Hunger Games Film Review

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English 8
Class 8 ___

Film Review Final Assignment

Task: Evaluate the Hunger Games film by responding to the questions
below in a 2-3 page double spaced Film Review.
Characterization: Does the film do a good job characterizing the main characters? Include
an example of characterization from the film.
Tone: Does the film do a good job showing viewers how the characters are feeling? Include
an example of tone from the film.
Mood: Does the film make you feel emotions as you watch? Include an example of mood
you felt while watching and how it was evoked.
Elements of film: How did the filmmaker use camera angles, sound, light, or structure to
develop the story? Include 2 examples of elements of film from the movie.
Symbolism: Did the filmmaker include symbols in the film? How were they shown?
Rating: What would you score this film overall out of 10 points? Why?

Read the checklist below carefully before beginning your Film Review. You
must include all of the elements listed below.
Introductory Paragraph
Provide basic information about the movie, and a sense of what your review will be
about. Include:
_____ Opening sentence
_____ Brief (1-2 sentences) introduction to the movie.
_____ Title (underlined) + Director
_____ Genre-i.e. comedy, animated, drama
_____ Movie's thesis / theme / purpose
There are two main sections for this part. The first is an explanation of what the movie
is about. The second is your opinions about the movie and how successful it is with
examples used to support your opinion.
Give a brief summary of the plot in which you identify the main characters,
describe the setting, and give a sense of the central conflict or point of the
movie. Dont give too much away. Include what we have studied so far with
examples where pertinent:
o Plot

o Characterization of Characters (give examples)


Analysis and Evaluation

In this section you analyze or critique the movie. Write about your own
opinions; just be sure that you explain and support them with examples.
Some questions you might want to consider:

How did the director achieve his or her purpose?

Elements of Film (camera angles, sound, light, structure) (give examples)

Tone and Mood (give examples of both from the film)

Symbolism (give examples from the film)

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movie?

What is your overall response to the movie? Did you find it interesting,
moving, dull? Why?

Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?


Briefly conclude the review by pulling your thoughts together. You may want
to say what impression the movie left you with, or emphasize what you want
your reader to know about it. Be sure to include a rating out of 10(/10), in
your review with a recap of why it earned that rating.

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