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Project photo is

attached to the
Grade Level:

VAE 101 FINAL Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: The Quilt of the Classroom
Length of Lesson: 1 hour
Teacher: Caroline Sanicola
Grade 3

How do you know

this project is
appropriate for
the grade level?

This is an appropriate project for this grade level because we can

discuss how a quilt is a representation of the classroom. It helps
children with their cutting skills and other fine motor skills like
knowing how to position the paper and draw. Students will also
learn about symmetry.

Ohio Visual Arts


Observe and compare similar themes, subject matter and images

in artworks from historical and contemporary eras.

Should be able to
be assessed!!!!
Dont forget to
add what are the
students actually

Students will be able to understand classroom dynamics by

understanding the formation of a quilt. They should be able to
cut their paper and arrange it on the white piece of paper. They
should know how their tile of the quilt relates to the artwork of
the quilt as a whole and how each of their pieces makes up the
quilt of the classroom.

Cite your sources
for information
and images!

1 piece of white paper

1 piece of a colored paper
Oil Pastels


Quilt -a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between

layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically
applied in a decorative design.
Symmetry- One side of an object looks like the other side of an

Pushes learning

How does your piece of the quilt add to the quilt of the classroom?
How does your piece of the quilt represent your role in the

Should be STEP
Think of it as a
cooking show.
Whats the
Someone else
should be able
read your
procedures and
teach it to a class

Time (minutes)



Explain the history of quilts


Explain how our classroom is like a quilt we all come

together to create something pretty


Demonstration of project


Students will come get their supplies in a well organized

Students will make multiple quilt pieces.
Students will clean up their areas


Final Visual
We should be
able to picture
this in our minds!

A white piece of construction paper acts as the tile it should be in

the shape of a square that is 6 inches by 6 inches. Four identical
pieces of paper should be cut in the design choice of the student in
any color they choose and glued to the paper in a symmetrical
fashion. The student should then take an oil pastel and draw on
top of their colored piece of paper to create a design.

Explain how this

is a rich art
project / overall,
what are the

This is a rich art project because it teaches the students about the
history of quilts and their place in the classroom. They also
learned about symmetry. Moreover there is a lot of artistic
freedom in this project for the students to express their creativity.

Is this project
Teacher Directed,
Teacher Guided,
or Child

This project would be teacher guided. The students must create a

tile that will be added to our quilt, but they have a lot of room to
design the tile as they want. They can cut the colored piece into
any shape and draw anything they would like to on the tile tehy

Explain how you

Why did you
choose this

I chose this project because I liked how it looked when it was all
done. Each child can create something that is uniquely theirs but
somehow they all come together and add something to the quilt.

That is similar to a classroom. Every student had some strengths

and weaknesses. Like every tile, is different every student is
different and they all learn differently. Just like the quilt when
the class comes together we are beautiful and stronger together. A
quilts purpose is for is visual appearance but also to keep people
warm. In the classroom students will find a warm environment
where they can ask questions and learn the way they learn best.

VAE 101 Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: __________________________________________
Length of Lesson: _____________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________________________

Dmasse. "We'll Keep on Biggering and Biggering..." We'll Keep on Biggering and Biggering...N.p.,
01 Jan. 1970. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

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