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Data figures are like Georges Seurats dot style of painting. If you are only looking
at one single dot on the canvas of Georges A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Grande Jatte you may feel lost and confused. The result of having this feeling would lead you
to conclude that the dot is useless. Data can cultivate the same feelings. In this project I was
given the salaries of 7 Career majors. If you were to just looking at a single salary you will have
no comparison and consequently feel like you were looking at a single dot on a canvas. This
project allowed me to take few steps back latterly and metaphorically, so I could see the big
picture of how we can use data to make sense of every day questions when we have the data
right in front of our faces. The Steps that the project walked me though was how to organize the
data that was given and then apply the math that we learned in class to show us the big picture.
Which is the goal of applied learning!

Write a paragraph discussing your observations of this data. Histograms

While I was creating the histograms I started to recognize a pattern. The pattern being that the
histograms give great insight into a specific career major and not much on all the career majors
compared to each other. The histograms shows how a particular majors salaries are skewed left
(lower average salary) with a right tail or right skewed (higher average salary) with a left tail.
For example Engineering has a the bulk of its salary data around 55,000 to 70,000, when
education has the bulk of its salary data around 35,000 to 44,000. The histograms allow you to
really study the data of a specific major. This allowed me to have a better understanding when I
was looking at the Box/whisker graph.
Write a paragraph discussing your observations of this data: 5 number summary/box whisker
At first I didnt understand how to use the box/whisker graph. Then I realized that it is showing
the comparisons of all the fields of data/salaries. This data can be very useful to show which
career major has the highest salary, which career has the tightest/or biggest grouping. I took it
even a step further and made a new graph that showed bachelors of science degrees compared
to bachelors of arts. By doing this it showed that if you were really good at math but didnt
apply it you would make less then if you were to apply those math skill sot some form of
engineering degree where you would be making more money.

Explain in general the purpose and meaning of a confidence interval.

Confidence intervals are is a tool to measure the probability of something occurring. Confidence
intervals set two walls that and event either falls in-between these walls or falls outside of
these walls. Confidence intervals are usually given as a percentage, 95%, 99%, excreta. The
confidence interval answers questions like, What is a 95% confidence interval estimate for the
mean starting compensation for students graduating in Humanities and Social Sciences. These
the answers to these type of questions can be very useful and informative.

Confidence Interval Estimates

Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate for the mean starting compensation for
students graduating in Humanities and Social Sciences.(see picture for worked results)
From the worked problem we can see in the center of the graph, the mean salary for
Humanities and social sciences is $38,817. With a 95% confidence we can say that the
salary will fall in-between (Low) $37,123 and (high) $40,501. This is a spread of $3,387.

Construct an 80% confidence interval estimate for the proportion of all students with
starting compensation over $50,000. (see picture for worked results)
Form the worked problem we can say with 80% confidence that between .388 and.455
that e combinations will be over 50,000. What I find interesting form the worked problem
is that out of 350 students sampled 148 or 42% of those students had a starting salary
equal to or exceeding $50,000

Hypothesis Tests
Using Hypothesis testing is the testing methods in which you compare a hypothesis to the
null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is only rejected if its probability falls below a predetermined
significance level, in which case the hypothesis being tested is said to have that level of

Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that students graduating in Education have
an average starting compensation of under $35,000. (see picture for worked results)
The results of the t score of 15.01 is considerable outside the normal of .05 significant.
The null hypothesis is that e mue is equal to 35000 with alternative hypothesis being less
then 35000 .
Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that 80% of students graduating with a
college degree will find a starting compensation package valued at over $40,000. (see
picture for worked results) The results show a negative z score, which could be predicted
because of a left tailed graph. The z score is -17.679 which falls outside the wall of .01
significance level of -2.33. We can determine that we will not reject the null hypothesis
because we dont have enough evidence.

A condition for doing interval estimates or a hypothesis test is an interval value that makes a
threshold of if the null hypotheses will be accepted or rejected. The Data that we use determines
if the data falls within or outside that threshold. In the problem that stated the claim that,
students graduating in Education have an average starting compensation of under $35,000.
The outcome of the data showed that this was not true.
The data could have been more accurate if we knew where the data was coming from. In which
I mean, what state are these savory reflective of? What school did these students graduate form?
Having this year or even last years data. Knowing these few details would make the data more
valid. A way that this data could be improved would be conducting a random sample accosted
of graduates salaries from different universities across the state of Utah. This would enable use
to see a range of data for Utah graduates and Utah salaries.
From this data I drew the calculation that if you compare the two degrees, bachelors of science
and to bachelors of arts. These two degrees are not created equal. For example if you were
really good at math but didnt apply it you would make less than if you were to apply those
math skill into some form of engineering degree where you would be making more money.

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