Michelle Kessler Letter of Recommendation

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September 29, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I got the pleasure of working with Sarah Naves during her

preceptorship while in nursing school. Sarah worked alongside me at
St. Marys in the Emergency Department. She showed many signs of
competency as a student nurse. She was always eager to learn new
skills and rationales related to the many medical situations you
encounter in the ER. Sarah is personable with staff, shows great
customer service, and was comfortable collaborating with the doctors in
discussing patient care. Sarah is not scared to ask questions when
confronted with situations she is not yet competent in. Another thing I
really enjoyed about partnering with Sarah in the ER was that she was
able to manage her time wisely in order to address the patients needs
while engaging with them. This I believe makes people more
comfortable while in this vulnerable state of need. Sarah was
knowledgeable and eager to expand on her knowledge with every
opportunity. Sarah picked up a good flow working in a busy ER between
time management, and prioritizing tasks. I believe Sarah would be a
great asset to have as part of any nursing staff.

Michelle Kessler RN
St. Marys Emergency Department

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