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Annotated Bibliography

Brownstain, C. (2009). Does the music you listen to reflect your intelligence? Retrieved
tml. In this article the author reflects on a study that found the different habits and traits of
personality that people with high intelligence tends to have, versus people with low
intelligence. He focuses mainly in the music section of the study that suggest that more less
intelligent people listens to bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd trying to find holes in the arguments
that the study gives, giving arguments such as What if listen to these artists in a satirical
way, does that makes more, or less intelligent? I will use this article in my paper to give a
counterargument to other articles and studies that suggest that intelligent people only listen
to certain artists.
Collingwood, J.Preferred music style is tied to personality. Retrieved
from The author
summarizes a study carried out by Adrian North from Harriot-Watt University, in which he
asked 36,000 people to rate music in order of preference, and then measuring some
personality traits to determine a correlation. The study showed that there is a correlation
between certain types of music and certain traits of personality such as self-esteem,
outgoingness, gentleness, and creativity. I will use this article in my paper to show that the
music we listen to doesnt make us certain way, rather the way we are its what determines
what we listen to.

Annotated Bibliography

Gomolvilas, P. (2009). What does your taste in music say about your intelligence (or lack
thereof)?. Retrieved
hp. The author breaks down a study that a CalTech student made using an algorithm that
matched the likes on Facebook of certain students, and their SAT scores, in order to show
the correlation between the artists you listen to, and your level of intelligence. This article is
important to my paper because the study offers a reliable scale to measure intelligence, and
how it matches music taste
Greenberg, D. M. (2015). What your musical taste says about you. Retrieved
from The author carried a research to find the correlation of music with the different
processes of human thinking. He divides all humans into two groups empathisers and
systemisers each one with their specific traits, and then he asked 4000 people about their
music preferences, and measured personality traits. Then again, I will use this article to
show the relation between music taste, and the different personality traits of human
Nathaniel. (2016). Retrieved from The author organizes personality traits such as intelligence, shyness,
emotional stability and self-esteem into 16 different categories, then asked different people
already categorized into this 16 groups, and see which genre is more popular inside each
group, and then he explains the main traits of each category. I will use this article to
demonstrate the different types of personalities that there are, what are their main traits and

Annotated Bibliography

see how they relate to music taste, for instance, to see if a shy person likes calm music rather
than loud, and why is that.
Shea, C. (2011). IQ and musical taste. Retrieved from The author breaks down different studies that
showed that people with high IQ tend to listen to instrumental music, rather than vocal
focused music. He gives different arguments for this, one of which is the evolutionary
argument, that says that people with lower IQ prefers vocal oriented music was one of the
first ways that evolutionary ancestors of the homosapiens used to make music, and that later
on, with bigger brains, came instrumental music. I will use this in my paper to demonstrate
that there is a relation more physical factor such as, IQ and brain size, and music taste.
Fantano, Anthony [theneedledrop]. (2013, July 15). Whats music taste? [Video file].
Retrieved from The author gives his
definition of music taste, and what it represents to him. He says that for him good
or bad music taste Its knowing how to listen to music, and how to analyze it, rather
than what you listen to. Im planning on using this either in my introduction, or in
my conclusion, to show that sometimes people listens to different genres without

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