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Emma Ritter

SPED 4330

Administering the Functional Level Test (FLT)

A. Demographic Data
1. Reptar
2. Testing Date: 2016 02 12
Date of Birth: 2006 04 12
Chronological Age: 9 years 10 months 0 days = 9.10 years old
3. Reptar is currently in third grade within a general education class along with resource
room. Reptar also receives forty-five minutes of support facilitation within the general
education classroom.
4. Tester volunteers at the elementary school and assists Reptar and his peers in the
resource room.
5. Testing was done during regular school hours in the resource room.
6. The student was very cooperative during the testing. Towards the end the student was
beginning to become restless. Only one of the problems caused the student to feel
B. Student Answer Sheet
- See Attached
C. When it comes to calculations, the student is functioning at a second grade level. As for the
word problems, the student is functioning at a fourth grade level.
D. Summary of Strengths/Weaknesses

Adding and subtracting one digit plus/minus one digit and two digits plus/minus two digit
numbers with and without regrouping in both word problems and calculations.
Adding three digit plus three digit numbers with regrouping.
Addition of fractions with same denominator.
Understands < and > when it comes to one and two digit numbers.
Multiplying one digit times one digit numbers in both calculations and word problems.


Rounding numbers to the nearest tenth.

Multiplication, addition, and subtraction with decimals.
Subtracting three digit minus three digit numbers with regrouping.
Understanding of coin values.

Subtracting mixed numbers.

E. I believe that the test did accurately reflected the students skills; however, I do also believe
that in certain aspects it did not accurately reflect the skills of the student. Certain calculations
were easy to solve with the use of base ten blocks but when it came time for subtracting it
seemed as though those skills needed help. During the school day the student has a number chart
as well as a multiplication chart but only goes up to twelve times twelve. The student, however,
was not able to use the charts during this test so he was unable to use his everyday resources.
F. From giving this test I learned that students can easily be frustrated as well as distracted. If
they feel as though they are unable to do a problem just by looking at it then it affects the way
they feel and think. In a way their affective filter raises which causes problems for input and
output. The testing environment is very important as well. When students feel more comfortable
with their surroundings as well as tester then the outcome can be higher than if the student were
G. If I were to do this again, I would make sure that testing happened in the morning after
breakfast. Another thing I would change is making sure the classroom door is closed and that if
anyone else was in the room that they were also testing or working quietly as to not disturb those
taking a test. I would also want to test the student on what I know has been recently covered in
the general education classroom as well as the resource room. It is also important to have things
from prior years and a year or two from the current grade placement.

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