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Pre-Test Results by Question


This graph is a visual representation of the correct and incorrect

responses made by the students for each question. This provides a
clear way in order to see which questions are missed most by students.
The correct answers are highlighted in red and the incorrect answers
are highlighted in blue. This graph allows me to see which topics I need
to spend the most time teaching when preparing my lessons for the
upcoming unit. It is clear that the content in questions 4, 5, 6 are a
struggle for my students and these questions and topics need to be
explained and taught in great detail. It is also incredibly helpful to see
that the content in the question 2 is something that most of the
students have seen or been taught before. Due to the high results of
correct answers in this question, this topic can be taught less than

Pre-Test Results by Standard


Number Correct

Number Incorrect

Percent Correct











1.GLE 0307.11.3 Investigate how the pitch and volume of a sound can
be change
2. GLE 0307.11.1 Explore how the direction of a moving object is
affected by unbalanced forces.
3. GLE 0307.11.2 Recognize the relationship between the mass of an
object and the force needed to move it.
4. GLE 0307.12.1Explore how magnets attract objects made of certain

This pre-test data is an incredibly important part of

understanding the results that I received from my students pre-tests.
Through this graph we are able to understand what topics (standards)
need to be thoroughly discussed and what topics I can set aside less
time in order to teach my students. Based upon this particular data, it
is clear that standards 2 and 3 need to have the most time devoted to
them. Standard 2 and 3 both deal with the knowledge of motion and
force. Going into this lesson I expected this topic to be of most
confusion to the students due to the fact that this is mostly a new idea
for them. Motion and force will take the most time in our unit due to
the results of this data.

Assessment Reflection
Assessment is an incredibly important aspect of teaching. As a
teacher, I will use assessment every single day. Assessment is the best
way to better understand my students and their individual needs. The
reason that I feel so strongly about this is because I feel like in my past
schooling my teachers allowed me to fall into a losing streak when it
came to certain academia. This is not acceptable. I want to be able to
allow students to learn from their failures and be able to understand
them and turn them into successes.
One form of assessment that will be seen in my classroom is the
use of pre-tests. Pre-tests are a great way to start off a unit. Using a
pre-test allows teachers to see what their students already know prior
to starting the unit. It is important to form an affective pre-test in order
to drive instruction of the unit based on the students needs. One way
to produce quality pre-tests is to first base it off the standards and
topics that are most in important in learning from the unit. Then, it is
important to include questions about common misconceptions that the
students might have prior to learning the unit. This allows the teacher
be able to clearly see if these are also misconceptions for your

I will use pre-tests in my classroom at the beginning of every

unit. I feel as though this will allow me to have a solid basis on where
my instruction should go. Based on the results I will know whether I
need to spend more or less time on a certain topic within the unit. For
example, if my students all do really well on a certain topic then this
will drive my instruction in that I will spend less time on that topic and
more time on a topic that the students did not do well on.

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