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PLEASE NOTICE: Somebody is ed if something (or somebody else) is ing. If

something is ing, it makes you ed.

Choose the correct ending for each verb and fill in the blanks.
1. Sophie was really ---------------- with her sister for teasing her.

1. annoy

2. The film we watched last weekend was truly ------------------.

2. annoy

3. Mona Lisas smile is quite ---------------------------------------.

3. intrigue

4. Peter felt --------------------------- about his misbehaviour.

4. embarrass

5. Your remarks were -------------------. You should apologize!

5. insult

6. These numbers on teens alcohol addiction are rather -----------.

6. disturb

7. Dont be ---------------------------------! Its not going to hurt!

7. frighten

8. This has been the most ------------------- moment of my life!

8. frighten

9. Sometimes people feel a ----------------- need to eat chocolate.


10. Susie felt rather -------------------------- with her performance.

10. frustrate

11. Its really ------------------- when we dont achieve our goals!

11. frustrate

12. Its --------- cold in this room! Havent they got central

12. freeze


13. relax

13. I feel ------------------- when I listen to classical music.

14. relax

14. Listening to classical music is quite -------------------------.

15. puzzle

15. Ben didnt understand the teachers question. He looked ----------.

16. puzzle

16. ------------------------ subjects are the most challenging.

17. They gave me a warm ----------------------- hug!

17. welcome
18. tempt

18. There was a quite ----------------- chocolate cake on the table.

19. entertain

19. These days childrens games are more ----------------------.

20. exhaust

20. The last week was extremely -------------------------- for me.

21. exhaust

21. I felt completely ----------------------------------- this week.

22. please

22. The pupils were --------------------------- with the test results.

23. please

23. The test results were very ---------- for both pupils and

24. astound


25. astound

24. I am truly ---------------------------------- by your attitude.

26. disappoint

25. Your attitude is quite -------------! You should be more careful!

27. disappoint

26. I am ------------------------------- at you! Why did you do that?

Do the exercises: -ing or ed?
27. The final
exam results
1. I studied
hard forwere
my exams
I didn't do very well. I was very
28. Pupils get ---------------------------------------- very easily.
29. I wont answer that! Your question is truly -------------------!
30. Are you --------------------------------------- with your job?

28. distract
29. insult
30. bore
31. bore

___________ (disappoint).
2. The difference between the words 'borrow' and 'lend' is _____________
3. Studying can be very __________________(tire).
4. A friend of mine collects coins and wanted to show them to me, but I told him
I wasn't __________________(interest).
5. I was very______________ (annoy) when my girlfriend forgot our dinner date.
6. The fact that so more and more teens are taking drugs is _________(worry).
7. Riding a rollercoaster is _______________(excite) .
8. My parents were ______________ (worry) when my sister didn't come home
on time last night.
9. Liverpool has had a __________________ (disappoint) season so far this
10. I heard some really _________________(interest) news yesterday.
11. It's very ______________(irritate) when people don't listen when you're
talking to them.
12. Mr Jones is the most __________________ (bore)teacher I've ever had.
13. I was completely _______________ (exhaust) after running the London
14. My parents were ______________ (disappoint) when I told them I didn't
want to become a doctor.
15. T think the octopus is the most ____________ (fascinate) creature in the
1. Sally has been running for three hours and now she is _________
2. My brother had an accident and his situation is quite __________ (worried
3. When we visited that abandoned house it was really _________ (depresseddepressing)
4. I think he was ____________(confused-confusing) because he called me Mary
and my name is Rose
5. That film is not ________(amused-amusing) despite being a comedy
6. Your bathroom is________!(disgusted-disgusting) Couldnt you clean it a little?
7. Are you __________(interested-interesting) in reading one of my novels?
8. What is the most __________(frightened-frightening)story youve ever heard?
9. It was the most _________(bored-boring)meeting I have ever attended.
10. When we broke the vase, we felt very ____________ (emberessedemberassing).


1. Is the book you are reading very ___________________?
2. The new James Bond film is really___________________.
3. We were both _______________that she hadnt heard the news. Surprise
4. The images of the war were very_____________.
5. I nearly fell asleep in the cinema. The film was so____________ . Bore

6. She had such good marks that she was very______________.

7. Can you tell me where that______________ noise comes from?
8. They were____________ the weather wasnt good yesterday.
9. My sister was_______________ by my old toys.
10. When you are not in good spirits, it is_____________ to stay in

bed all day. Tempt

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