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TEACHER: Jesus Hernandez

DATE: 11/16/2016
OBJECTIVE: TEKS Chapter 113.19 Texas
GRADE LEVEL: 7th grade
annexation and the outcome of the USMexican War
Objective/Purpose: (The student expectations must be clearly defined and in line with the district/state standards.
For the students benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson and why these objectives
are important to accomplish: To fully understand the invasion of United States

military forces into Mexican territory after the annexation of Texas and the beginning if U.S. imperialism to obtain natural
Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed: Computer, projector, YouTube, Cornell Notes ditto, pen, pencil, sticky notes,

poster board

Instructional delivery (What information is essential for the student to know before beginning and how will this
skill be communicated to students? This is the section where you explicitly delineate how you will present the
lesson. Direct instruction? Small group? Centers? The instruction could include a variety of instructional
delivery methods.)

The students will be separated into 5 groups of 3. We will place a poster board against the wall with specific dates that students
are to place sticky notes if they have any knowledge of that date. Since its 3 co-teachers, we will each take 6 minutes to lecture
on the power point slides. Afterwards, there will be 5 learning centers where students get to rotate and discuss specific dates.
Anticipatory Set (ENGAGE): (Before you dig into the meat of your lessons instruction, set the stage for
your students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a context. What activities will
you use to focus students on the lesson for the day?)

We will show a five-minute video titled: The Mexican-American War in 5 minutes After the video is shown we will have a slide on a painting on
Manifest Destiny and we will have a discussion on what the painting represents. The co-teachers will ask specific
questions and the students are required to participate by sharing their opinions. There are no correct or incorrect
(EXPLORE): students encounter hands-on experiences in which they explore the concept further. They
receive little explanation and few terms at this point, because they are to define the problem or
phenomenon in their own words.

The co-teachers will hand out a Cornell Notes template with specific dates that will be discussed throughout the
lecture. The co-teachers will instruct the students what to write on the Cornell Notes because that information
will be part of the individual assessment. The students can ask questions throughout the lecture if there is any
Model (EXPLAIN): (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done and
Guided Practice: (Under your supervision, students are given the chance to practice and apply the skills
you taught them through the instructional delivery)

We will specifically discuss important terms and dates that will be on the assessment at the end of the
lecture. Certain terms for example, Santa Anna, the Alamo, President Polk, Stephen F. Austin, San
Jacinto, etc. can be discussed. Important dates like 1824, 1835, 1846, and 1848 will be the years that are
the most important in the lesson
Independent Practice (ELABORATE): (List the assignment(s) that will be given to the students to ensure
they have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.)
Since the students will be in groups of three, there will be 5 stations with specific dates and events that were introduced in the
video/lecture and should be taken into consideration for further discussion. In each station the group has a total of 2 minutes
to discuss the information and afterwards are required to move to another table to repeat the procedure. Throughout this
activity the co-teachers will work as facilitators and help the students retain the information for the individual assessment.

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

Check for Understanding (EVALUATE): (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have
learned the objective FORMATIVE.)

The students will be given a mix and match assignment as well as a multiple choice quiz at the end of the group
activity. The assessment will consist of all the information mentioned in the video, lecture, and the 5 station
learning centers. The students are allowed to use their notes while taking the assessment and can ask the co-

teachers for hints if they get stuck on a question.

Closure: (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson? How will you wrap
up the lesson by giving the lesson concepts further meaning for your students?)
The purpose of this activity is to find out if the students learn through repetition and writing. Most of the information
presented is repeated throughout the entire lesson. Also, it helps students with their memory. This lesson also assists students
with their note taking skills.

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

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