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Brayan Fernandez

Shannon Flynt

Life Span provides information about the development of individuals through their
lifespan also explains the stages of development that individuals in their lifespan, provides
important information how the environment and heredity interact to produce differences in Life
span development. (Steven)
The transformation and adaption processes begins birth to death, is important to view to
watch the human development also it can capture the changes in the human interaction but we
see the human development individually and about others.
In chapter 9 Adolescence, the period of psychological change and adaption.( (Bergen)
Understanding this process could be difficult because I suffered and I survived, trying to
understand why is this happening to me? strangest things happening to my body, the purpose of
the adolescence is to form your identity and prepare for adulthood. I really enjoyed everything
about adolescence is process interesting and hard to explain to a younger who is living that
process, When I heard Anorexia just called my attention, I see a lot of videos and news talking
about this disease, youngers people suffering and trying to escape but
they cant, they disturbed body image in their mirror, I cant believe some diseases in
adolescence can mark your whole life and youll never forget this stage of your life, and is the
process any parent want to experience.
When I had fourteenth o less I suffered from bullying just for being skinny and I know
how is that feeling, every time I walked to go to each class were a guy insulting me, I tried to
ignore but I just watched to the mirror and I saw the I was doing something wrong and I need to

Brayan Fernandez
Shannon Flynt

change my image, I changed school, I thought that was the solution but I escaped from my
problems, another problem grew I started having acne in my face, In the beginning I was scared
but my mom told me is normal you are having psychical changes in your body, and was
everyday a new grain in my face, my partners start laughing of me, again the bullying to my
person, but In this case I was more strong and I start laughing of them because I knew they were
jealous and I survived to all of that and now Im in college, Im the winner because I understood
were just psychical changes and one day will be different
This help me to understand that Adolescence stage is just one step in your life and you
must complete, mine was hard but I learned the existence of Anorexia, Bulimia, Antisocial
personality Disordered. Some cases are dramatic you can become a criminal just in your
adolescence process, I learned the adolescence brain is still developing, and take more risks and
some cases can violate the law. The brain is still developing very slow, sometimes adolescents do
stupid things, they are learning to manage angry and they are still immature, understanding
adolescence this concept can help you to manage your life and Is the role of the parents to
manage this stage of the life (Kaiser).

Brayan Fernandez
Shannon Flynt

Work Cited
Whitaker, Steven. "Life Span Perspective." Life Span Perspective. N.p., 2013. Web. 06
Dec. 2016.
Berger, Kathleen Stassen. Invitation to the Life Span. New York: Worth, a Macmillan
Higher Education, 2014. Print.
Kaiser, Emily. "6 Facts about Crime and the Adolescent Brain." Minnesota Public Radio
News. N.p., 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.

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