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Jesse Garcia

Earth, Milkyway Galaxy, III quadrant

Salt Lake City, UT 84044
Salt Lake City, UT 84044

6th December 2016

Future Student
Salt Lake Community College
4600 South Redwood Road,
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Dear Future Student,

Congratulations you graduated high school, Celebrated your 18th birthday,
kissed your crush or havent yet, you have already chosen a 4-year
University, or a 2-Year college. You made it....
Now run...youre still here, good. Let me introduce myself, I am a current
college student at Salt Lake Community College. I am here to tell you about
the college experience. Welcome to College!, You must be wondering is
college hard, not necessarily it depends on yourself, and If you are willing to
succeed by applying yourself to and your study skills.
To succeed in college , you have to be in control of yourself and your life.
You could just rush right through college, but is it necessarily worth it. After
graduating high school, you have to realize that you can change from being
a student to beginning college, you have to choose what you want to do not
what others tell you to do it's your path, your journey.
Accept responsibility, and be responsible. Create a Time-management
sheet, a time management sheet is a type of daily planner which you write
down what you need to do such as: waking up, eating breakfast, catching
the bus or driving to school. It's a plan of what you do everyday.
A having time management can also assist you if you are working, by setting
up study times, work schedule, or other activities. If you are working and
attending college, stay motivated, most students drop out based on time,
and stress.

There are going to be times when youre gonna roll out of bed a few minutes
before class, because you stayed up all night to finish an assignment for a
class that's due today, then you have to rush yourself to get dressed and
make it on time.
Remember to prepare everything, not rush, absorb,capture, and review what
you have studied. This happens to all of us even college students, prepare
everything before you go to bed, absorb and review what you learned in
class to complete the assignment rather than staying up all night.
Now future student; my advice to you as a former student is to be yourself,
dont rush (yes, we all have the thought of rushing and to get out quickly).
That's not the point, the point is to enjoy college, don't procrastinate, it can
become a habit, create a time-managing sheet to organize your time
between work-study time.

Future student, stay motivated and have fun...Welcome to College, your

journey starts here.



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