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The Goshorns Step by Step

December 2016
Im very excited to have Jennifer and Katherine
back and so are our the kids in our programs. They
returned at the beginning of the month. We spent one
day in Lima before returning and were able to go to
the theater and see a movie in English:) It was very
heartwarming when we returned and were surprised
by the kids in the program with a handmade sign and
warm greetings for Jennifer and Katherine.
While Jennifer was in the states she spoke with
several churches. She explained how we need to raise
our financial support and that we also need to raise
specific support for more days of the feeding
programs. The kids in Peru are out of school from late
December to the beginning of March. While out of
school they will have very little food and so we want to
increase the days of the feeding programs during this
time. This will take up a lot more time and so weve
been speaking with some of the mothers about
helping more. Weve also had an increase of adults
that need food and are eating with the kids.
I told you about the mom of one of our families
in our program that was murdered last month. This
family is very poor and many of them dont have beds
to sleep in. The youth at Crestwood UMC had a fund
raiser and we were able to buy a bunkbed for them.


They can sleep four in this bed. Ive never seen kids
cry because they received a bed.
We are very excited to be given permission
to start a Bible study with the teenage boys at the
orphanage. This will begin on December 19th. Ive
talked with several of the boys and they seem to
be excited. Its very common for things to change
very quickly and so we need prayers that the boys
will continue to be excited and come to the study
and that the administration isnt pressured to
change their mind.

Acts 4:11-12 Jesus is the stone you

builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is
no other name under heaven given to mankind by
which we must be saved.

We humbly thank you for your continued

prayers and financial support. If you havent
yet, we ask that you would prayerfully
consider financially supporting this ministry
in Peru. Without more financial partners this
ministry can not continue to grow. We love
you all and thank you for being part of Gods
work in Peru.

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Our Protector

As we said last month, we figured that there would be little done about the murder of the mother
of one of our families. Interviews done, reports filed and thats pretty much it. The kids seem to be doing
pretty well considering everything. A couple are a little more clingy, but thats not surprising. The father
has come to our feeding program a few times and weve talked, but he continues to drink. As I said on the
first page, the kids were blessed to have a bunkbed purchased for them by a youth group in the states. We
try not to show favoritism, but at times its hard. When Melissa, one of the children from this family who
has a very special place in Jennifers heart asks Jennifer for specific food for the program, we usually try to
prepare it. All of theses kids have found a special place in our hearts.
Weve just found out something that disturbs us very much. Many times in the mountains when a
mother dies, the father will replace her with the oldest daughter, this also means in the bed. Even though
this isnt permitted by law, that doesnt mean the law will do anything about it. We also know that many
times when things are reported to the law this can be dangerous for the very people youre trying to help.
We heard of a case of when a wife was being abused by her husband and was reported to the authorities.
The authorities then let the husband know that someone was ratting on him. The wife ended up dead and
nothing was done about it. So as of now we plan on stopping by the house for visits with a Peruvian who is
the legal part of our team and also knows this family very well. We will casually visit and without being
obvious well check on the sleeping arrangements.
I feel as a parent it is my responsibility to protect my children and that my children can look to me
for protection. I cant begin to tell you the anger I feel when I see situations like this and I pray for the Holy
Spirit to take control. Growing up I knew that my father would never let any harm come to me. In my eyes
as a child, he was my protector. I cant imagen being 11 years old and not having that feeling. They will
learn though that the Lord will never abandon them and that He is the true protector.
Please continue to keep everyone involved in your prayers. Pray for protection and guidance for
the children, pray for guidance for the father and his drinking, pray also for guidance and wisdom for us
and pray for safety for all.

Matthew 18:10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their
angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

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The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s

Continued physical, emotional and

spiritual protection.

Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding


Continued financial and prayer

support, as well as new financial and
prayer partners.

Prayers for the Bible study with the

teenage boys at the orphanage.

Prayers for the new discipleship

group in Palian.

Prayers for prison ministries

Discernment as we continue to
explore ministry opportunities.

Travel mercies as we travel in Peru.

For Jennifers mom, Joan.

Prayers for the children that lost

their mother.

Prayers for Daniel, Matthew and

Audrey while they live in the U.S.

Prayers for kids programs.

Praises for our Peruvian team.
We are thankful for the body of
We are thankful for our health.
We are thankful for a new home, big
enough to house people.

Pa r t n e r w i t h u s
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods Kingdom
in Peru.

All tax deductible donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at: and go to give to a missionary and use

our name.
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

Please help by sharing this with

whomever you wish.

Psalm 127:3
Children are a heritage
from the Lord, offspring
a reward from him.

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