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Lesson Plan Template

Student Name: Lindsey Kaler

Grade Level: 9th / 10th
School: XYZ School
Date of Lesson: 12/1/16
Topic: Social Skills / Expectations
Enduring Understandings: (What big idea(s) will students understand as a result of this
Students will understand that the only person whose behavior they can control is
their own.
o Students will understand that they have power over their school success.
Students will understand that B-BASE is a resource and support for students to be
successful in school.
Essential Questions: (What question(s) will students grapple with as they learn through
this lesson?)
How can I make the most of my time in school?
How can I get what I want when Im at school?
Primary Content Objectives:
Students will know: (facts/information)
Students will know the routines and procedures for coming to Room 25 for
Students will know the behavioral expectations for completing work during
Students will be able to do: (skills and behaviors)
Students will identify behaviors that will increase their productivity and skill
levels in school.
Related state or national standards: (Examples include State Standards of Learning,
Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards or National
Curriculum Standards for Social Studies)
VSOL English
9.1j: Use a variety of strategies to listen actively.
9.1k: Summarize and evaluate information presented orally by others.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of

conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Assessment: (How (and when) will students be assessed? What evidence will you collect
to determine whether students have met the lesson objectives? Will the assessment(s) be a
pre-assessment (diagnostic), formative (ongoing feedback) or summative?)
o Student grades: Multiple students in B-BASE earned failing grades in the
first quarter of school and are currently missing numerous assignments in
the second quarter. This demonstrates that students need additional support
in completing work and forming productive work habits.
o OTRs: I will provide students with a number of opportunities to respond to
prompts during the lesson. I will ask students questions and provide them
with an opportunity to Think-Pair-Share. Providing students with multiple
opportunities to respond chorally and individually will allow me to assess
how well students are understanding key routines and concepts as we are
discussing them so that I can better target my academic and behavioral
o Student grades: Assessing students final second quarter grades and levels
of work completion in comparison to students performance first quarter
will give me information about how beneficial this additional support has
been. This summative opportunity will not only assess this introductory
lesson, but further opportunities for re-teaching and support as well.
o Student feedback: Asking for student feedback and reflection later on in
the quarter will provide information about how the concepts and supports
introduced in this lesson affect students self-perception of their choices in
school and their school success.
Materials and Resources: (List here all materials that you will need in order to
successfully teach this lesson. Include technology and website links, texts, graphic
organizers, student handouts, physical manipulatives, etc.)
Core+ student checklists
Choice Theory circle
Success Is Not An Accident video:
Key Vocabulary and Definitions:
Expectations established guidelines that need to be followed in order for a
system to run effectively

Success the accomplishment of an aim or purpose

Lesson Procedures:
1. Introduction and goal orientation:
[4 mins] I will introduce our goals for the time we are together: to talk about a new
support that B-BASE is beginning (having students come to Room 25 for Core+), to talk
about expectations for this new system, and to talk about why we are putting this new
support in place and how it can help students be successful. I will tell students that my
goal is to complete this chat in 20 minutes.
How can we meet this goal so that you all can get back to class in 20 minutes? What kind
of guidelines can we agree to? Im going to be asking you all some questions about what
Im saying and questions about what youre thinking, so what do you think you can do so
that we can get through this and meet our goals in 20 minutes? Expectations that I am
looking for students to help brainstorm include listening while others are speaking,
participating when questions are asked, and using respectful language.
2. Connecting to prior knowledge and experiences: (Questions or activities that help
students make links) (What learning strategies are you using in this lesson? How
will students get opportunities to respond (OTRs)?)
[3 mins] The first thing that I want to talk about is a new support that Mr. Jones and I
are starting up, which we have already started with a couple of you, which is coming
down to Room 25 for Core+. I will explain to students that during Core+, they need to
come to Room 25, review and complete their checklist for work completion (I will show
them where they can access these checklists), and after they complete their work, they
have the opportunity for a choice activity.
3. Tasks and activities: (What challenging tasks and activities will students engage in
as they construct knowledge, learn new skills or behaviors and develop
understandings? In what ways will you provide high-quality feedback to students
about their engagement, behavior, and content mastery?)
[6 mins] The next thing I want to talk about is why we are doing this. Why Ms. Jones,
Coach Bob, Coach Gooch, and I think that this is something that is important for you to
be successful students. What benefits can you think could come from coming to Room 25
instead of going to your Core+ classroom? What benefits could come from the checklists
that we have set up?
Student T, you recently watched a video last time you were in Room 25 for Core+. Could
you tell us a bit about that video? What was one of the biggest takeaways that you got
from it? The video that Student T watched is linked below:

I will give Student T an opportunity to share his expertise on the main points video. If he
is unwilling or unable to review the elements of focus, practice, and habit formation, I
will show student the video and provide those main messages. Thinking about Steph
Curry on the basketball court, what should it look like when youre in room 25 to get
Core+ work done? What does focus look like in school? What habits can you begin to
form that can make you successful in school?
[5 mins] I will then identify the Choice Theory needs for students (love/belonging,
power, fun, freedom), directing them to a modeled example of a Choice Circle that hangs
in Room 25. I will ask each student to Think-Pair-Share some thoughts on how they get
their needs met.
Do you think that you can get your needs met in school? Why or why not? How does the
success that Steph Curry has had in basketball meet his needs? How can school success
meet your needs? I will discuss with students how prioritizing productivity during Core+
in Room 25 can be a way to meet their needs in school specifically meeting their power
need from school success, fun need from the choice time they can earn upon completing
their work, and prompting them to connect school success, which is a goal for each of
these students, to meeting their needs as identified in a Choice Circle.
4. Closure: (How will you wrap up the lesson and reinforce key ideas? Closure may
include some form of assessment or exit slip)
[2 mins] I will close the lesson by reviewing with students the most critical aspects of the
lesson, specifically in relation to Core+ expectations. What is the first thing that you need
to do when you come to Room 25 for Core+? Check your folder. What should it look like
when youre in Room 25 working? Are you willing to try this support as a way to better
get your goals and needs met in school? I will thank students for working productively
with me and give them behavior-specific praise related to their engagement.
Accommodations for individual differences: (How will the lesson be differentiated to
support diverse learners? Describe additional supports that can be used for re-teaching if
needed, and a challenging extension for students for demonstrate mastery quickly or
show evidence of a lot of prior knowledge.)
Brevity: I will attempt to keep this lesson within a 20-minute time frame in order
to accommodate the attention and stamina levels of the students with whom I am
working. In order to keep them actively engaged and invested in a concept that
could be addressed at greater length, I will attempt to keep my language brief,
precise, and focused on the most critical aspects of the concepts or productivity,
practice, and school success.
Re-teaching: All students ill be provided with individual opportunities for reteaching and practice built in to the newly implemented system of students
coming to Room 25 for Core+ class. As students begin working in this new
system, I will be able to provide behavior-specific feedback on their performance
academically and behaviorally and I can re-teach expectations as needed.

Behavioral and organizational strategies: (What behaviors will you model or discuss
with students? What do you want to remember about organizing the lesson and materials?
Use this section for reminders to yourself about behavioral and organizational strategies.
For example, do you want to explicitly model how to work with partners in this lesson?
Or demonstrate how to use mathematical tools? What strategies
(cognitive/metacognitive) will you use to help manage behavior?)
Expectations: I will establish behavioral expectations (active listening,
participation, respectful language) for students at the start of our time together.
Timer: I will set the goal of finishing our conversation in 20 minutes so that I can
better maintain students motivation and engagement and so that I can selfmonitor my use of precise language and quick transitions between topics.
Behavior-specific feedback: I will provide students with behavior-specific
feedback throughout the lesson. As students are participating in the lesson,
specifically with OTRs, I will be able to respond with praise and redirection to
support students in meeting expectations.

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