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ae eventually overtime wares and TABER S135 Esare thse ore anit coy Rotary Platform ‘Abraser with even more time will turn into breaks or faults. This is an inevitable part of Materialistic items. The time span of this given “deterioration” of course depends on the material (e.g. concrete or aluminum). For companies mass producing a single product it is important to give accurate and consistent information on things such as durability and product limitations. This is where the Taber 5135 Abaser comes into play. Allowing companies to consistently assess the durability of any given material through a series of rotations underneath a set weight. There are a number of components that allow this machine each being as importai as the next as illustrated in (Figure 1.1) A. Arm (Attached on hinge) B. Vacuum C. Rotary Platform D. “Wheel” E. Control Pad Figure 1.1 the function of the components is pretty straight forward. Remember the overall goal is to accurately and consistently find the durability of the given material. The arm A” is one of the primary parts of the machine. The arm is connected on a hinge allowing the user place the testing sample on the rotary platform “C”. In addition to being able to load the sample on the platform the user is a able change the wheels “D"to match the desired test. On the opposite side of the arm wheel is changeable weight that governs how much pressure the wheel is putting on the object. The vacuum “B” collects the debris created from the abrasion process to help maintain the accuracy of the test. ‘The rotary platform “C” is exactly that, a platform to set the sample on that rotates a set number of times. The wheel “D” is what cause the actual abrasion to happen in con- junction with the rotations of the platform. The wheel is interchangeable with wheels of different grit, much like different grades of sandpaper, simply on a wheel. This in combination with the interchangeable weight on the opposite sides of the arm allow for ‘awide variety of abrasion test combinations. Limestone for example usually is tested with a light weight but fine grain wheel. While granite; being a harder stone, would use aheavier weight but not as fine of a grain wheel. The control pad “E” is simply to enter the number of rotations wanted and to set the power of the vacuums suction. The rotary platform will always rotate at the same speed, it will never vary. TABER 5135 Rotary Platform Abraser BASIC OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS ow that the main components have been explained in the section prior the opera~ tion of the machine as a whole will be explained. Three things in total are necessary for the operation of this machine and one is optional. ‘Those three things are: 1. The machine. 2. The sample needing to be tested. 3. Safety goggles. ‘The first two items are obvious and the third depends on the company one works for. All the items were listed so there is no confusion that there is anything more to the oper- ation of this machine, itis simple. The first thing to know is that the sample cannot be sver SX5 inches and a thickness of 2”. The reasons being is one, you don’t want the sample to snag on any- thing as is rotates on the platform (reason for the 5X5 and under). Two, you don’t want undesired weight to be applied to the sample by the arms, the weight from the “wheel” and the weight put on the arm is the only desired weight (reason for 2” thickness and under). A thickness over this will make the arms sit up to high on their axis andtwo much weight from the arm alone will be applied tothe sample. The sam- ples will either come with apredrilled hole in the center or the operator will measure and drillthe (Figure2.2) _ hole exactly center in the sam- ple. The rotary platform has a metal rod sticking up in the very center’ of it. This is what will rest inside the hole in the sample as it sits upon the platform. This is to maintain accurate positioning and to help simply hold the sample onto the platform, centripetal force has to be taken into consideration considering accuracy is crucial. The actual oper- ation from beginning to end very simple. The machine spins the rotary platform with the specimen on it which moves the wheels on the arms above as shown in (Figure 2-2). 1. Take the sample with the hole in the center (if not predrilled, drill one). 2. Lift the “arms” of the machine and. ‘apply the desired wheels and weights. 3. While the arms are up set your sample unto the rotary platform. 4, With the sample sitting on the platform (rod through hole in sample) put arms down. '5. Now, the number of rotations needs to be entered. This is done on the control, pad by pressing the button that says “number of cycles”. Then, enter the number wanted (nu- merical keypad) and press enter. 6. After the sample is loaded and the number of cycles is selected press “begin” on the keypad and the test will begin.

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