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Traditional Roast Turkey


1 tablespoon butter

1 turkey liver, finely diced

3 sticks celery

4 slices of bread

12 chestnuts, boiled, skinned and tender

parsley, diced

salt and pepper, to taste

1/2 cup (125ml) milk

1 turkey, about 6 kg

250g sausage meat

oil, for roasting

Heat the butter in a frying pan when melted add the diced liver and celery then cook
until softened.
1. In a bowl break up the bread into small pieces then add the chestnuts, celery, liver,
parsley, salt and pepper. Combine using the milk to soften and bind but dont add so
much it becomes runny.
2. Clean the turkey and then stuff the sausage meat in first then add the bread stuffing
for the remaining area.
3. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C with the roasting tray in.
4. Add some oil to the hot roasting tray then add the turkey one breast down; cook for
30 minutes. Turn so the other breast is down then cook for 30 minutes. (The theory
is the juices run down into the breasts keeping a moister bird.)
5. Continue to cook the turkey until done. Estimate 35 minutes for every 500g, thus a
6kg turkey will take 3 1/2 hours. (1 hour doing the breasts then an additional 2 1/2

6. When cooked allow 20 minutes for the turkey to sit before carving.

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