Accounting Package QUESTION BANK

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Question Bank
Skill Based Elective Accounting Packages for Managers
Sub. Code:12UBAS51
(for those who have joined after 2012 and above)
Section A

(20x1=20 marks)

Choose the best answer

1. Manual accounting system consists of a set book called _________.
a) journal
b) document
c) ledger
d) both A and C
2. Every ledger will get balanced and all balances will be listed as __________.
a) Balance sheet
b) final account c) trial balance d) none
3. Accounting software is also called as ___________ accounting.
a) manual b) computerized
c) software
d) fixed
4. __________ an option to input fundamental information in accounting software.
a) Company info
b) Gateway
c) Create
d) Tally
5. __________ are necessary to keep up books and MIS.
a) accounts b) masters
c) documents
d) files
6. _________ is the facility to record transactions in voucher format.
a) Journal b) Master
c) Accounting entry
d) Voucher
7. _____________ mode to view reports statements on screen.
a) alter
b) display
c) create
d) report
8. Hard copies of reports or connecting with third party software are ____________.
a) print & connectivity b) accounting software
c) document
d) none
9. By pressing _____________ one can execute the function.
a) Alt + F2 b) Ctrl +F12 c) Ctrl + F1 d) F1
10. Vertical toolbar in tally screen have different __________ keys.
a) function
b) combined
c) shortcut
d) alphabet

11. The account info menu contains submenu like __________.
a) ledger b) group
c) voucher
d) all of these
12. The cash a/c comes under ___________ in the list of groups.
a) cash in hand
b) cash at bank
c) current assets
d) deposits
13. _____________ are very important for voucher entries in tally.
a) Journal
b) Ledger
c) Group
d) Balance sheet
14. Press ___________ to delete the ledger accounts.
a) Ctrl + D b) Ctrl+ A c) Alt + C d) Alt + D
15. ___________ is the primary document in which the complete details of accounting transactions.
a) Journal
b) Document c) Accounts voucher
d) Ledger
16. To record all non cash transactions in ______________.
a) Ledger b) document c) trial balance d) journal
17. ___________ to reach end of the function.
a) Ctrl + end b) end c) Alt + end d) esc
18. Press _________ to save the changes.
a) Ctrl+ S
b) Alt+ S
c) Alt+ A
d) Ctrl + A
19. During ledger entry parent group is not existing press___________.
a) Ctrl + D b) Ctrl+ A c) Alt + C d) Alt + D
20. An account group cannot be deleted if it has been specified in___________.
a) Parent group b) ledger account c) account group d) all of these

21. The accounts can be classified into _______________ account.
a) personal b) real c) nominal d) all of these
22. The ______________ of business concern is found out by preparing trading and p & l a/c.
a) business b) incomes and expenses
c) budget
d) none
23. The first part of trial balance is called ___________.
a) Trading
b) journal
c) profit and loss d) both A and C
24. Trading means __________.
a) Selling b) buying c) buying and selling d) profit
25. In trading account the _________ of the business concern is calculated.
a) Gross profit and loss
b) net profit c) net loss d) both B and C
26. Profit and loss account is prepared to calculate the _____________ of the business concern.
a) gross loss
b) gross profit
c) net profit and loss
d) none
27. On the left side of the balance sheet___________ are shown.
a) liabilities, assets
b) assets, liabilities
c) particulars, assets
d) none
28. ____________ is the statement of the financial position of a concern.
a) trial balance b) journal c) balance sheet d) ledger
29. Preparing final accounts are called___________.
a) balanced accounts b) adjustments c) balance sheet d) tally
30. Adjustment are called____________.
a) adjusting entries
b) transactions
c) ledger
d) trial balance
31. At company creation select in maintain field select____________.
a) accounts with inventory b) accounts only c) accounts with transaction d) none
32. There are _____________ basic inventory masters.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 6
33. Unit of measurement popularly known as_____________.
a) UoM b) amount c) measures
d) unit measurement
34. At inventory menu select units and the .
a) display
b) create
c) alter d) quit
35. If the UOM is not existing press __________ to create a new UOM.
a) Alt+ D b) Alt+ N c) Alt+ C d) Alt+ U
36. Stock journal voucher is used to make _____________.
a) Stock adjustment b) journal c) trial balance d) balance sheet
37. Inventory transactions may be entered in _____________ .mode.
a) Voucher b) invoice c) voucher & invoice
d) none
38. In invoice mode the ____________ are entered first.
a) Item value b) net amount c) ledger d) item details
39. There are _________ types of voucher register.
a) 3
b) 4
c) 6 d) 2
40. Click _____________ to get accounting features.
a) F12 b) F5
c) F8
d) F11
41. Cost centre is used to analyze________________ figures.
a) groups
b) journal
c) ledger
d) balanced
42. Click ________ to get company operations screen.

a) F12 b) F5
c) F8
d) F11
43. Cost categories are parallel sets of ____________
a) Cost centre b) cost expenses c) cost ledger d) costing
44. Press _____________ to get detailed toggle button.
a) F12 b) F5
c) F8
d) F1
45. ____________ to evaluate the liquidity position.
a) Scenarios
b) Cash and funds flow
c) Budgets
d) Finance
46. Every business has its objectives and _____________.
a) goals b) budgets c) finance d) rules
47. ____________ can be defined as a plan for pre determined future.
a) Finance
b) Budget
c) Cash
d) Profit
48. Budget may be expressed in terms of __________.
a) Money b) volume c) target d) all of these
49. Budget has to be created with _____________.
a) amount
b) rules
c) company address
d) name
50. Press _______________ to get name of the budget screen.
a) Alt+ N
b) Ctrl+ B c) Alt+ B d) Ctrl+ D
Section B
Answer any 7 of the following in about 50 words:

(7 x2 = 14 marks)

51. Explain how to shut a company.
52. List out the major parts of the tally screen.
53. Explain the term accounts info.
54. What do you mean by groups?
55. Give any three merits of computerized accounting.
56. Give any three merits of manual accounting.
57. What is manual accounting?
58. List down the steps involved in creating groups?
59. How to create a group?
60. What are the various kinds of groups?
61. What is a vouchers?
62. What are the different types of accounting voucher?
63. What is purchase voucher?
64. What are the various predefined vouchers in tally?
65. What is receipt voucher?
66. What are the steps involved in creation of voucher?
67. What are the easy way to select a voucher type for voucher entry?
68. Give any three importance of function keys.
69. Give any three role of function keys.
70. How will you add or insert voucher?
71. What is trial balance?
72. What is trading account?
73. What is profit and loss account?
74. What is balance sheet?
75. List out the function of trial balance
76. How to print the extended trial balance?

77. What we have to do get item final accounts in tally menu?

78. Define current liabilities
79. Define current assets.
80. What is trading account?
81. Define stock category.
82. What are the options available at the time of creation of store item?
83. Define stock item.
84. What is a stock journal?
85. What do you mean by stock group?
86. What is a stock item? How will you create it?
87. What are the various basic types of inventory masters?
88. How will you create, alter and delete a stock category?
89. What are different types of non inventory vouchers?
90. Define units of measures with suitable examples?
91. What is a cost centre?
92. What is a cost category?
93. How will you activate cost centre?
94. How will you view the cost centre details in column as form?
95. How to activate cost centre and cost category option?
96. Define a budget?
97. What are all the essentials of a budget?
98. How will you create a budget?
99. How will you view a budget?
100. What are the different types of budget available in tally?
Section C
Answer the following in about 200 words:

(5x6=30 marks)

101. a. Explain the meaning of Computerized Accounting.

b. Give introduction to Architecture of tally.
102. a. How to create,display,alter and delete group?
b. List down the various kinds of Accounting. Give some examples.
103. a. Write the meaning of Manual Accounting.
b. Mention the demerits of Manual Accounting.
104. a. How will you create a Company Accounts?
b. Discuss in detail the groups available in Tally.
105. a. How to create a Multiple Ledger?
b. How to create a Single Ledger?
106. a. List out any 10 pre-defined groups in tally with explanation.

b. Describe the account group capital and account group loans.

107. a. Write short notes on Deletion of Groups.
b. Write about Accounting.
108. a. How will you create, delete, alter Group in tally?
b. Discuss the procedure involved in the creation, alteration and deletion of ledger accounts in
109. a. List down the basic elements of Accounting Software.
b. List down the importance of computerized accounting.
110. a. Explain the meaning of Journal voucher.
b. What do you mean by Purchase voucher?
111. a. State the meaning of Sales voucher.
b. How to create a Receipt voucher and explain it with examples?
112. a. How to prepare Payment voucher?
b. What is Voucher?
113. a. Explain the importance of function keys.
b. How to classify vouchers?
114. a. Write short notes on:
i. Receipt note
ii. Stock journal
Physical stock voucher
b. What is voucher? What are the various predefined voucher in Tally?
115. a. Explain the voucher types in tally.
b. Discuss the different types of accounting vouchers with shortcut keys.
116. a. Discuss the different types of inventory voucher.
b. Discuss the steps involved in creation of voucher.
117. How to enter the details in sales return voucher?
b. Describe the purpose of groups , ledgers & vouchers.
118. a. Write down the extraction of trial balance with its example.
b. Write a short note on trading account.
119. a. What is balance sheet?
b. Explain the profit and loss account.
120. a. Write the steps in selecting the company.
b. How can we create an exciting company?
121. a. Write down the steps in deleting a company.


b. Write down the steps involved in profit and loss account.
a. How will you remove the transaction from the companys account?
b. Define current assets. Discuss the sub groups.
a. Define current liabilities. Discuss the sub groups.
b. Discussed about detailed trial balance.
a. Write a short note on. a) Financial report b) Inventory report
b. What would the final result of Trial balance?
a. What are the steps in displaying the results of Balance sheet?
b. Draw the final display of profit and loss account.
a. What are the steps in displaying in results of balance sheet?
b. What are the steps in displaying the results of balance sheet?
a. Explain extraction of trial balance.
b. Explain detail about profit and loss account & balance sheet.

128. a. Write a note on stock groups.

b. How to create a stock group?
a. Explain the following terms with the view to multiple stock group.
b. Explain the term Inventory.
a. Define stock categories. How to create stock category?
b. Write a brief note on Godown.
a. Write notes on Stock item and stock groups?
b. Write about Unit of measures.
a. What are the various computation methods?
b. Write note on Stock Journal.
a. What is physical stock journal?
b. Write a short notes on : a) Stock group b) stock items c) Stock category.
a. What is a stock item? How will you create it?
b. Write a short note on: a) Delivery note b) Receipt note c) Rejection in.
a. Explain the inventory term.
b. What are buying and selling activities?
a. What are charts of inventory and incorporation of opening stock?
b. Describe the inventory masters.

137. a. state the meaning of cost centre.

b. Enumerate purpose of cost centre.
138. a. How to create a cost centre?
b. How to create a sub-cost centre?
139. a. How will you activate cost centre?

b. Explain the cost centre details after entering transaction.
a. How to allocate expenditure and income in common cost centre?
b. How income may get allocated to cost centre while entering sales invoice?
a. Explain the two types of cost centre reports?
b. What are the different types of budget?
a. what is the other name for cost category summary and explain the steps involved in it.
b. Write a short notes on: a) cost category b) cost centre
a. How to activate cost centre and cost category option?
b. What are all the essential of budget.
a. How will you create a budget?
b. How will you view a budget?
a. How to set budget limits for cost centre?
b. How to create,alter and delete budget?
Section D

Answer in any two in about 500 words:

( 3 x 12 = 36 marks)


What are the basic dements of Computerized Accounting?

Bring out the merits and demerit of Computerized Accounting.
Explain Manual Vs Computerized Accounting.
Explain the Tally Screen elements.
Write a note on kinds of Multiple Ledger.
Explain how to create, display, alter and delete groups.
Explain how to create, display, alter and delete ledgers.
Describe the account group capital and account group loans.
Describe the account group assets.
Explain the creation of company in detail.


Explain the meaning of accounting voucher in detail with its shortcut keys.
Explain the role an importance of function keys.
Draw a diagram of sales and purchase voucher and explain it with shortcut keys.
Explain the purposes or the various predefined vouchers.
Explain the voucher types in detail.
Explain how to create, alter and delete the voucher.
Enumerate the role and important of function keys.
Explain the various types of voucher in Tally.


Discuss the steps involved in creation of voucher.

Discuss the steps involved in creation and alteration of vouchers after entering transaction.
Explain in detail about profit and loss account and balance sheet.
What are the steps in handling more companies?
How can you alter, delete, edit and select a company?
List down the steps in creating a company in tally.
Explain in detail about companys features.
Enumerate the extraction of trial balance.
Explain the steps involved in results of trial balance.
What are the shortcut keys in tally and explain it?

165. Write various inventory vouchers.
173. Explain in detail about receipt note and delivery note and also its shortcut keys.
174. Explain detail about profit and loss account and balance sheet.
175. Briefly explain stock journal report.
176. Write note on alteration, deletion, Primary multiple stock items.
177. How to create stock items and stock category.
178. What are stock categories? Explain its creation, display, alternation and deletion of stock
179. Write a short notes on i) Stock journal
ii) Physical stock journal
180. Define stock item and How to create stock items?
181. Write a short note on stock journal analysis.
182. Explain the following in detail with diagram .
Creation of cost centre.
Creation of sub-cost centre.
183. Write a detail note i) Allocation of single cost centre. ii) Allocation of multiple cost centre.
184. Discuss the procedure involved in the creation of budget.
185. Explain the essentials of budget.
186. Bring out the different types of budget available in Tally? Explain in brief.
187. How to create cost category and associating cost centre?
188. Discuss the procedure involved in the creation of budget.
189. What are the types of budgets?
190. How to create, alter and delete a budget?

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