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Period: from March 2012-present

Occupation or position held; General Manager

Main activities and responsibilities: I ensure the company's management
Name: S.C. Reset Media Communications S.R.L, No.1 Cobzarilor Street, Cluj-Napoca,
Cluj county, Zip code 400 378,
Type of business or sector: Advertising, Advertising Agencies, Advertising Production
Period: From April 2001 to present
Occupation or position held :General Manager
Main activities and Responsibilities: I ensure the company's management
Name : S.C. Reset Media S.R.L, No. 2 Salcamului Street , Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Zip
code 400 377,
Tel / Fax: +40 264 450363E-mail:
Website: http: //
Type of business or sector: Advertising, Advertising Agencies, Advertising Production
Period: From July 2000 until March 2001
Occupation or position held: Sales Manager
Main activities and Responsibilities: I Coordinated activities and responsibilities across
the company's commercial activity
Name and address of employer: SC Transylvania Press Media Group LLC Cluj-Napoca,
Market Michael the Brave FN, Agrifood Hall, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
Type of business or sector:Mass-Media
Period From December 1999 to June 2000
Occupation or position held: General Manager
Main Activities and Responsibilities: I was in charge with coordinating activities and I
was responsible for the company's commercial activity
Name : S.C. Messenger Transilvan S.A., No.2 Eroilor Street , Cluj-Napoca, Cluj,
Type of business or sector :Mass-media
Period :From February 1997 to November 1999
Position held: Economic Director
Main Activities and Responsibilities : I Coordinated activities and I was responsible for
the company's commercial activity
Name: S.C. Focus Advertising Agency , No.4Galaxiei Street, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj,
Type of business or sector: Activities of Advertising Companies

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