I did throughout the last year I enjoyed giving speeches and in
general presenting in front of a crowd, nothing in the world gives me such a rush and nervous
shock as presenting in front of a crowd. I have no idea what it is about giving speeches that my
clock tick it is something that at a young age I would have stayed far away from doing, but now
that Im older I love it, To this day I am puzzled on the whole topic but I know for a fact that I
love it and it is one talent that I would practice for 10,000 hours. While the presenting part is the
most standout part about giving a speech the writing process is another fun part about it because
you can imagine the words coming out of your own mouth and you can truly envision what your
little baby will soon become. My first speech given out in class was so long ago and so foggy
that I simply cant remember any of the details other that I was nervous and the fact that I wanted
to leave the class, but that is what speeches will do to you they will make you forget about

everything that is not your speech and will have you just present it, and if you are like me you
will feel your heart beat uncontrollably but on the outside you are as cool as a cucumber and feel
at home.

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