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Importing your network data into G-MoN

However, we can improve the user experience, importing - in the case of mobile networks a file with the information of our own network. So, instead of informing only the
identification numbers of the cells, we can inform their CELLNAMEs!
Note: Without the cell information file loaded, you will receive the message: No cell tower
information found! A proper CLF V3 is needed..
The procedure for data import is quite simple. Just follow the program help guide, and
create a CLF V3 file with the information in the expected format.
In fact, this CLF file is nothing more than a plain text file. That is, you can create a file using
Windows Notepad, and then simply change the extension '.txt' to '.clf. The most important
thing is only that the data be in the correct format, as shown below, an example taken from
the program's own help.

Each row corresponds to one network cell, and has a total of 9 fields:


2.field: CID decimal

3.field: LAC 5 digits decimal

4.field: RNC decimal (put 0 if you dont use it)

5.field: LAT coordinate WGS84 decimal degrees with a point

6.field: LON coordinate WGS84 decimal degrees with a point

7.field: POS-RAT precision of the coordinate -1 for exact position

8.field: field description of the cell avoid characters like (), (;), (,) and ().

9.field: field is not defined, but should be always 0. For CDMA/EVDO networks, use basestation ID
for for Cell ID and system ID for LAC in the clf. System ID with 5 leading zeros!

Tip: the 8 field is a description field, where is usually filled with name for each cell
(CELLNAME). However, the trick here is to put more auxiliary information.

So, when you are in a field monitoring task, you have direct access to this information. In
the example below, which is what we use, we have the name of BTS/NodeB, followed its
BSC/RNC name, and also the Azimuth (Az), Electrical Tilt (Te), Mechanical Tilt (Tm) and the
Height (Ht) serving cell!

Anyway, being a free field, you can put here what you want, from complying with the limits
of memory, and also of common sense (much information can end up confusing).
To import the file, it must have the name 'import.clf '. So, rename the file we created for
that name, and then copy it (from our Computer to the SD card, at the 'gmon' directory).
One way to do this is to connect your android device to the computer using an USB cable,
and select data transfer. Open this folders (1) and navigate to the root folder gmon' (2).

In the folder where you created the file, copy it (CTRL + C) (1). And on the SD card, paste
it inside the gmon' folder (CTRL + V) (2).

Ok! The first (simple) step was done: the file is now located at the root of the directory
where the G-MoN was installed
The second and final step is also quick and simple: open G-MoN, and choose Menu: 'Import

Browse to the gmon folder (on SD card), and select this file. Next, click the 'Select' button
and you're done. Wait for the G-MoN make necessary imports.

In the end, a message appears, telling you if there were any errors, and how many records
with error (if occurred) were not imported. If all went well, 'Zero' lines should not have been
imported due to some problem!

Congratulations, you are ready to use the G-MoN with customized data info of your network.

New clf format in G-MoN 3.3.0

With G-MoN 3.3.0 a new format of the clf (cell list file) is introduced.

The plain text/csv file should be encoded in UTF-8!

Example line:
26207;04002;00432;0;50.12345;-8.12345;-1;This is sector 3;3;4002_3;240;30.5;65

MCCM Network code MCC and MNC 5 or 6 digits decimal. Field is used for

Cell ID 5 decimal digits with leading zeros for GSM, CDMA and UMTS.
For LTE the ECI (E-UTRAN Cell ID) is used in decimal. Field is used for query.


Location Area Code decimal 5 digits with leading zeros. TAC for LTE,
but is not used for query, but for 2G and 3G.


Not really used. Use 0 or -1 if unkown


Latitude coordinate in decimal WGS 84. Use point as decimal



Longitude coordinate in decimal WGS 84. Use point as decimal



Accuracy of the site coordinates. Use -1 for the exact position.



Cell description. Put any text for describing the cell here, but avoid
characters like ; or " or '
Radio system:
0: unknown
1: GSM
3: 3G / UMTS
4: LTE
Short label with up to 8 characters to identify the cell in the map or
log file



Azimuth of the cell in degrees. Only integer values are used.

-1: unknown
0-359: azimuth in degrees
360: omni directional
Antenna height above ground level of the cell in metres.
-1: unknown
0-999: use point as decimal delimiter
Beamwidth of the antenna.
-1: unknown
0-360: beamwidth in degrees. Only integer values are used.

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