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What is Surrealism?
An art style that tried
to express the world
of dreams
A signicant art
movement of the
1920s and 1930s

What makes artwork surreal?

PuBng together images that dont
usually belong together, such as an
animal with wheels instead of feet
A drawing of something you would
never see in the real world
Using your imagina:on
PuBng something in an
environment it wouldnt normally
belong in. (displacement)

Key Ar:sts:
Salvador Dali
Rene MagriNe
Max Ernst
M.C. Escher

Salvador Dali


Persistence of Memory

Rene MagriNe
The Voice of
the Winds

Rene MagriNe

The Art of Conversa5on

Rene MagriNe



Your Project Goal: Combine a two point perspecYve drawing of the school hallway
with a contrasYng environment. Use graphite shading techniques and watercolor/
watercolor pencil techniques to create your drawing.

What are some facts about Surrealism?
Can you name two surrealist arYsts?
How can you tell if a painYng is surrealisYc?

For the remainder of class,

Draw a corner of the art room in
your sketchbook with as much
detail as possible.

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