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Barton 1

Brandon Barton
Mrs. Crist
20 October 2016
Essential Question: Why is skateboarding untolerated and under-appreciated?
Working Thesis: Skateboarding has become a crime, not a sport.
Refined Thesis: Over time, people have created problems with skateboarding, skaters have given
themselves a bad reputation and people have created laws against the sport.
Annotated Bibliography
Public Skatepark Development Guide. "The Skateboarding Problem | Public Skatepark
Development." N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.
I want to use this article because it uses real experience arguments to prove its point. It
makes its goal in the article is very clear and to the point. Real places and people are given as
evidence to prove its point that skateboarding is an under-appreciated sport that is tolerated less
than other sports. Actual research and data is included to help prove its point and persuade that
the issues incurred with skateboarding are pushed under the carpet. The lack of appreciation for
skateboarding is supported by this article, making it relevant to my topic.
Thomson Reuters. "Skateboarding Laws - FindLaw." N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.
This article talks about the different laws placed on skateboarding nationwide, and in
specific places, which supports my argument that skateboarding is an under-appreciated and
untolerated sport. Stating that skateboarding laws generally restrict or prohibit skateboarding as a
recreational sport in the majority of the country, and giving ways to prevent problems with it also
supports my argument that the issue of skateboarding is pushed under the carpet. It is relevant to
my topic because it gives a realistic and legal point of view to look at my argument from.

Britt Chester. "I Went to Jail for Skateboarding, and All I Got Was This ..." N.p., 27 Dec. 2012.
Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
I want to use this article because it gives a first person point of view of the whole
skateboarding being a crime delima. The skater in the article claims to have been handcuffed,
and arrested by the Denver Police. He tells his story word for word, supporting my argument that
skateboarding is an untolerated sport. The fact that he received a ticket, was taken to jail, very
disrespected in the police station, and taken to court is just more rationale that the majority of
people who do not skateboard, dont know someone who skates or has never skated, is very
intolerable and very unappreciative of it. This all relates to my topic because the skateboarding
culture today is part of my topic.

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