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Right or Responsibility

Part 1
1 Every Canadian should vote in elections. Right and responsibility. The
government gives us the right to vote but it's up to the individual if they want to
vote or not.
2.All people are to be treated equally and fairly. Right, as the charter of rights
protects every Canadian citizen.
3.All Canadians can apply for a Canadian passport. RIght, as every Canadian
can apply for a passport unless theyre a hazard or have committed certain
illegal deeds.

Part 2

4.Any Canadians citizen can run as a candidate in any local,

provincial or federal election. Right as it's something an
individual is allowed to do but it's up to the individual if he or
she wants to do it.
5.Canadian laws should be obeyed by all citizens.
Responsibility. because we should obey the law but that does
not always happen
6. Canadian citizens should help groups to keep our
environment clean and safe. Responsibility
7. A Canadian citizen can learn in French or English right. This
is a right because Canada is a bilingual country

Part 3
8.Good citizens are willing to lend a helping hand to neighbour in need.
9.Old buildings and artefacts should be preserved or restored to keep out history
alive. Right.
10.Canadian citizens can leave and enter Canada whenever they want. Right.
11.Canadian are able to speak freely about issues and problems. Right.

Part 4
12. Mary went to the principals of her school to report the vandalism done to the
school building by five of her classmates.Responsibility.
13.Mr. and Mrs. Samra went to the polling station to vote for the new mayor of
Kingston. Right.

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