Uis 350 Eportfolio 3 Assure Elizabeth Rohr

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

The American Revolution
4th Grade
Virginia Studies
Lesson length: 60 minutes, or one class period
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 21
Male students: 11
Female students: 10
Students with low learning skills: 3
ESL Student:1
Hearing Impaired:1
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/3 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (one to three students)
Interpersonal learners (one to three students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)
State Objectives

The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the American
Revolution by
a) identifying the reasons why the colonies went to war with Great Britain, as
expressed in the Declaration of Independence;
b) identifying the various roles played by whites, enslaved African Americans, free
African Americans, and American Indians in the Revolutionary War era,
including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and James
c) identifying the importance of the Battle of Great Bridge, the ride of Jack Jouett,
and the American victory at Yorktown.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

Individual laptops with internet access and access to google earth
Access to google classroom and google doc with graphic organizer
Overhead Projector
Projection Screen
Laptops, Google classroom google doc with graphic organizer, Google Earth PowerPoint

Whole group KWL on what student prior knowledge is on the American Revolution
Whole group introduction on the American Revolution, key figures, and important battles.
Small group presentation of google earth to show the 13 colonies as well as England
Small group completion of google classrooms graphic organizer.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
21 individual laptops with internet access Will be used to do go on google classroom as
well as google earth
1 projection screen that is visible to students will be used to display PowerPoint
Presentation on the American Revolution
Whole group KWL chart discussing known information on the American Revolution
Whole Group Introduction and lesson on the American Revolution Using the PowerPoint
teach students on the American Revolution, including key figures and important battles
Small Groups Students will be in small groups of 4 and will look up the 13 colonies as well
as England on google maps
Small Groups Students will together fill out the graphic organizer on google classroom
using the information that they just learned.
Require Learner Participation
Whole Group KWL Chart:
This will be the start of lesson and as a whole class we will fill out a KWL chart on the
American Revolution. Each student will be asked to share something during this time. The
KWL chart will help to gauge what students already know and what needs to be focused on
for the lesson.
Whole Group Introduction and Lesson on the American Revolution:
As an introduction to the American Revolution, the students will watch a short youtube video
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8BwWBc571k) by schoolhouse rock. The teacher will
present a PowerPoint on the American Revolution, which will include more videos and
pictures to make it more interactive. This PowerPoint simply be an introduction to the
American Revolution, but will not go into detail on the different parts of the Revolution.
Small Groups Google Earth:
The teacher will split the students up into groups of 4 and will give clear instructions on how
to access google earth. The teacher will explain how to look up the 13 colonies and England
on google maps and will give them further directions while they are in their individual groups

on what to be looking for and what they should be learning from google earth. This group
activity will serve more as a visual learning tool.
Small Group Graphic Organizer:
Same groups of 4 will fill out the graphic organizer on google classroom. This task will be
completed with each person in the group. Their graphic organizer will be a shared document
so that all students in the group can edit the document. They must first converse with the
whole group about an idea and the whole group must agree before the students are allowed
to type it on the graphic organizer. The organizer will help the students to remember what
they learned and will be a study tool for a test that will be given later on in the week.
Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance:
The students will be evaluated on the small group graphic organizer assignment. The main
focus will be to fill out the organizer with enough information so that the students can use it
as a study tool for a test that they will have later on in the week on the American Revolution.
Students will demonstrate overview knowledge on the American Revolution including key
figures and important battles. They will also demonstrate an understanding of the 13
colonies and England through the use of google earth. They will further demonstrate a high
level of understanding for technology.
Instructor Performance:
During the lesson, the instructor can ask essential questions to insure that students are
thinking about and asking the write questions. During the small group assignment, the
instructor can listen to the students working together and making key connections to
information that they learned from the lesson, and begin to ascertain if the material was well
taught. The teacher will also walk around the classroom during the small group time to
insure that students are staying on task. When the students turn in their google classroom
graphic organizer and checks to make sure it is complete, the teacher will have final
confirmation if the lesson fulfilled the stated objectives. If necessary the instructor can
reteach the material before the class moves on to more in-depth study of the American
Media Performance:
The media that was used serves as a gateway for students to explore more on google earth
and more information on the American Revolution. If students are able to log the
information that they learned through the PowerPoint and through google earth, then the
media was used successfully.

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