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tre capable de parler de ses plans professionnels

tre capable de diffrencier plusieurs projets et de choisir celui qui nous correspond le mieux

Comprendre l'avis d'une personne sur l'exprience d'une anne de csure et pouvoir en rendre compte

Pouvoir demander conseil une personne sur son exprience l'tranger et comprendre les avantages
et les inconvnients d'une anne de csure.

Savoir conseiller un projet une personne partir de ses qualits et ses dfauts.

Savoir analyser ses forces et ses faiblesses dans le but de les rutiliser dans une lettre de motivation /
un entretien d'embauche


Discuss about what you would like to do later.
If you don't know what job you want to do, discuss about how you could be sure of your choice.
Open your book p.11 (Projects Tle) and describe the pictures you can see, what are the common points between
those pictures? imagine who are the people on them and what they do.

Deduce what "A Gap Year" means

Now listen to this document and check your hypotheses. Focus on

the definition of a Gap Year

What you can do on a gap year?

who is it for?

Recap what you understood to the class.

Why are the Gap Years becoming more and more popular in your opinion? would you like to go on a Gap Year?
HW: a lottery is organised to win a round the world trip and an opportunity to experience a carreer
project. Describe what you would do if you were to win this lottery

before you go on a gap year, you need to think about some things.
Make a list of the top 10 things you would like to do if you had the opportunity. Which ones can be achieved on a
gap year?
Have a look at this page and discuss with a friend. Together, make a list of your top three qualities and your top
three weaknesses. Do the same for your friend and compare your answers.
Based on your answers where could you work? where should you avoid working?
Now that you know a bit more about yourself, we can start studying projects.
Watch this video:

Make a list of the different available projects and choose one of them.
Now listen to your project and fill in this grid.

Roleplay : 2 friends discussing

one doesnt know what he wants to do

the other tries to advise him

(can be based on the video projects or not)

HW: for next time, be ready to act your dialogue in front of the class



We're going to study a text entitled "a gapper's first hand account" look at the picture and tell what you expect
from this document.

Prepare some questions you would like to ask Jenny

Read the text and see if you find an answer to your questions.
Read again and highlight

Elements describing Aklavik

Elements describing the Inuit community

Elements describing Jenny, her work, and the impact of her gap year on her life.

Do you think going on a gap year was a positive or a negative experience for Jenny? Why?
HW: prparer des questions poser l'assistant sur son exprience l'tranger et pouvoir en faire un
compte rendu.


When looking for a project, you must browse job offers. Here are some examples.
Choose your favourite project and note down the qualities you must have for such a job. List the tasks you will
have to do and if you already have experience in those.
Now imagine the benefits for you from such a project.
Open your book p.18 and have a quick look at the letters.
What common points can you find?
Read the job description and make a quick profile of the ideal candidate. Report to the class.

GW: Read one of the letters and report what you have understood about the candidate to the other group. Which
one would you pick? why?
in both letters, highlight

the elements that give a positive feeling

the elements that give a negative feeling.

Recap the ingredients you must find in a good cover letter and check your answers p20
HW: Write your own cover letter to the offer you have chosen. Re-use what you have learned in class.

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