Analyze Learners: "Basic World Geography" 2 Grade Geography Lesson Length: 180 Minutes, or Three Class Periods

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Basic World Geography

2nd Grade
Lesson length: 180 minutes, or three class periods
Analyze Learners
Total number of students: 22
Male students: 11
Female students: 11
Students with low learning skills:3
ESL Student:2
Hearing Impaired:1
Visual/Spatial learners (approximately 1/4 of students)
Kinesthetic learners (approximately 1/2 of students)
Verbal/linguistic learners (two students)
Interpersonal learners (two students)
Logical/Mathematical (one or two students)
State Objectives
SOL 2.6 The student will develop map skills by using globes and maps of the world and the
United States to locate a) the seven continents and the five oceans; b) the equator, the
Prime Meridian, and the four hemispheres; and c) major rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, and
other physical features in the United States.
SOL 2.7 The student will locate and describe the relationship between the environment and
culture of a) the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands; b) the Lakota of the Plains; and c) the
Pueblo Indians of the Southwest.
Select Media, Materials, and Methods
6 classroom computers with internet access and Google Earth installed on desktop
Interactive Whiteboard
Textbook Map Worksheets

Tribal Trivia Worksheets



Colored Pencils



Whole group map skills to locate the seven continent, the five oceans, equator, prime

meridian, four hemispheres. Also, to locate major rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, and other
physical features in the United States
Whole group to locate and describe the relationship between the environment and culture of
a) the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands; b) the Lakota of the Plains; and c) the Pueblo
Indians of the Southwest.
Whole group instruction of center activities
Small group centers
Google Earth map labeling and coloring
Tribal Cut and Paste Worksheet
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
6 desktop computers with internet access Will be used to explore globe and U.S. maps
on Google Earth for guidance when labeling map worksheets
1 interactive whiteboard Will be used to display PowerPoint presentation on the three
Native American tribes outlined in the objectives
Textbook Students will use textbook to assist them in completing the Tribal Trivia
Tribal Trivia Worksheet Students will identify important facts about each tribe to include
the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo Indians
of the Southwest
Scissors Students will use scissors to cut out different facts about the three tribes to help
them complete the Tribal Trivial Worksheet
Glue- Students will use this to paste cut-out facts into the proper tribes columns to
complete Tribal Trivial Worksheet
Map Worksheets Students will locate continents, oceans, hemispheres, major rivers,
mountain ranges, lakes, and other important physical features of the United States
Pencil Students will use this for labeling continents, oceans, hemispheres, major rivers,
mountain ranges, lakes, and other important physical features of the United States
Colored Pencils Will be used to color maps
Markers Will be used to draw the prime meridian and equator on world map worksheet
Whole Group Map Skills TSW utilize Google Earth on computers desktop to help locate
continents, oceans, hemispheres, major rivers, mountain ranges, lakes, and other important
physical features of the United States
Whole Group Tribe Identification TSW utilize textbook and notes for interactive whiteboard
presentation to locate and learn about the culture of the Powhatan of the Eastern
Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest
Whole Group Instruction of Center Activities TTW introduce each center and explain
procedures to successfully complete. TTW divide class into four groups of four and two
groups of three to complete each center. TSW inform teacher upon completion of center to

move to the next. Each station will take approximately 30 minutes.
Small Group Centers TSW work collaboratively to complete each of the three center
Require Learner Participation
Whole Group Map Skills:
TSW will utilize Google Earth to explore the outlined objectives. This will also be used to
familiarize students before they start the labeling portion of the lesson. During this time the
TTW do a brief lecture to help students better understand what they are viewing on the
Whole Group Tribe Identification:
TTW present a presentation on the interactive whiteboard outlining important facts about the
geography and culture of the tribes outlined in the objectives.
Whole Group Instruction of Center Activities:
TTW explain what is expected of students during their activities for successful completion.
TTW be sure to answer any questions to clear up any confusion before starting center
Small Group Center Activities:
TSW break down in groups to complete each center. TSW inform teacher upon completion
of center to move to the next. Each station will take approximately 30 minutes.
Map Labeling and Coloring TSW locate and label the seven continent, the five
oceans, equator, prime meridian, four hemispheres, major rivers, mountain ranges,
lakes, and other physical features in the United States. TSW only color the world
map. The oceans will be colored blue. Any color can be used on the continents as
long as they are all different to distinguish between them all. Prime meridian and
equator must be clearly drawn with one color marker of choice.
Tribal Cut and Paste Worksheet TSW use scissors to cut out different facts about
the three tribes. Students will then use this to paste cut-out facts into the proper
tribes columns. TTW encourage students to recheck work before gluing down
These two centers allow students to interact with their peers and use a unique virtual
map to help them along the way. This lesson will include textbook reading, a bit of arts
and crafts, peer discussion, and technological learning to keep students engaged and
excited about the lesson.

Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance:
The students will be evaluated on the two center activities. They will be graded on correct
completion. They will also be graded on how well they can work together within their groups.
Instructor Performance:
During the center activities, the instructor will actively walk around the classroom monitoring
groups and asking individual students questions at random to make sure that everyone is
doing their part to contribute. The instructor will make sure all students know that she is
available to help and assist if needed.
Media Performance:
The media that is used as a visual aid to make the lesson more engaging than teaching the
lesson straight from the text. It caters to the students desire to learn through a means that is
much more relatable.

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