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Lindsay Nowakowski

EDAD 543
WWU Fall 2016

and Evaluation #7

Observation and Evaluation

AWSP Leadership Standards

Element 3.4 Assists staff to use data to guide, modify and improve
classroom teaching and student learning.
Element 4.2 Assists staff in aligning best instructional practices to state and
district learning goals.
Element 5.3 Assists staff in implementing effective instruction and
assessment practices.

Observation and Evaluation

At the top of your assignment, list your leadership
In your current role or in a future position, you will be asked to support teachers through
the observation and evaluation cycle. To better understand a current situation, you will
video a lesson, conduct a mini conference, and then reflect on your leadership. Your
final product will be your written statements. (Part 1 and Part 3)
Part 1: Observe a teacher with students. (video tape if the teacher agrees)
Picture of observation notes for Brenda & Feedback Email
Third point data (Turn and Talks, hand signals, etc)
Use framework for 5d

Written Description of what you observed:
Learning Target:
Success Criteria:
This observation provides evidence of:
Student Engagement:
Curriculum and Pedagogy:
Assessment for Student Learning:
Classroom Environment and Culture:

Guiding Questions:
Part 2: A mini conference with the teacher. (video tape if the teacher agrees) Engage
the teacher in a conversation about students learning.
Part 3: After the mini conference, take time to reflect on your leadership by answering
these questions:

How do you think the conference went?

How do you think the teacher felt during the conference?
Describe your tone, body stance, and listening skills.
What did you learn about your leadership?
What are your strengths as a coach/ leader?
What would you like to continue to improve?
How did your leadership moves support your growth toward your standards?

Weave in reflection on what stance(s) I used with the teacher..was it the right
Your work will be shared with your peers in this class. You will have an opportunity to
revisit and revise this assignment throughout the course. It is expected that everyone
will submit this assignment by November 22, but at the end of this course, you will
decide if you want this assignment to be a part of your Portfolio Project.

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