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Sonia Gutierrez

HLTH 1050-004
Reflection Paper
In this class I have learned a lot about drugs in society. Why people use them, the
consequences of drug use and different ways to treat drug addiction. Throughout my time in this
class I have also learned more about different perspectives about drug use, heard firsthand
accounts from former addicts and had discussions about different areas of drug use such as the
legality of medical marijuana. I also enjoyed my time in class discussing what I learned and the
group work.
This class has also helped increase my writing skills which will help me in the future. My
critical thinking skills were also affected in this class because I needed to make my own
decisions about certain topics. The final paper also challenged me to work hard to make a
professional and educative piece. My paper about drug exposure during pregnancy helped me
learn about the direct effects of drug use as well as the indirect effects. This class also helped
improve my public speaking skill because of several presentations that were required throughout
the semester.
Drug use in society is a major problem and this class let me see that maybe the reason for
the high prevalence can be likened to a disease. Addiction is just a symptom of a much bigger
problem that needs to be addressed. There are some solutions out there that might work to some
extent but a lot more work needs to go into solving this pandemic.

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