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Written Task 1

Topic- Effects of bilingualism in terms of cognitive abilities

A commentary
In your rationale you must explain:
how the content of the task is linked to a particular part of the course
how the task is intended to explore particular aspects of the course
the nature of the task chosen
information about audience, purpose and the varying contexts in which the task is set.
The rationale should not only include knowledge about the text or topic studied, but also about the formal
conventions of the text type produced and how they relate to the aims of the task.
You should therefore define the purpose of your task and choose the type of text that best suits your
Refer to your Language and Literature Guide for the types of texts you can consider. Once you have
made a choice then decide on the appropriate register and style.

Bilingualism is the ability of people to converse and fully understand two languages.
This is often expressed in our media and literature. Pertaining to language and
identity, Bilingualism forms an important part of ones identity. This commentary
aims to explore the advantages of bilingualism on a persons cognitive skills. I chose
to write a commentary because it allows me to speak from one perspective which
fully explores and analyses this issue at hand. A supportive argument for the
advantages is provided and disadvantages of bilingualism on cognitive abilities are
also discussed. I particularly chose a commentary because it allows me to fully
analyze and discuss the two opposing viewpoints on this issue. This allows us to
The target audience of this commentary are the people who are interested in
connections between bilingualism and a persons cognitive abilities. The ideas that
this commentary will discuss include .
Our discussion helped me
This just pisses me off, what is this supposed to mean, You people who dont
understand, fragments, strong language
Bilingualism has become largely common as a result of pursue of education and work or
people who are multi-cultured. This is often expressed in literature and it is a popular theme
among bilingual writers. Julia Alvarez, originally from the Dominican Republic, has gained
fame from her work in bilingual literature. This interview aims to explore the impact of
bilingualism on literature through the investigation of Alvarezs work. I chose to write an
interview because it allows me to speak from the other person's perspective and to fully
express the topics at hand. A relatively personal point of view is expressed in an interview
and therefore we can discuss the impacts of bilingualism throughly. I particularly chose an
integrated interview because it allows the interviewee's voice to also be heard. This allows
us to introduce background information, link ideas and discuss implications. The target

audience of this interview is people who are interested in bilingual literature. It can also be
of interest to any linguistic enthusiasts as it discusses a unique aspect of literature. The
ideas this interview will discuss include code switching and the connection of master identity
to language. Master identity is the part of your identity which you are born with, such as
nationality and language. This connects to the topic explored because it shows how your
background and language can affect your role in literature. Furthermore, as a result of
bilingualism becoming so widespread, it is worth looking at the impacts of it. This interview
is written during current times, where bilingualism is widely spreading, especially among
children. The idea of other languages making you loose your mother tongue is common, and
this is playing a role in literature.

Written Task
Language is a form of communication, a form through which information flows
efficiently and ideas can be expressed with maximum detail. Cognitive abilities
allows a person to carry out a task ranging from simple to complex, however the
relation between language and cognition is strong because cognitive abilities are
carried out through the use of language. Cognitive abilities include hearing and
interpreting information, learning new information, and problem-solving. Having two

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