Kaler-Assessment Plan

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Formative Assessment Description

(including implementation &

feedback plan)

Alignment with

Alignment with

U1, K1, K2, K6


U1, K1, K2, K3, K6


Heads Down, Thumbs Up:

See Lesson Plan 1
After we go through each of the major
types of nonverbal communication, I will
ask the class to close their eyes and give
me a thumbs up or thumbs down (or
somewhere in between) to let me know if
they understand the content. I will record
the names of students who are having
trouble with each concept and that will
help me determine groups for the guided
practice activity. This will serve as an
informal formative assessment. This will
help me figure out which students may
need some extra support in guided and
independent practice.
Nonverbal Language Practice:
Write board, acting, etc.
See Lesson Plan 1
Both the white boards and the
performances will serve as informal
formative assessments for me. If
students are able to appropriately and
accurately communicate a variety of
messages using different body language
but the same verbal script, I will know
that they understand how to use the
nonverbal communication strategies we
reviewed. Furthermore, if they are able
to interpret body language and other
nonverbal cues accurately, I will know
that they have an understanding of the
concepts. If a student has trouble or
there is dissonance between the actors
and the class reaction, I will be able to
find areas that I need to reteach and I
can correct misconceptions as they are
practicing the strategies. Furthermore,
this activity gives students practice both
using and interpreting nonverbal

Exit Card:
See Lesson Plan 1
After my Direct Instruction lesson on
nonverbal language, I will give students
an exit card that will give me information
about how well they grasp the concept of
nonverbal communication. As students
fill out the exit cards and either begin
their homework or do SSR, I will be
ambulating around the room to make
sure everyone is on task and no one is
having issues. The exit card will serve as
a formal formative assessment for me. It
will be helpful because it can not only
help me see if students are
understanding the material for the day,
but it will also help me address questions
in tomorrows lesson and it will help
students reflect on their learning and
self-assess their progress.
Hypothesis Generation:
See Lesson Plan 2
This is an informal formative assessment.
With this generation of a hypothesis
halfway through the example/nonexample set, I will be able to see what
connections students are making and
depending on who suggests certain
concepts, I will be able to identify who is
having trouble and not quite
understanding the concept on a more
targeted level. In my later informal
assessment of presenting more
contextualized examples of the concept,
I will be able to target the tables who
suggested off-base topics and this will
help me gage if more examples and
explanation has helped them or if they
still need further assistance and support.

U1, K1, K2, K6

Performance Task

K1, K2


Index Card Exit Card:

See Lesson Plan 2
This is a formal formative assessment for
me because I will be able to collect the
index cards and determine how well
students understand the concept of
verbal and nonverbal language in text
based on how they composed a short
piece of original writing. This will also
serve as a diagnostic assessment for the
compositions students will write later in
the unit (short fiction or non-fiction mini
stories) in that I will be able to see how
well they can communicate a characters
verbal and nonverbal actions in their
Script Check:
Learning Plan Day 6
One day after students have begun
working on their performance task, I will
go around the room and do a script
check. I will visit each group and have a
mini conference with them about where
they are in the process and how their
adaptation from short story to script is
going. This will not be a graded
assessment, but will help me understand
if any students need further support
before they fall too far behind on the
performance task.

U2, K2, K3, K4


Performance Task
U2, K4, K7, D4

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