Prepositions of Time Test

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Worksheet # 8 Name: Key #: 6th Grade A BC 1. Write the correct preposition of time. (in, on, at] 1. | saw her Christmas. 2. |saw her Christmas doy. 3. | was born July. 4, it happened 2001. 5. He started work Monday. 6, She often goes out night. 7. She often goes out Friday night. 8. Itrains a lot spring. 9. | getup 7am. 10.The lessons are the afternoon. 11. It was popular the 1980s. 12.The class is Tuesdays and Thursclays, 13.|t was populer the twentieth century. 14,Peter is playing tennis Sunday. 15.My brother's bithday is the 5th of November. 16.My birthday is May. 17. 1666, a great fre broke out in London 18.| don't like walking alone in the streets night. 19. What are you doing the atternoon? 20. Let's meet six o'clock. 21, He was born July. 22.1 went there 1978. 23. She'll be at work Friday. 24.We met Christmas day. 25. They drove to Rochester September 15th. 26, We artived in this country October. 27. love to go shopping Christmas time. 28. We get up early the moming. sor ~..BWOovoudegume.. night?

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