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Installing Oracle 12c

Enterprise on
Windows 7 64-Bit


This guide will step you through the process on installing
a desktop-class Oracle Database Enterprises 12c Edition
on the Microsoft Windows 7 64-Bit operating system.
IMPORTANT: This installation guide is meant for development use only and does not cover any of the aspects required by a server-class enterprise installation of
Oracle 12c.


Hardware and Software


Hardware & operating System

The install performed in the guide actually used a Windows virtual machine (VM) hosted on Oracles Virtual Box
software. Virtual Box is a free download form Oracle and can
be obtained by following the link below:

1. Windows 7 64-Bit
2. Intel i5 Processor with 2GB Ram
3. 25 GB Hard disk (or partition)

Windows 7 64-Bit is not free software and you will need a licensed copy to legally perform the installation. It is recommended that you first install Windows and the apply all required patches and software updates for Windows to bring the
operating system current. The Windows Update tool should
make this task routine. Windows Update is found in the Control Panel area of the operating system:

4. Local Administrator Privileges

5. Oracle 12c version
6. Java SDK (version 1.6 recommended)
7. Web Browser (FireFox 27.01 with Adobe Flash

If using virtual box, the configuration for this guide setup a 25

GB disk allocation (not dynamic) and 2GB of RAM. Also, the
Virtual Box Guest Additions were installed after the Windows
installation was completely patched. This allowed for easier
mouse integration and by-direction clipboard access between
the HOST machine and the VM.
If you choose to use actual hardware (not virtualized),
then a standard i5 processor or better along with at least 2GB
of RAM should do the trick.
Administrator Privileges
Since this will be a desktop-class installation, any local
account that has administrator privileges on Windows should
work. You may choose to create a separate account if desired
although it is not needed. The Oracle installer with prompt
for an account used to run the background services for the database and this account can be created on the fly or directed
to another windows account.
At times during the installation, the Windows User Account Control (UAC) might be displayed as shown:

In these cases, always choose the Yes option so the install

can proceed.
Java SDK
Oracle heavily leverages Java for many of is components.
This guide recommends that you download and install a Java
SDK (at least 1.6) prior to performing any of the installation.
Java can be obtained from the following URL:
NOTE: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is not sufficient.
You need to install the complete Java SDK.
Web Browser
The Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Express requires a
web browser with the Adobe Flash plugin installed. This
guide recommends FireFox 27.01 which can be obtained from
the this link:
once installed, you can add Adobe Flash as a plug-in to FireFox by downloading it from this link:


Oracle 12c Software

Getting the Oracle 12C Database Software

Oracle makes the database available to developers free of
charge for non-production use. The download link is shown


Once on the page, you can initiate the download once you accept the license agreements from Oracle. There are two separate files for the 12c database, and they are quite large.

1. Download Oracle 12C

2. Create installation folder
3. Extract download to installation folder
4. Verify the contents of the installation folder

NOTE: If you do not have an Oracle Technology Network

(OTN) account, you will have to create one before you are allowed to start the download. Dont worry, it is free and easy
to setup.

You can download both files into the same folder. They
should be named something similar to this:
Wait for both downloads to complete before moving on to the
next step.
Creating an installation folder
You need to create a folder that oracle will place all of the
extracted installation files into. For this guide, we used a
folder on our z: drive called Z:\oracle12. This worked for
us since we had available space on that drive. You can choose
any folder you like. This will not be the location that Oracle
actually installs the database into however; that will be chosen
during the installation process.

Enter the name and location or use the Browse button to

find the installation folder you chose in the previous step.
Ours was Z:\oracle12c:

Extracting the downloaded files

Locate the folder containing the 2 downloaded files.
Right-click on the and
choose Extract All from the menu as shown here:

After the first file is done extracting, repeat the process with
the second file. Once you choose the same location for second
file extraction, you will get a Confirm Folder Replace dialog confirming that you want to merge the the contents of the
second file into the same destination as the first. This is due
to both files having a folder called database. This is desired, so choose Yes as shown here:

NOTE: You can delete the downloaded .zip files at this time if
you need the disk space.

Verify the installation folder contents

After the second extraction is complete, use the Windows Explorer to open the folder, navigate to the database folder and view the contents. They should look like this:


Performing the Database


Starting the Oracle Installer

Open the folder you chose in the previous section as the
installation folder (ours was z:\oracle12c). Navigate to the database folder and double-click the setup.exe file. A command
prompt window will display for a short time verifying system
requirements (which should be ok if you installed Windows 7
correctly and have the appropriate hardware):

1. Start the Oracle Installer
2. Completing the installer wizard
3. Track the installation progress
4. Post installation tasks
Completing the installer wizard
After a few seconds, the actual Oracle GUI installer will display an installation Wizard with the first of several steps and
questions you must complete:

The first page of the wizard allows you to enter an email address for status updates. Leave this blank and also make sure
the checkbox regarding Oracle Support is not checked. When
you click Next, you will get a warning about these settings as
shown below. This can be ignored.

The next step is for setting up Oracle software updates, for

this desktop class installation we chose not to do this so the
third option was selected:

The third page allows you to pick which type of installation

you want to do. We want to get up an running as quickly as
possible, so we chose the first option to Create and configure a database:

Step four is where we will choose the Desktop class configuration versus the Server class setup:

On the fifth wizard step, you have choices for configuring an

account that will own the Oracle background services and the
Oracle files that are installed. We chose to have the installer
create an account for us. The specifics were:
Username: oracle
Password: admin
Confirm password: admin

NOTE: Our password was fairly simple so we got some feedback from Oracle about not having a good enough password. If desired, you can fix this or ignore the warning.

The last step required for a Desktop class installation is choosing location for the files that the installer will copy, setting the
database name, and setting a default Oracle administrator
password. We left all of the setting to their defaults and set
the password to admin:

After the final step of the wizard is complete, a summary

screen displays as shown:

Click Install when you are ready to proceed.

Track the installation progress

The installer will go through various stages as it extracts
and copies files to the destination directories. The entire process shouldnt take more than 15 minutes:


NOTE: During this process, you may get a warning from the
Windows Security Alert service that the Windows Firewall
has blocked a feature:

As we did a desktop-class install, we do not need to provide

the Configuration Assistant any information, it will do the
basic install for us. The various stages are shown here:
Copying files...
This can be handled by clicking the Allow Access button or by
modifying the Windows Firewall directly in the Control
Instance creation and start...
When the installer is done with the Prepare, Copy file, and
Setup stages, the Database Configuration Assistant will
be started automatically.


Completion ...

The Oracle Installer will display a final completed page

when the entire process is done.

NOTE: If you want to alter any of the password for the

built-in Oracle accounts, you can click the Password Management button and fill in the details. For this installation, we
did not perform this step so only the SYS and SYSTEM Oracle
accounts will be open and unlocked and their password will
be set to the password you chose during the installation.

Post installation Tasks

NOTE: The Em Database Express URL is the address to sue if

you want access the web-based Enterprise Manager Express.
The default URL should be:

Once the installer has finished, you might want to have a

look at what Oracle has done to the Windows system.
Start Menu
A quick look at the Windows Start Menu will show
that some new items have been added. They should resemble
the following:

This might be different if you have an actual hostname for
your machine.

NOTE: The Services Control Panel is under the Administrative Tools section of the main Control Panel. The services are
listed in alphabetical order by default.
The database service OracleServiceORCL and the OracleOraDB12Home1TNSListener should be set to start automatically if you want the database to be available upon a Windows reboot.
Windows Environment and Path
You can right-click on My Computer to access the properties for your Windows 7 system. Click on the Advanced
Systems Settings on the left hand side of the screen to bring
up the following tool:

Windows Services
A check on the Services Control Panel will also show
you what Oracle has placed there:


Click the Environment Variables button and then scroll

through the list looking for the path variable. You will see that
the Oracle directory has been added to the path. This allows
you to execute any Oracle tools from the command prompt
without having to type out the whole path.

To try this out, open a Windows Command prompt

and enter the following command to start the command line
tool for working the with Oracle TNS Listener:

c:>lsnrctl status

You should see a result similar to the screenshot here:



Testing the Database

Now that everything is installed, we need to test out the

database. We only have two accounts that are unlocked; the
SYS and SYSTEM users. We will try the SYS user and see if we
can connect to the database and shut it down, then restart it
using the command line tool SQL*Plus
Launching SQL*Plus and connect to the database as
the SYS user

1. Launch the SQL*Plus tool and connect to the
database as the SYS user

Using the Windows Start Menu, choose the option for

Oracle-OraDB12Home->Application Development>SQL Plus:

2. Stop the database

3. Restart the database
4. Accessing the Enterprise Manager Express


A Command window will display and launch the SQL*Plus

tool automatically. Enter the following information for the

After a short wait, you should see the following:

The password will be the one you chose during the installation. Ours was admin. The screen should now look like this:

Restart the Database

Now enter the following command to start Oracle back
up again:
After a another short wait, the screen will look like this:

Stop the database

Good Job! Your database is running perfectly!

Enter the following command to stop the Oracle database:

SQL>shutdown immediate;

Accessing the Enterprise Manager Express Website

Open FireFox and navigate to the following url:

NOTE: Remember, that if you machine uses a different name

than localhost, substitute it accordingly. Also, notice that the
protocol is https NOT http.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Express uses a

self-signed certificate that will not be trusted by your Web
browser by default. You will most likely see the following web
page the first time you access it:

Upon clicking the Add Exception Button, the browser

will popup a dialog allowing you to verify and confirm the security exception. Make sure to choose the checkbox in the
lower left-hand corner to Permanently store this exception so you are not troubled by this again:

Choose the I Understand the Risks link to bypass

this page. You will then be rewarded with another option to
Add Exception for this certificate:


The Main Enterprise Manager Express Login page

should not display:

Note: If you did not install Adobe Flash, you may see the following screen:

Simply click the link and get Adobe Flash. This may require
a browser restart.


Login to the website using the following credentials:

User Name: system
Password: admin (or whatever you chose during installation)
Leave the as sysdba checkbox blank.
This will connect you to the website as the default DBA
account (SYSTEM). The Database Home page should come up
and look very similar to the this screenshot:

Your Oracle 12c Database is now ready for you to explore!


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